Friday, September 16, 2022

BCP Family Weekly Updates: Tuesday, September 20th 2022 (DAY 10)

 Dear Families,

Thank-you for another stand-up job this past week. Keep up the amazing work! Outside of all the sports practices that took place this week, my highlight was definitely our volunteer meeting and curriculum night. Great to see so many people out, building relationships with our staff, and supporting our school! Please see the following important updates. Any questions or concerns let me know. If I have missed anything please reply-all to this email. 

Updates and Important Information

1) Federal Holiday: There will be a Federal (and provincial honoured by NL) Holiday to mark the Queen's funeral on Monday, September 19th 2022

2) Sign-in Procedure: Please ensure students are following the proper sign-in  procedures. If students arrive late for school they must enter through the front entrance and sign-in at the office. 

3) Sign-out Procedure: If students are getting signed out, they must do so at the office and by a parent/guardian. Parent/guardian must enter the building and go to the office to request their child be signed out. Parent/guardians can still complete the online sign-out prior to coming to the school (for convenience sake) however they must park in the front of the school and come in to request/verify the pick-up. In situations whereby the parent/guardian cannot attend, they can complete the form but also must call the school to verify with the secretary. Students should be in-class until their parent/guardian attends the office to sign them out unless they are sick. If students are sick they must wait in the sick room. 

4) Doorways: Doorways are back at Baccalieu to support students with mental health counselling for our students. Doorways will begin bi-weekly starting Wednesday, October 12th 2022. The following information is important for families including: Doorways Information and Doorways FAQ

5) After School Academic Support: Mr. Holloway will be staying after school to offer extra help for students on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:00pm to 4:00pm.  Mr. Holloway let his own classes know, but anybody looking for help in Math or even the CDLI physics students are welcome to drop by. Thanks Mr. Holloway!!

6) Call for Tutors: Any persons in our community willing to do one-on-one tutoring (outside of school and school hours) for our students in any academic areas including Physics, Math, Chemistry etc. please contact Mr. Saxby. Mr. Saxby can then distribute this information to any students/families that are interested.

7) Updated Course Descriptors: Please see the following link to updated Grade 7-12 Course Descriptors. Please be reminded that we will not administer Mid-year or Final examinations at Baccalieu Collegiate. 

8) SSNL Calendar: The latest version of the SSNL School calendar is NOW included in our Baccalieu Collegiate School Events Calendar (shared on our website). 

9) Rycor at Baccalieu Collegiate: Parents/Guardians should have received a letter with Rycor set-up instructions from respective child(s). The information is specific to your child and includes a student number necessary for your accurate completion. Please see the following Rycor Message for Introductory information. If families did not receive such information please contact Ms. Warren (secretary) at the school. 

10) Powerschool Information: Any families without Powerschool login information please request from the school. In particular, Grade 7 Powerschool letters are now available and will be sent home with students soon (if not already).

11) Harbour Breeze Cafeteria Services: We're happy to announce our cafeteria services have begun and are going great!! Students should continue to pre-order meals via the Harbour Breeze app the night before (before midnight) or ensure they pre-order with Brenda at the cafeteria before homeroom period begins. Pre-ordering will ensure you get what you want! Other meals/food will be available for purchase without pre-order however supplies may be limited. Please see our website and or this link for the updated Harbour Breeze Menu.

12) National Truth and Reconciliation Day: Just a reminder that on Friday, September 30th 2022 we will have no school for the observation of Truth and Reconciliation. 

13) Bridge the Gapp: Please see the following information how staff and students can access Bridge The gApp App Launch

14) Check the Calendar: Check the Calendar ( for further updates

Good News Report (In no particular order)
  • Community Volunteers: Huge huge thank-you to the amazing volunteer turnout this past September 15th 2022 at 6:00pm. It is amazing to see such support. If there are any persons who did not make the meeting but would like to get involved as volunteers at the school please reach out to the school via email. 
  • Extracurricular Meeting: Huge thank-you to our teachers for already getting students involved in the Extracurriculars. We recognize that it is not a requirement of our staff to put in this extra time, but it does have such a tremendous positive impact for our youth and positive school development. Thank-you so much! Amazing participation also by our students! Yeah! Go BCP Go!
  • Curriculum Night: Thank-you so much to teachers and participating families. The night was so great on so many levels. We are so grateful for the chance to connect and build positive relationships between our teachers and families. Thank-you!!!
  • Senior Girls Volleyball Tryout: Great job, Good luck, and thank-you players and volunteer coaches! 
  • Junior Girls Volleyball: Great work Jr. Girls Volleyball! Thank-you to our volunteer coaches! Go BCP Go!
  • Girls Outdoor Soccer: Thank-you Coach Cashin and awesome job girls during this past week's tryouts! 
  • Boys Slo-Pitch Softball: Thank-you Coach Noel and Coach Sheppard for giving our sluggers a chance to compete! Amazing. 
  • Check Facebook/Twitter: For more updates on good news and information check out our Baccalieu Collegiate facebook/twitter page.

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BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, September 16th 2024 (DAY 9)

  Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review  updates  and important reminders...