Friday, September 23, 2022

BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, September 26th 2022 (DAY 14)

 Dear Families,

It's such a pleasure to be part of this Baccalieu Collegiate team (students, teachers, families, community members!). Another amazing week of learning and connecting. Not to say it wasn't tiring. Please make sure you take care of yourself. I've added a link to an excellent (brief too) outline of the 7 types of rest to avoid burnout. I hope it helps! While I added this for teachers, it's very applicable to our youth and families. Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review updates and important reminders! Any questions or concerns let me know. If I have missed anything please reply-all to this email. 

Updates and Important Information

1) 7 Types of Rest: "Have you ever slept 7+ hours but still felt EXHAUSTED? Me too. While sleeping is physical rest, You actually need 7 types of rest to avoid burnout (According to Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith). So stay at your best with these 7 types of rest: You actually need 7 types of rest to avoid burnout (According to Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith). So stay at your best with these 7 types of rest:

2) Girls Soccer & Boys Slow Pitch SoftballBest of luck to both our Girls Soccer and Boys Slow-PItch Softball teams competing this weekend (Sunday, September 25th 2022). Thank-you and best of luck to our coaches!! Permission forms are posted on the Baccalieu Collegiate facebook page. 

3) Mr. Barrett Talk with Jr. High: Please note that Mr. Barrett chatted and explained expectations to all of our Jr high classes regarding 3 topics this past week: 1)  Working as a class to be responsible to keep their homerooms clean. 2)  Rough play/housing around the school can not happen. 3) Preparedness for class and ready to settle in and work/learn. Families, please support the student learning at home. * Remember, some students come in with skill deficits and it will go a long way if homes (on top of our teachers work) support the learning in above topics. 

4) Fire Drills - Secure Schools - Lockdowns: Thank-you for everyone's support on the fire drills this past week. Everyone did a fantatic job. We have a few more drills to come and will be designing them to accommodate different scenarios. However, prior to more fire drills we will be conducting Secure School and Lockdown drills next week. Feel free to review the procedures at home :  Secure Schools Procedure / Lockdown Procedure

5) National Truth and Reconciliation Day. On September 29th 2022 during period 4 and 5 our Leadership Students have designed and will implement a learning activity for respective classrooms. I'm proud to note that Tom Mugford: Indigenous Education Program Development Specialist at the Government of Newfoundland & Labrador was extremely impressed with this learning design by our students! We're really looking forward to it. Please note that some or all of it's learning can be connected with curriculum's in respective courses if so choosen by the teacher. This learning can be graded! :)

6) National Truth and Reconciliation Day
: Just a reminder that on Friday, September 30th 2022 we will have no school for the observation of Truth and Reconciliation. 

7) Seahawks Co-ED Basketball CampWe have really exciting news! Come out Sunday, October 2nd 2022 to meet and learn from our Memorial Men's Seahawks Basketball team at Baccalieu Collegiate! Free camp! Pre-registration is required. Please bring your basketball if you have one (put your name on it) There will be two 1.5 hour sessions. One for K-6 and another for Grades 7-12. See poster for details! Pre-registration link:

8) Terry Fox Run: Baccalieu Collegiate is so excited to hold our Terry Fox School Run on Oct. 6th 2022! Terry never quit on his dream and neither will we. Help us make a difference and join us by donating to #terryfoxschoolrun #terryfox. We have already received donations! The run will take place in the morning. Again, thank-you student leadership for initiative on such meaningful events. 

9) Doorways: Doorways are back at Baccalieu to support students with mental health counselling. Doorways will begin bi-weekly starting Wednesday, October 12th 2022. The following information will be sent home to families including: Doorways Information and Doorways FAQ

10) After School Academic Support: Just an FYI that Mr. Holloway will be staying after school to offer extra help for students on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:00pm to 4:00pm.  Mr. Holloway let his own classes know, but anybody looking for help in Math or even the CDLI physics students are welcome to drop by. Thanks Mr. Holloway!!

11) SSNL Calendar: Please see attached the latest version of the SSNL School calendar. All these events ARE NOW included in our Baccalieu Collegiate School Events Calendar (shared on our website). 

12) Harbour Breeze Cafeteria Services: We're happy to announce our cafeteria services will begin Monday, September 12th 2022. Students should pre-order meals via the Harbour Breeze app the night before (before midnight) or ensure they pre-order with Brenda at the cafeteria before homeroom period begins. Pre-ordering will ensure you get what you want! Other meals/food will be available for purchase without pre-order however supplies may be limited. Please see our website and or this link for the updated Harbour Breeze Menu.

