Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Post-Secondary Funding for 2021 High School Graduates -- Joyce Family Foundation Bursary Program

 Post-Secondary Funding for 2021 High School Graduates -- Joyce Family Foundation Bursary Program

Shared on behalf of CNA - Joyce Family Foundation Bursary Program- Open to all 2021 High School Graduates


We are writing you today to once again share some exciting news that we hope you will bring to the graduating class of 2021. We know its been a challenging year on so many fronts, and students need us now more than ever to support their continued education goals.


By now many of you would have received a Joyce Family Foundation Bursary post card reminding you about the 6th annual Joyce Family Foundation Bursary program offered at College of the North Atlantic (see attached).


Today’s message is about taking ACTION for our students.


This program is a once in a lifetime opportunity for students who need support, and would otherwise be very challenged to pursue a post-secondary education. Financial barriers are real for many and this bursary will cover all program costs for students for the complete duration of their 1 to 4 year program at CNA. Program costs include tuition, books, administrative fees, health and dental,  materials and supplies fees. The Joyce Family Foundation Bursaries are offered by the College of the North Atlantic and are available to eligible youth who plan on attending full-time studies at any campus of CNA beginning September 2021.


To date we have welcomed students from all corners of the Province. We have had graduates as cooks, engineering  technicians, business professionals and more.


Your involvement in sharing this opportunity with the students in your school is Critical.  Due to COVID this year, we have not been able to do our direct student outreach to the schools, so we need your help in sharing the information with students to begin the process of starting an application and providing support.


We have available an online tool kit at (click the banner) housing everything you need including applications, brochures, flyers, FAQ and contact information. This information can be shared electronically and where possible printed for distribution to students.


When reviewing the application, you will notice the mentor requirement. It is important to note that mentor engagement is critical to ongoing success of the student and a mentor must be identified on the application. The definition of a mentor is in the information provided.


The deadline to apply for the Joyce Family Foundation Bursary Program is July 31, 2021 for September 2021 enrollment at CNA.

CCSAC 2021 Scholarship Program

Scholarship Poster

Scholarship Application


Thursday, April 22, 2021

Workplace NL & Husky Energy Youth Safety Training Bursary

Are you interested in a bursary that helps cover the cost of Health and Safety training?

The WorkplaceNL and Husky Energy Youth Safety Training Bursary is offered to students aged 15-19. 

Training can help youth find jobs and maintain a healthy and safe workplace.

For more information, please see Ms. Somerton in the Guidance Office or email for details. You can also find details on how to apply at:

My Blueprint Scholarship Opportunities! $150,000 designed to support students who have financial need.

Remember that surprise we let you in on back in January?

The one that resulted in $30,000 in scholarships for your students?

Well, we’ve got another one. This time it’s even bigger.

We’re excited to announce that we’ve partnered with the Canadian Scholarship Trust Foundation (CSTF) to give away $150,000 in bursaries.

You read that right.

$150,000 going straight to your students to help them realize their dreams of going to post-secondary.

This one’s a little different though.

“While Canada is among one of the most educated countries in the world, this is not true for everyone. Equitable access to PSE is an ongoing challenge, and especially so for those from low-income families.” (CSTF)

That’s where CSTF comes in. They’re focused on supporting access to post-secondary studies for those who believe in the power of education but are struggling to access it.

So, these bursaries are designed specifically to support your students who have financial need.

Here's what you need to know:
  • There are 25 bursaries, each valued at $6,000
  • The bursaries are based on financial need
  • CSTF is specifically looking for students who demonstrate strong character: resiliency, community-mindedness and commitment to excellence
  • Your students can access the application form within their myBlueprint account (in the Scholarships tab)
  • The deadline to apply is May 7, 2021
We’ve included all the information you need to know and answers to your questions here.

With just one month to apply, you’ll want to share this announcement with your network today.

-Your fans at myBlueprint

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Privacy in the Blended Scenario 2 Model


C.E.O./Director of Education: Anthony Stack

To: Parents and Caregivers
From : Ed Walsh, Associate Director of Education-Programs and Human Resources 

Re: Privacy in the Blended Scenario 2 Model

You may recall that in late November/early December families were sent a memo by school administrators outlining privacy considerations in the event that your child’s school moved from Scenario 1-in school instruction to Scenario 3-virtual learning.

As you now know, your child’s class has now moved from the Scenario 3 model to a blended Scenario 2 model. In this model teachers will be providing in-person instruction to one half of their class on alternating days. Students who are at home have the ability to access their classes through the Google Suite of programs.

