Sunday, December 11, 2022

BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, December 12th 2022 (DAY 11)

Dear Families,

I hope you all had a productive yet restful weekend. Congrats to our Sr. Girls Volleyball for a tremendous showing at the Provincials. Thank-you to everyone who had a hand in making the Provincial hosting such a success! Sr. Girls are not done yet, best of luck to them this weekend as they participate in the upcoming SMASH tourn in St. John's. Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review updates and important reminders! Any questions or concerns let me know. If I have missed anything please reply-all to this email. 

                                                             Updates and Important Information

1) DEADLINE TODAY --  2021-2022 Nomination/Application Awards (community)Dear Students, Families, and Community Members, please see the following awards to nominate a BCP student who has positively impacted you or your community this past 2021-2022 school year. Deadline for nomination/applications is fast approaching Monday, December 12th 2022Spread the word. **Nominations/applications will be assessed on content, not grammar and writing structure. If you would like to nominate a student but are uncomfortable writing, please contact to explore accessible ways to nominate a worthy candidate. For more information including nomination/application form and details see the link:

2) Christmas Concert: Baccalieu will perform its Christmas concert on Monday, December 12th 2022. Open to the public. The show will begin at 7pm. Monetary donations taken at the door. 

3) After School Academic Support: Mr. Holloway will be staying after school to offer extra help for any student(s) on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:00pm to 4:00pm in Room 148. 

4) Christmas Dance: Baccalieu Collegiates Christmas Dance will be held on Thursday, December 15th 2022 from 6:30pm to 9:00pm. If early drop off is needed please contact the school. 

5) School Christmas Dinner: On Friday, December 16th 2022 our School Council plans to serve our student body Christmas Dinner during lunch to show appreciation and good will during the holidays. The School Council is in need of volunteers to help cook for this festive occassion. Please reach out to any of the following School Council members on how to get involved and support!

School Council email contacts:, Michelle <>, Jackie Brookings <>, Avora Green <>, Yvonne Crocker Hopkins <>, Kimberley Younge <>, Sandra Peddle <>

6) Gathering History Project: On Friday, December 16th 2022 it is our plan to invite elders (65+ years) to our Christmas dinner. After dinner we will be serving tea/coffee to our elders along with a  meet, greet and share stories with our students. If you know of any elders interested in attending please reach out to the school via phone (587-3211) or email ( to RSVP. Spaces are limited and first come first serve. Please RSVP no later than Tuesday, December 13th 2022.

7) BCP Cash Lottery: Cash Lottery ticket deadline is fast approaching this Friday, December 16th 2022! Any studnets who would like to seel tickets at any of our upcoming events please let Mr. Barrett know. 

8)  Awards Night and Cap and Gown: The date of Monday, December 19th 2022 has been set for our 2021-22 Cap and Gown and Awards Night! Our Awards Ceremony will be split into two parts. Recognition for our current Grades 7-12 will take place on Monday at 1pm. The invitation is open to public attendance. The second part of our Awards will be for our graduates of 2022 with an evening of recognition along with their Cap and Gown ceremony. The evening's events will begin at 7pm. 

9) Christmas Outing: We are excited to announce that our Annual Christmas Outing is happening Tuesday, December 20th 2022! The cost of the trip for students will be $14.00 / student for a fun day spent together! Many students have selected Swimming and Skating for the activities. Students should be reminded about our Cannabis and Smoke Free Policy. All school rules apply when on a School Outing and/or any school sponsored activity. 

10) Ronald McDonald House: BCP staff, students and families are invited to bring in their pop pull tabs and place them in the bucket near the lobby. Baccalieu Collegiate will again be collecting pull tabs in support of the Ronald McDonald House. Last year we collected over 3 X 18.5 litre bottles full. Let's beat that number this year! 

11) First Day Back:  Please be reminded that our first day back after the holiday is January 3rd 2023

12) Public Exams Cancelled: The Department of Education has officially cancelled public exams for the 2022-23 school year. The announcement can be found at the following link: Public Advisory: Public Exams Cancelled for 2022-23 School Year, Under Review for Future Years - News Releases (

13) Assessment Support Calendar: Please do your best to add assessments to our Assessment Support Calendar. This calendar is shared on our site for both students and families to see and support their organization. Additionally, give our IRT team a heads up at your earliest convenience so that they can mobilize effectively to support. 

14) Check the Calendar: Check the Calendar ( for further updates

Good News Report (In no particular order)
  • BCP Girls Volleyball: Congrats as the provincial tournament was a great success this weekend! Our BCP girls made it to the semis and fought hard, but lost in 2 to Kings Academy.  Huge thanks to the students and parents who came to help the weekend!!! Without them we never could’ve pulled it off. Huge thanks to Coach Ash, Coach Penney, and Coach Sheppard for making such a memorable weekend happen for so many athletes across the province! 
  • Food DRIVE: Huge thanks to our Leadership Group and everyone who donated to the Food Drive. Certainly trying times for a lot of families. Way to pull together and support!

  • Doorways: Big thanks to Doorways for seeing to our youth. 

  • School Council Meeting: Huge thanks to our School Council and the amazing work that they are doing for our school community!

  • Staff Meeting: Big thanks to staff for the productive meeting last week and all the work that you're doing for our youth! 

  • Awards Night: Special thank-you to Tara North for working with our community sponsors in order of our upcoming Awards Night!
  • Teachers Change Lives: Check out the very nice tribute to Ms. Slade!
  • Deep Learning Initiative Meeting: Thank-you to our staff, Mary Lou Riggs and Darrin Hyde for meeting to discuss a Gathering History project for our school and community. Big thanks to Ms. Sequiera, Mr. Sweetland, and Mr. Barrett, along with all hands making this event happen for our elders and our community growth! 
  • Wrestling at Baccalieu!!!: Big thanks to Coach Sweetland and Adams for sharing their knowledge and wrestling skills with our students. Get out there and wrestle BCP students!!
  • Senior Boys Basketball: Keep putting in the work, it'll pay off!
  • Jr. Boys Basketball: WTG Jr. Boys basketball!
  • Sports Practices: So many sports and other events going on afterschool. Please check out Baccalieu Calendar for a listing of events and times! Thank-you to all of our students for getting involved and teachers and volunteers for giving up your time for our youth! 
  • Dungeons and Dragons: Great job to our students for setting some time after school to socialize over a great game of Dungeons and Dragons. Thank-you Dragon Holloway and Dungeons Adams! 
  • Gaming Club: Great job Gaming Club! 
  • Check Facebook/Twitter: For more updates on good news and information check out our Baccalieu Collegiate facebook/twitter page. 
  • Did I miss something? If I missed anything please be sure to reply-all. There are so many amazing things going on at Baccalieu already, so chances are I might miss something. Celebrate whenever you can! 

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BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, September 16th 2024 (DAY 9)

  Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review  updates  and important reminders...