13) Rycor at Baccalieu Collegiate: Parents/Guardians should have received a letter with Rycor set-up instructions from respective child(s). The information is specific to your child and includes a student number necessary for your accurate completion. Please see the following Rycor Message for Introductory information. If families did not receive such information please contact Ms. Warren our secretary. 

14) Powerschool Information: Any families without Powerschool login information please request from the school. In particular, Grade 7 Powerschool letters are now available and will be sent home with students soon. 

15) Supports for Children, Youth, Adults and Families: Please see this very important document for any support your family needs!! It is also embedded on our school's website. Supports for Children, Youth, Adults and Families

16) Check the Calendar: Check the Calendar ( for further updates

Good News Report (In no particular order)
  • Sports Practices: So many sports and other events going on afterschool. Please check out Baccalieu Calendar for a listing of events and times! 
  • Hands On: It's not always easy, but it's important. Thank-you and congrats to the many engaging and hands on learning activities that were done throughout this past week. So many students were outside and/or in the lab using their hands to learn! Amazing student participation. Congrats!
  • Spirit FriYay: Huge thanks to our Leadership team for organizing such an amazing Friday afternoon event! Wow! That was fun and we all deserved it! Work hard, play hard! Congrats to our victorious student groups in dodgeball. Yes, teachers can lose! Huge thanks to our Open Mic session in the Learning Commons. As well, thanks to our students who chose to connect and have fun in our quiet study room. Cheers!
  • Senior Girls Volleyball: Big congrats to the girls trying out for our Sr. Girls Volleyball team. Big thanks to our volunteer coaches. Go BCP Go!
  • Junior Girls Volleyball: Great work Jr. Girls Volleyball! Thank-you to our volunteer coaches! Go BCP Go!
  • Girls Outdoor Soccer: Thank-you Coach Cashin and awesome job girls during this past week's tryouts! Good luck this weekend!
  • Boys Slo-Pitch Softball: Thank-you Coach Noel and Coach Sheppard for giving our sluggers a chance to compete! Amazing. Good luck this weekend!!
  • Boys basketball: Thanks Coach Cashin for getting the senior boys basketball team up and going! The banner year begins!
  • Check Facebook/Twitter: For more updates on good news and information check out our Baccalieu Collegiate facebook/twitter page. 
  • Did I miss something? If I missed anything?. There are so many amazing things going on at Baccalieu already, so chances are I might miss something. Please free to let me know or comment on the blog page!

Friday, September 16, 2022

BCP Family Weekly Updates: Tuesday, September 20th 2022 (DAY 10)

 Dear Families,

Thank-you for another stand-up job this past week. Keep up the amazing work! Outside of all the sports practices that took place this week, my highlight was definitely our volunteer meeting and curriculum night. Great to see so many people out, building relationships with our staff, and supporting our school! Please see the following important updates. Any questions or concerns let me know. If I have missed anything please reply-all to this email. 

Updates and Important Information

1) Federal Holiday: There will be a Federal (and provincial honoured by NL) Holiday to mark the Queen's funeral on Monday, September 19th 2022

2) Sign-in Procedure: Please ensure students are following the proper sign-in  procedures. If students arrive late for school they must enter through the front entrance and sign-in at the office. 

3) Sign-out Procedure: If students are getting signed out, they must do so at the office and by a parent/guardian. Parent/guardian must enter the building and go to the office to request their child be signed out. Parent/guardians can still complete the online sign-out prior to coming to the school (for convenience sake) however they must park in the front of the school and come in to request/verify the pick-up. In situations whereby the parent/guardian cannot attend, they can complete the form but also must call the school to verify with the secretary. Students should be in-class until their parent/guardian attends the office to sign them out unless they are sick. If students are sick they must wait in the sick room. 

4) Doorways: Doorways are back at Baccalieu to support students with mental health counselling for our students. Doorways will begin bi-weekly starting Wednesday, October 12th 2022. The following information is important for families including: Doorways Information and Doorways FAQ

5) After School Academic Support: Mr. Holloway will be staying after school to offer extra help for students on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:00pm to 4:00pm.  Mr. Holloway let his own classes know, but anybody looking for help in Math or even the CDLI physics students are welcome to drop by. Thanks Mr. Holloway!!

6) Call for Tutors: Any persons in our community willing to do one-on-one tutoring (outside of school and school hours) for our students in any academic areas including Physics, Math, Chemistry etc. please contact Mr. Saxby. Mr. Saxby can then distribute this information to any students/families that are interested.

