Sunday, December 18, 2022

BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, December 19th 2022 (DAY 2)

 Dear Families,

I hope you all enjoyed your holiday this weekend. It was a long week last week but so worth it! We cannot thank our School Council and volunteers enough for the Christmas Dinner! Our Chirstmas concert, Dance, and Gathering History projects were a hit! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review updates and important reminders! Any questions or concerns let me know. If I have missed anything please reply-all to this email. 

                                             Updates and Important Information

1) Awards Afternoon & Night: On Monday, December 19th 2022 our 2021-22 Awards Afternoon and Night will be taking place. Our Awards Ceremony will be split into two parts. Recognition for our current Grades 7-12 will take place on Monday at 1pm. The invitation is open to public attendance. Emails have been sent home to parents/guardians indicating that their child(s) will be receiving recognition during the daytime awards. The second part of our Awards will be for our graduates of 2022 with an evening of recognition along with their Cap and Gown ceremony. The evening's events will begin at 7pm. 

2) Christmas Outing: Students who have completed permission forms and submitted their money to respective homeroom teachers will go on our Annual Christmas Outing that is happening Tuesday, December 20th 2022! Students who do not plan to attend the Outing should not come to school on Tuesday. Students should be reminded to bring their appropriate attire if they plan to swim and/or skate. Helmets will be enforced by the Harbour Grace rink so do not forget your helmet! We are opening the invitation to any parents/guardians who would like to join the swim and/or skate.  Students should be reminded about our Cannabis and Smoke Free Policy. All school rules apply when on a School Outing and/or any school sponsored activity. 

3) Last Day before Holiday: Please note that our last day of school prior to the Christmas holiday is Wednesday, December 21st 2022. Dismissal on this day will be early at 12:30pm

4) Tutoring for Tuition (Students): Any tutors for tuition students must pass in their log sheets to Mr. Saxby prior to the holiday break. It will be assumed any students who did not pass in their log sheets did not complete any hours tutoring. Connect with Mr. Saxby with any questions/concerns. 

5) Ronald McDonald House: BCP staff, students and families are invited to bring in their pop pull tabs and place them in the bucket near the lobby. Baccalieu Collegiate will again be collecting pull tabs in support of the Ronald McDonald House. Last year we collected over 3 X 18.5 litre bottles full. Let's beat that number this year! 

6) First Day Back:  Please be reminded that our first day back after the holiday is January 3rd 2023

7) Public Exams Cancelled: The Department of Education has officially cancelled public exams for the 2022-23 school year. The announcement can be found at the following link: Public Advisory: Public Exams Cancelled for 2022-23 School Year, Under Review for Future Years - News Releases (

8) Assessment Support Calendar: Please do your best to add assessments to our Assessment Support Calendar. This calendar is shared on our site for both students and families to see and support their organization. Additionally, give our IRT team a heads up at your earliest convenience so that they can mobilize effectively to support. 

9) Check the Calendar: Check the Calendar ( for further updates

Good News Report (In no particular order)
  • Christmas Outing: Big big thanks to Ms. Doyle for planning and organizing our outing this year. It is our intent to provide some fun activity outside of the school walls for students who appreciate the opportunity to connect. Thank-you Ms. Doyle and all the staff for their planning efforts. Trips like these do not happen without tremendous time and effort by our staff. Thank-you students for being so deserving to take on a trip like this! 
  • BCP Cash Lottery: Congrats and thank-you to all our students and supporters. Tickets are in! Winners will be announced in the new year. Students will receive any payouts in the New Year as well. 
  • Gathering History Project: Huge thank-you to our School Council, Social Studies 8 and NL Studies classes, including Mr. Sweetland, Ms. Sequiera, and Mr. Barrett for organizing an amazing initiative. We had almost 30 elders from our community enjoy a Turkey dinner along with coffee/tea, sharing of music and stories.  
  • School Christmas Dinner: What an amazing Dinner! Thank-you School Council and all of our community volunteers to helped pull off a Christmas Dinner for all! Additionally, thank-you to Royal Greenland for their generous donation of turkey and vegetables!  
  • Christmas Dance: Big thanks to our Leadership group and sponsoring teachers to help put off a great night of dancing!
  • Service Delivery Team: Thank-you to our SDT for all that they do to support our struggling students. Great meeting last week!
  • After School Academic Support: Mr. Holloway, thank-you for giving up your time for our students study. 
  • Christmas Concert: What a performance! Thank-you to Ms. Sequiera and Ms. Reid for orchestrating an wonderful evening of spirited music and story. Congrats to all of our students who performed. Amazing job!
  • 2021-2022 Nomination/Application Awards: Thank-you to everyone who took the time to nominate a deserving student from our community for their humanitarianism, generosity, and volunteerism. 
  • School Council Meeting: Huge thanks to our School Council again for the amazing work that they are doing for our school community!

  • Awards Night: Special thank-you to Tara North and Rayna Warren for working with our community sponsors and organizing such a large endeavour.
  • Teachers Change Lives: Check out the very nice tribute to Ms. Slade!
  • Sports Practices: So many sports and other events going on afterschool. Please check out Baccalieu Calendar for a listing of events and times! Thank-you to all of our students for getting involved and teachers and volunteers for giving up your time for our youth! 
  • Dungeons and Dragons: Great job to our students for setting some time after school to socialize over a great game of Dungeons and Dragons. Thank-you Dragon Holloway and Dungeons Adams! 
  • Gaming Club: Great job Gaming Club! 
  • Check Facebook/Twitter: For more updates on good news and information check out our Baccalieu Collegiate facebook/twitter page. 
  • Did I miss something? If I missed anything please be sure to reply-all. There are so many amazing things going on at Baccalieu already, so chances are I might miss something. Celebrate whenever you can! 

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BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, September 16th 2024 (DAY 9)

  Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review  updates  and important reminders...