Tuesday, November 14, 2023

BCP Weekly Updates: Tuesday, November 14th 2023 (DAY 6)

Dear Families,

Greetings. I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend. Lots of updates here! Christmas is now just around the corner. With spirited holidays and upcoming Term 1 end stress levels will be high. Take care of yourself. Do the right things to put this beautiful life into perspective. Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review updates and important reminders! Any questions or concerns let me know. If I have missed anything please reply-all to this email. 

                                          Updates and Important Information

Harbour Breeze Canteen: Please remind students to pre-order their lunch before homeroom or the day before through the app. Students should not be waiting until recess to pre-order their lunch. Also, please remind students that they must eat their lunch in the cafeteria. If they are eating snacks, talk to them about the importance of putting their garbage in the garbage bin. 

Cash Lottery: Students should pass in the tickets that they have sold for our first week draw. Tickets should be passed in today Tuesday, November 14th 2023.  For every 25 tickets sold the students name will be put into a draw for a $30 Jungle Jim's gift card.

CONA Field Trip: This Wednesday, November 15th 2023 our Career Education students (all Grade 11 and some Grade 12's will travel to the College of North Atlantic for an open house of events. 

Deadline for Term 1 Work: Please note that Friday, November 17th 2023 is the last day to pass into missing learning from Term 1. If you are unsure of your child's status on missed work please ensure you check your Powerschool. 

Skilled Trades Volunteers: Any persons in our community who would like to volunteer to help mentor our students in the shop please reach out to baccalieucoll@nlesd.ca and/or call the school 709 587-3211. Skilled trade modules include: plumbing, electrical, flooring, framing, etc. Members of the community who are interested in positively influencing our students' work please reach out to find out more information. 

Splash Centre Grow-up Program: We are very excited to announce our partnership with the Splash Centre (Harbour Grace). The GROW-UP PROGRAM will include a full day of learning "grown-up things" every month for the rest of the school year. Our lucky Grade 11 (Career Education students) will have the privilege of hands-on engaged learning as part of the Career education curriculum. Any Grade 12 students interested in joining please reach out to Mr. Saxby. The first Grow-up session is scheduled for November 28th 2023

Relationships 1st: Relationships First Newfoundland and Labrador (RFNL) is excited to announce that we are making plans to host an online youth forum on well-being in schools. Currently, we are working to gauge interest and gather input to ensure this forum meets the needs and expectations of our community. Your input is invaluable in helping us shape this initiative effectively. We have attached a document with more information and a link to a google form for collecting feedback. Feel free to share this widely with students, educators, parents/guardians, and community members. Please note that the deadline for feedback is Friday, November 17, 2023. If you have any questions or would prefer to send us an email with your thoughts please reach out to sarah@rfnl.org at your convenience.

Jr. Girls Volleyball: The Junior Girls Volleyball squad will compete in the SSNL Jr. Girls Volleyball Regional this Wednesday, November 15th 2023 in St. Peter's Upper Island Cove. See calendar for schedule. 

Jr. Boys Basketball: The Grade 9 Junior Boys team will travel to Paradise Intermediate for tournament play this Friday, November 17th 2023 and Saturday, November 18th 2023. Please check the Baccalieu Calendar for the schedule. 

Sr. Girls Volleyball Regionals: This weekend November 17th to 19th 2023 our Senior Girls Volleyball team will compete in the Regionals vying for a berth into the Provincials tournament! Good luck BCP Sr. Girls Volleyball team!

Cadets Craft Fair: This Sunday November 19th 2023 the Baccalieu Cadets will be hosting their annual craft fair in the Baccalieu Collegiate gymnasium. Come one come all!

CDLI Report Card/PL Day: Please note that CDLI teachers will have a Close out day on Wednesday, November 22nd 2023. Students are expected to have offline work on this day. 

Report Card/PL Day: This a reminder that on Friday, November 24th 2023 we will have a Close out Day for Report Card and Professional Learning. 

Tutor Hall: We have a few Tutors for Tuition who can now work with students directly after school on Tuesday and Wednesay. Please be sure to organize this afterschool study hall if/when your child is in need.  

Term 1 End: Term one end is Friday, November 24th 2023

Family/Teacher Conferences: Teachers will be available to meet with families regarding Term 1 reports on Thursday, November 30th 2023 from 1-4pm and 5-7pm in the gymnasium. Families with students struggling should find the time to visit and discuss solutions with teachers. Guidance and administration will also be available to meet. 

Assessment Support Calendar: Please do your best to add assessments to our Assessment Support Calendar. This calendar is shared on our www.baccalieucollegiate.ca site for both students and families to see and support their organization. Additionally, give our IRT team a heads up at your earliest convenience so that they can mobilize effectively to support. 

Check the Calendar: Check the Calendar (www.baccaliecollegiate.ca) for further and future updates including extra-curricular activity practice times. 

Good News Report (In no particular order)
  • Doorways: Thank-you Doorways for being in our school for a students mental health and well being. 

  • UTurns Presentation: Thank-you Krystle Doyle for organizing last week's UTurns presentation to our Junior High students and Senior High students. Addictions is a serious topic and we must understand the tremendous hardship and risks associated with them. The U-turns group are first hand addicts that had to fight there back to sobriety. History does not have to repeat itself for others if we simply listen closely. 

  • Remembrance Day Ceremony: Huge thanks to everyone who had a hand in honouring Baccalieu Collegiate with the Remembrance Day Assembly. Thank you to all the invited guests, past service men/women, volunteers, readers, drama group, clergy, musicians, cadets, parents, students and teachers.

  • School Council: Thank-you to our School Council for meeting this past Tuesday, November 7th 2023 at 6:30pm.

  • Lighthouse Project: Big thank-you to Wylie Butler for his work teaching Cameron and Jack how to professionally edit film. 

  • Cash Lottery Kick-off: Big thanks to all for a successful Cash Lottery launch! Please see the following INFO Sheet with information regarding Homeroom teachers role and further information to ensure a successful fundraising initiative. 

  • Senior Girls Volleyball: Congratulations to our Baccalieu Senior girls Volleyball team. They placed 3rd in B division Tier one at the pink tournament held in CBS this weekend.

  • Jr. Girls Volleyball: Congrats to our Grade 9 Girls Volleyball team for their great showing at the pink tournament! They placed 3rd in B division Tier one at the pink tournament held in CBS this weekend.

  • Chess Club: Great work chess club! Thanks Mr. Holloway for leading this for our students. 

  • Music with Ms. Sequeira: Great job students in music! Thank-you students and Ms. Sequeira! 

  • Girls Basketball: Way to go Coach Regev and the girls basketball!! Trust the process!

  • Sr. Boys Basketball: Congrats to our Sr. Boys Basketball squad for showing well against the Ascension Collegiate Astros last Wednesday. 

  • Check Facebook/Twitter: For more updates on good news and information check out our Baccalieu Collegiate facebook/twitter page. 
  • Did I miss something? If I missed anything please be sure to reply-all. There are so many amazing things going on at Baccalieu already, so chances are I might miss something. Celebrate whenever you can! 

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BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, September 16th 2024 (DAY 9)

  Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review  updates  and important reminders...