7) Updated Course Descriptors: Please see the following link to updated Grade 7-12 Course Descriptors. Please be reminded that we will not administer Mid-year or Final examinations at Baccalieu Collegiate. 

8) SSNL Calendar: The latest version of the SSNL School calendar is NOW included in our Baccalieu Collegiate School Events Calendar (shared on our website). 

9) Rycor at Baccalieu Collegiate: Parents/Guardians should have received a letter with Rycor set-up instructions from respective child(s). The information is specific to your child and includes a student number necessary for your accurate completion. Please see the following Rycor Message for Introductory information. If families did not receive such information please contact Ms. Warren (secretary) at the school. 

10) Powerschool Information: Any families without Powerschool login information please request from the school. In particular, Grade 7 Powerschool letters are now available and will be sent home with students soon (if not already).

11) Harbour Breeze Cafeteria Services: We're happy to announce our cafeteria services have begun and are going great!! Students should continue to pre-order meals via the Harbour Breeze app the night before (before midnight) or ensure they pre-order with Brenda at the cafeteria before homeroom period begins. Pre-ordering will ensure you get what you want! Other meals/food will be available for purchase without pre-order however supplies may be limited. Please see our website and or this link for the updated Harbour Breeze Menu.

12) National Truth and Reconciliation Day: Just a reminder that on Friday, September 30th 2022 we will have no school for the observation of Truth and Reconciliation. 

13) Bridge the Gapp: Please see the following information how staff and students can access Bridge The gApp App Launch

14) Check the Calendar: Check the Calendar ( for further updates

Good News Report (In no particular order)
  • Community Volunteers: Huge huge thank-you to the amazing volunteer turnout this past September 15th 2022 at 6:00pm. It is amazing to see such support. If there are any persons who did not make the meeting but would like to get involved as volunteers at the school please reach out to the school via email. 
  • Extracurricular Meeting: Huge thank-you to our teachers for already getting students involved in the Extracurriculars. We recognize that it is not a requirement of our staff to put in this extra time, but it does have such a tremendous positive impact for our youth and positive school development. Thank-you so much! Amazing participation also by our students! Yeah! Go BCP Go!
  • Curriculum Night: Thank-you so much to teachers and participating families. The night was so great on so many levels. We are so grateful for the chance to connect and build positive relationships between our teachers and families. Thank-you!!!
  • Senior Girls Volleyball Tryout: Great job, Good luck, and thank-you players and volunteer coaches! 
  • Junior Girls Volleyball: Great work Jr. Girls Volleyball! Thank-you to our volunteer coaches! Go BCP Go!
  • Girls Outdoor Soccer: Thank-you Coach Cashin and awesome job girls during this past week's tryouts! 
  • Boys Slo-Pitch Softball: Thank-you Coach Noel and Coach Sheppard for giving our sluggers a chance to compete! Amazing. 
  • Check Facebook/Twitter: For more updates on good news and information check out our Baccalieu Collegiate facebook/twitter page.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, September 13th 2022 (DAY 4)

 Dear Families,

I'd like to congratulate everyone on their efforts this week! We're very thankful for the positive vibe to start the school year! Weekly updates are going out a little early due to the timeliness of information and updates. If you missed the back to school memo please see it again here. Please see the following important updates:

Firstly, we're very proud to announce Baccalieu Collegiate's new Mission Statement which includes our institutions key values:


The mission of Baccalieu Collegiate is to establish through a relationship first lens; a safe, equitable, empathetic, and innovative environment that fosters and celebrates overall student development including life-long learning and leadership.

Secondly, we're very proud to announce our all-star teaching line-up at Baccalieu Collegiate for the 2022-23 School Year:

