Monday, April 29, 2024

BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, April 29th 2024 (DAY 13)

Dear Families, 

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. Thank-you for your patience. Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review updates and important reminders! Any questions or concerns let me know. If I have missed anything please reply-all to this email. 

                                            Updates and Important Information

1) Drama Troupe Fundraising: Thank you for your continued support. As part of our Drama's fundraising efforts for upcoming Provincial competition in Corner Brook we will be selling tickets on three prizes: a print, a gift card tree, and a Montreal and Toronto banner. Tickets cost 2.00 each or 3 for 5.00. Stay tuned for more information and how you can get your tickets! Also, please be reminded that on Tuesday, April 23rd 2024 the troupe will be performing their play along with special music performances! See our Baccalieu Collegiate  facebook for more details! 

2) School Council Meeting: We will have our school council meeting Tuesday, April 30th 2024 starting at 6:30pm

3) Drama Troupe: Big upcoming trip for our Senior Drama Troupe who are en route to Corner Brook to represent Baccalieu and the Avalon West region at the Provincial Tournament. Thank-you for all the dedication and thanks for all of the amazing support!! Good luck Go BCP Go!

4) BCP Golf Team: Please complete the short survey if you're interested in participating in a BCP Golf Team. Click the following survey:  Baccalieu Collegiate_Golf Team

5) Social Media, Terms and Conditions for Student Use: Please take time and review the School District policySocial Media: Terms and Conditions for Student Use. It is especially important to review and understand the Privacy component of the policy. 

6) Study Hall: A reminder that Study Hall is every Tuesday and Wednesday from 3-4pm.  Support from students and teachers are available. Don't be shy. Come to the Study Hall!

7) Student Accomodations at Memorial: In case you're exploring an overnight opportunity for a student trip or gathering, have a look at Memorial's Accommodation package

8) Important Allergy Reminder:This is a reminder to our school community that we have people in the school who have scent allergies. Please do not wear strong scents to school as it affects a person's health. Additionally, please do not bring in fish, shellfish, eggs, or nuts. Thank-you. 

9) BCP Athletic Shirts and Apparel: Students/Parents/Guardians can now order Baccalieu Predators Athletics shirts through In the Box NL online store. The clothing options include: dri-fit short sleeve, dri-fit long sleeve, crew neck sweatshirt, and hooded sweatshirt all in grey or navy blue. NOTE: For some sports teams you will be asked to order a shirt with a number to be used as a jersey, this will be at the direct instruction of your coach. Do not order a shirt with a number without consulting directly with your coach. BCP Athletic shirts are a quality low cost option for short term sports teams. To order anytime please see the following site:

10) GET AHEAD: Check the Calendar ( for further and future updates including extra and co-curricular events and special events upcoming!

Good News Report (In no particular order)
  • Homeroom Pictures: Thank-you Ms. Slade and all participants organizing our homeroom yearbook pictures Monday afternoon. Thank-you!

  • Red House Monster: Thank-you to the The Red House Monster production crew and all the community support regarding the last performance at the school Tuesday, April 23rd 2024 at Baccalieu Collegiate and before their provincial trip to Corner Brook this weekend. Big thanks to Amity, Adya and Trevor for supporting the show with amazing music!

  • Splash Centre Grow-up Program: Thank-you Ms. LeShane and all the Career Education students for participating in the Splash Centre program. Thank-you Ms. Janine Simmons all everyone at the Splash Centre for providing the opportunity. 

  • 2024-25 Course Selection:  Thank-you to all of the parents and students who completed the Course Selection Form due April 25th 2024. 

  • Ball Hockey Regionals: Thank-you to Mr. Foley and Mr. Fudge and the whole BCP ball hockey team, families, and community for supporting a very successful host of the Regional Ball Hockey tournament. 

  • Ball Hockey: Huge thank-you to Cameron Bursey for volunteering his time to record live the ball hockey tournament for fans this weekend! Great job!

  • KES: Thank-you Ms. LeShane for organizing our Kids Eat Smart breakfast program and thank-you to all of our community volunteers! Huge thank-you to all of our volunteers for making this program happen. If you wish to support, please reach out to the school. 
  • AMITY: Congrats to Hilary North, Emma Bursey, and Alyssa Delaney for continuing their musical journey with much success! Congrats on your first gig in Clarenville. The sky's the limit. Wishing you all unconditional community support!
  • Study Hall: Huge thanks to Mr. Holloway for giving up his time to support student learning every Tuesday and Wednesday afterschool! 
  • Doorways: Thank-you Doorways for their bi-weely meetings Wednesday. Please reach out to Ms. Doyle if you would like an appointment made for you. 
  • Check Facebook/Twitter: For more updates on good news and information check out our Baccalieu Collegiate facebook/twitter page. 
  • Did I miss something? If I missed anything please be sure to reply-all. There are so many amazing things going on at Baccalieu already, so chances are I might miss something. Celebrate whenever you can! 

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BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, September 16th 2024 (DAY 9)

  Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review  updates  and important reminders...