Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Christmas Outing 2022

Families: Click here to complete permisson form 

Please note that any parents/guardians who would like to join their child for a swim or skate are also invited! No charge. 

Dear Parent/Guardian,

This year we will be going on our annual Christmas Outing on Tuesday December 20, 2022. All students will have the option to go swimming in the morning followed by skating in the afternoon. If students do not wish to go swimming they may go to the mall for an hour. If students do not wish to go skating they will need to go to the stadium with us until skating is over. 

** The Danny Cleary Harbour Grace Community Centre has implemented a mandatory helmet policy.  You must wear a helmet in order to participate in on ice activities.**

We will be having lunch in between both activities (around 11:30-12:30) in Carbonear at restaurants located across from the mall which include: Starbucks, Ches's, Crooked Phil's, Subway and McDonalds.

We will return home at approximately 2:30pm. We will have a bus going down both Trinity and North shores and will drop off students at their regular bus stops along our way home. If you live in Old Perlican, Bay de Verde, Grate's Cove or Red Head Cove you will need to be picked up at Baccalieu Collegiate.

Cost for this Field Trip which includes bussing, swimming and skating is $14. Students may purchase lunch at their own expense. Students should bring in their money and submit to respective homeroom teachers before the end of the day on Friday, December 16th 2022

Please note, the first question below on the form asks if you require financial support in order for your child to go on the trip. Please do not hesitate to click the AGREE button if this applies to you. All responses to this question will remain CONFIDENTIAL with the Guidance Counsellor and Principal. 

Also, please note that during school sponsored activities the school rules apply for the duration of the field trip. Students are not permitted to engage in smoking and/or smokeless use at anytime during the field trip as per: If students are engaged in inappropriate school setting behaviour they will be either transported home by a parent/guardian or be supervised away from the group until the trip has concluded at bus dismissal. Further meeting with administration will occur and school based consequences and procedures will apply.

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BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, September 16th 2024 (DAY 9)

  Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review  updates  and important reminders...