Teaching Staff

Abby Noel: IRT, Nutrition

Astro Loredo: Music, NL Studies

Christopher Sweetland: Social Studies, Design and Fabrication

Denise Reid: IRT

Jordan Cashin: Math, Physical Education

Meghan Kelloway: IRT, English

Marlene LeShane: French, Religion, Human Dynamics

Pamela Slade: Math

Sarah Sheppard: Science, Technology, Biology

Shannon Reid: English, Art

Silas Holloway: Science, Physics, Chemistry

Steven Adams: English, Art, Writing, Entrepreneurship



Jeff Saxby: Principal

David Barrett: Assistant Principal, Social Studies


Krystle Doyle: Guidance Counsellor


Rayna Warren

Student Assistants

Ruth O’Leary 


Gord Preston

Ann Marie Pike

Cafeteria Staff

Brenda Brookings: Harbour Breeze

Homeroom Assignments 2022-2023

Grade 7 (Rm.207): Mr. Steven Adams & Ms. Abby Noel

Grade 8A (Rm 204): Mr. Jordan Cashin

Grade 8B (Rm 212: Ms. Sarah Sheppard

Grade 9 (Rm 206) Mr. Christopher Sweetland

Level 1 (Rm 141): Ms. Shannon Reid

Level 2A (Rm149): Ms. Kelloway & Ms. Denise Reid

Level 2B (Rm 148):  Mr. Silos Holloway 

Level 3 (Rm 149): Ms. Slade

Updates and Important Information

Senior Girls Volleyball Tryout: This Sunday, September 12th 2022 from 11:00am to 1:00pm is a tryout for any Senior Girls. Good luck! Go BCP Go!

Junior Girls Volleyball: Any Junior Girls who would like to compete in BCP Junior Girls Volleyball are encouraged to attend play this Sunday, September 12th 2022 from 6:00pm to 7:30pm. 

Curriculum Night: Baccalieu Collegiate will host its annual Curriculum Night this Thursday, September 15th 2022 from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. There will be an open assembly for all families from 6:30pm to 7:00pm in the cafeteria. Grades 8-12 parents/guardians will have time afterwards to meet with teachers and view curriculums in the gymnasium from 7:00pm to 8:00pm. Grade 7 parents/guardians will have time to meet with their respective homeroom teachers from 7:00pm to 7:30pm and then meet with other teachers and view curriculum in the gymnasium from 7:30pm to 8:00pm. Curriculum Night is a great way to start to build positive relationships with your teachers and your school! We hope to see you all out! 

Community Volunteers Meeting: Baccalieu Collegiate would like to cooperate as much as we can with the community including community volunteers. If you are a parent/guardian and would like to get involved and support our teachers and students please complete the Community Volunteer Sign-up form and meet with us at 6:00pm prior to Curriculum Night on Thursday, September 15th 2022 and held in the Learning Commons. Possibilities for involvement are endless, however some examples can include coaching a sports team, supporting a club, supporting our KES program, supporting curricular initiatives, and/or involvement in our School Council. See the SSNL Calendar below for SSNL Sports you may want to get involved with. 

SSNL Calendar: Please see School Sport NL Sports and School calendar. All these events will be included in our Baccalieu Collegiate School Events Calendar (embedded on our website). 

Harbour Breeze Cafeteria Services: We're happy to announce our cafeteria services will begin Monday, September 12th 2022. Students should pre-order meals via the Harbour Breeze app the night before (before midnight) or ensure they pre-order with Brenda at the cafeteria before homeroom period begins. Pre-ordering will ensure you get what you want! Other meals/food will be available for purchase without pre-order however supplies may be limited. Please see our website and or this link for the updated Harbour Breeze Menu.

Social Media and your Children: It goes without saying that social media is complicating the landscape of everyone's lives, in particular, it's especially challenging for our young adolescents. Prior to the school year start, we believe it is very important to have conversation about the rules and risks of Social Media with your child. Please see the following NLESD Social Media: Terms of use for Students as an important starting point. Empathy is not a factor considered when it comes to social media/communication, nor does it place much priority on direct fact or citation. Please do your best and in cooperation with us to consider and empathize the human behind all of this speculation and drama. Let's be careful the messages that we are endorsing, and especially if not part of our physical world. 

Students Transitioning into Employment and/or Post-Secondary (STEP) Program - Autism Society of Newfoundland and Labrador: Please see message from: Paula Milley who is the Career Services Coordinator at the Autism Society of Newfoundland and Labrador (ASNL) and also coordinates the Students Transitioning into Employment and/or Post-Secondary (STEP) program in St. John's. This program is a great opportunity for students who have a formal diagnosis and/or self-identify as autistic to attend group meetings where they get to develop their skills, explore employment and post-secondary opportunities, volunteer in their community, and make connections with their peers! STEP is offered in-person in Metro, Grand Falls-Windsor, Cornerbrook, AND virtually! Attached is the poster for this program. Also, here is the registration link:

Rycor at Baccalieu Collegiate: Parents/Guardians please standby for an important letter to be shared with your child(s) next week. The information will be specific to your child and include a student number necessary for your accurate completion. Please see the following Rycor Message for Introductory information. We're looking forward to streamlining our forms and financial transactions via Rycor and in connection with Powerschool. 

