Tuesday, September 6, 2022

September 7th 2022: Back to School



The mission of Baccalieu Collegiate is to establish through a relationship first lens; a safe, equitable, empathetic, and innovative environment that fosters and celebrates overall student development including life-long learning and leadership.

Dear Students and Families, 

We're excited and looking forward to another great school year. We hope you all enjoyed your summer holiday! Please see the following updates in preparation for our first day of school on Wednesday, September 7th 2022:

Bus Information:

Bus Run 1: Leaves Winterton at 7:40am and picks up students to the end of Lead Cove.

Bus Run 2: Leaves Ochre Pit Cove at 7:50am and ends at Caplin Cove.

Bus Run 3: Leaves Bay-de-Verde at 8:05am and also runs to Red Head Cove.

Bus Run 4:  Leaves Grates Cove at 7:50am and travels to Old Perlican (Old perlican may have to judge accordingly during the first couple of days)

Bus Run 5:  Leaves Low Point at 8:00am (mini-bus)

Cafeteria Services: 

Cafeteria Services will begin on Monday, September 12th 2022.


We encourage all families to DOWNLOAD THE FREE HARBOUR BREEZE APP ON YOUR ANDROID OR iOS MOBILE DEVICE. Use the app to order student lunches to ensure they get what they want and do not need to handle money. 

Day 1 Schedule:

All students should proceed to the gymnasium upon arriving at school on Wednesday, September 7th 2022. We will have a general assembly to kick off the year before seeding students to their homeroom to connect on important procedures. After the assembly and homeroom students will follow a condensed schedule that will allow them to be introduced to all of their assigned classes. 

Course Selections:

Please be patient as a number of students do not have their full schedule updated in Powerschool. This should be remedied prior to school start tomorrow. The reason for this is that some students did not complete their course selections and/or do not meet the requirements of courses that they selected. For any students seeking to change their course schedule there will be an ADD/DROP form available for completion and approval prior to any changes being made. Students should continue to follow their schedule until approval and change is finalized. Changes are not guaranteed. 


It’s very important that you make attendance a priority for our youth. Powerschool will be making a daily call-out to families of students who had any unexcused absences or unexcused lateness. Please go to the website to complete an absent form (and/or call the office) to formally notify staff of an absence. If your child will be late to school you can complete the absence form and indicate in the comments the time that they should be arriving and the reason why. Furthermore, any students signing-out early for appointments etc. must have a parent/guardian complete the sign-out form and this information must be verified by the office prior to the student leaving. Any students who sign out early must check into the office and speak with administration prior to leaving. Parents have the option to come into the school or call the school to verify the sign-out.. Finally, students signing in late must report to the office and check-in by speaking with admin and completing the sign-in form. The above procedures are vitally important for safe and secure school purposes. 

Please see the following lines of communication used by the school: 

  1. Powerschool: Please ensure families download the Powerschool app and access their students account regularly. Currently Powerschool serves many functions including keeping track of students grades, assignments, and attendance. The apps functionality will soon be extended to include completion of important forms and money transactions. More information to come. 

  2. Website: Our website is a priority for updates and information. Please view the website for access to calendars, news, scholarship info, forms, guidance, etc. www.baccalieucollegiate.ca

  3. School Messenger: Every Monday morning there will be a BCP Weekly Update email sent to families outlining the majority of events in the coming week and down the road, along with important updates and information. Please notify administration if you are not receiving these. 

  4. Facebook: Join our Baccalieu Collegiate facebook page for various updates and information. Many important announcements will be shared to the facebook page from the website including our weekly updates. 

  5. Twitter: You can join our Baccalieu Collegiate @BaccalieuSchool for various updates. Oftentimes there are Tweets and retweets that will not be shared on other platforms. These tweets are more celebratory and often not vital information for families. 

  6. Instagram: Our Baccalieu Collegiate instagram account simply shares some fun pictures etc. It is not updated regularly. 

Please stay posted for future updates and information. 

Happy to have our students back! BCP Proud! Go BCP Go!

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BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, September 16th 2024 (DAY 9)

  Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review  updates  and important reminders...