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation: Just a reminder that on Friday, September 30th 2022 we will have no school for the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (Orange Shirt Day).

Bridge the Gapp: Please see the following information how staff and students can access Bridge The gApp App Launch

Check the Calendar: Check the Calendar ( for further updates. 

Good News Report (In no particular order)
  • Check Facebook/Twitter: For more updates on good news and information check out our Baccalieu Collegiate facebook/twitter page. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

September 7th 2022: Back to School



The mission of Baccalieu Collegiate is to establish through a relationship first lens; a safe, equitable, empathetic, and innovative environment that fosters and celebrates overall student development including life-long learning and leadership.

Dear Students and Families, 

We're excited and looking forward to another great school year. We hope you all enjoyed your summer holiday! Please see the following updates in preparation for our first day of school on Wednesday, September 7th 2022:

Bus Information:

Bus Run 1: Leaves Winterton at 7:40am and picks up students to the end of Lead Cove.

Bus Run 2: Leaves Ochre Pit Cove at 7:50am and ends at Caplin Cove.

Bus Run 3: Leaves Bay-de-Verde at 8:05am and also runs to Red Head Cove.

Bus Run 4:  Leaves Grates Cove at 7:50am and travels to Old Perlican (Old perlican may have to judge accordingly during the first couple of days)

Bus Run 5:  Leaves Low Point at 8:00am (mini-bus)

Cafeteria Services: 

Cafeteria Services will begin on Monday, September 12th 2022.

We encourage all families to DOWNLOAD THE FREE HARBOUR BREEZE APP ON YOUR ANDROID OR iOS MOBILE DEVICE. Use the app to order student lunches to ensure they get what they want and do not need to handle money. 

Day 1 Schedule:

All students should proceed to the gymnasium upon arriving at school on Wednesday, September 7th 2022. We will have a general assembly to kick off the year before seeding students to their homeroom to connect on important procedures. After the assembly and homeroom students will follow a condensed schedule that will allow them to be introduced to all of their assigned classes. 

Course Selections:

Please be patient as a number of students do not have their full schedule updated in Powerschool. This should be remedied prior to school start tomorrow. The reason for this is that some students did not complete their course selections and/or do not meet the requirements of courses that they selected. For any students seeking to change their course schedule there will be an ADD/DROP form available for completion and approval prior to any changes being made. Students should continue to follow their schedule until approval and change is finalized. Changes are not guaranteed. 


It’s very important that you make attendance a priority for our youth. Powerschool will be making a daily call-out to families of students who had any unexcused absences or unexcused lateness. Please go to the website to complete an absent form (and/or call the office) to formally notify staff of an absence. If your child will be late to school you can complete the absence form and indicate in the comments the time that they should be arriving and the reason why. Furthermore, any students signing-out early for appointments etc. must have a parent/guardian complete the sign-out form and this information must be verified by the office prior to the student leaving. Any students who sign out early must check into the office and speak with administration prior to leaving. Parents have the option to come into the school or call the school to verify the sign-out.. Finally, students signing in late must report to the office and check-in by speaking with admin and completing the sign-in form. The above procedures are vitally important for safe and secure school purposes. 

Please see the following lines of communication used by the school: 

  1. Powerschool: Please ensure families download the Powerschool app and access their students account regularly. Currently Powerschool serves many functions including keeping track of students grades, assignments, and attendance. The apps functionality will soon be extended to include completion of important forms and money transactions. More information to come. 

  2. Website: Our website is a priority for updates and information. Please view the website for access to calendars, news, scholarship info, forms, guidance, etc.

  3. School Messenger: Every Monday morning there will be a BCP Weekly Update email sent to families outlining the majority of events in the coming week and down the road, along with important updates and information. Please notify administration if you are not receiving these. 

  4. Facebook: Join our Baccalieu Collegiate facebook page for various updates and information. Many important announcements will be shared to the facebook page from the website including our weekly updates. 

  5. Twitter: You can join our Baccalieu Collegiate @BaccalieuSchool for various updates. Oftentimes there are Tweets and retweets that will not be shared on other platforms. These tweets are more celebratory and often not vital information for families. 

  6. Instagram: Our Baccalieu Collegiate instagram account simply shares some fun pictures etc. It is not updated regularly. 

Please stay posted for future updates and information. 

Happy to have our students back! BCP Proud! Go BCP Go!

BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, September 16th 2024 (DAY 9)

  Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review  updates  and important reminders...