The Newfoundland and Labrador English School District continues to be committed to the protection of privacy of students, families and teachers. The District asks that you take the time to review the following information to ensure the protection of privacy of your child, your family, and teachers in virtual learning environments.

  1. Families must ensure that meeting requests or URLs that are shared with your child to participate in a virtual class are not shared with others.

  2. The only participant permitted to access the class virtually is the student registered for that class. No other family member is permitted access to the virtual classroom unless specifically approved by the school administration.

  3. Families and students must not share or comment on information of other students or families that may be accessed due to your child’s presence in virtual classes.

  4. When a child is connected virtually with their class peers and teacher, families should try, where possible, to create a learning space in which only that student is present in the room/area.

  5. Students are expected to follow established norms for virtual meetings and classes. These include: no screenshots, photos, or recording of virtual meetings or classrooms.

  6. Families should discuss these protocols with their child and ensure, to the best of their ability, that they understand the expectations.

Should you have any questions regarding this memo please feel free to contact your school administration.

Friday, April 16, 2021

Jack.Org NL Mental Health Summit

Jack.Org is an organization that aims to inspire youth mental health advocacy and education. The first NL Jack Summit will be held on April 24th, 2021 11:00am - 4:30pm virtually and be targeted to the age group of 17-25. The summit is an opportunity for NL youth to get involved in the mental health movement and learn how to be advocates. We will have speakers, workshops, prizes and more! The registration form can be found at this link. The organization can be found on Facebook and Instagram at @NLJackSummit as well. If you want to learn more about, feel free to check out their website at

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Junior & Senior High Re-Entry Back to School Plan (Scenario 2)

Dear Families:

We are very excited to see our Senior High students again!

Please note this re-entry information can be accessed anytime on our website under "Covid-19 Corner."

Please see the following links for updated Junior High procedures and our new Scenario 2 Senior High re-entry planning. Senior High students have been sent their grouping via email or google classroom. If you have not received your respective grouping please contact your homeroom teacher and/or administration. 

It is very important to note that students must follow their respective assigned Groupings. Any changes will disrupt the balance of our 50% model and potentially create unsafe environments for our students. Groups were objectively created by either alphabetical order or simply current homeroom groupings. Some adjustments had to be made as we are required to ensure students in the same household attend groupings on the same day. Any families requesting a grouping change can contact the office and put in a formal request. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee modifications. Priority will be given to families with medical documentation. 

Senior High Re-Entry Back to School Plan (Scenario 2)

Junior High Re-Entry Back to School Plan (with Combined Scenario 2 High School)

Monday, April 12, 2021

Morrison Scholarship

Are you interested in politics, government, or community leadership? 

The Kathryn M. Morrison Scholarship in Political Studies recognizes a student entering their first year of post-secondary education from Newfoundland and Labrador who displays an exceptional interest in politics, public policy and community leadership, and an ability to articulate critical thinking and analysis in a political context.

Established to recognize the contributions of Kate Morrison, a passionate lawyer, public servant and advocate for social justice, the scholarship aims to encourage the study and practice of politics and public service.

Value: $2,500.00

Deadline to apply: May 31, 2021

For more information, see Ms. Somerton in the guidance office, or visit the website:

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Update on High School Instruction

 To:               Students and Families

From:          Mr. Jeffrey E Saxby

Date:           April 11th, 2021


Update on High School Instruction


On Wednesday, April 7th 2021, following consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health and Public Health officials, the Newfoundland and Labrador English School District was advised it could move forward with a modified Scenario 2 blended learning model to maximize in-class instruction for high school students who have been receiving full-time online instruction.


As such, our school will be implementing that model, whereby classes will be split into two groups and students will alternate between in-class instruction and online attendance, with access to their classroom and teacher five days a week. On days when students are not physically in class, they will be able to access the classroom remotely via the Google Suite of programs - in a manner and for a period of time as determined by the teacher - and may be assigned individual or group work to be completed at home in preparation for their “in-class” day.


It is important to note that online instruction will not continue in its present form. Students cannot opt to join their classes online only. Scenario 2 is designed to maximize in-class instruction and in-person connections with students while allowing an online component to enable some daily interaction. In order for this learning model to be most effective, students must attend class when they are scheduled to do so. The modified Scenario 2 model will be implemented effective Wednesday, April 14 2021.


A class schedule will be provided to you in the coming days.


Please note, there will be no high school classes on Monday, April 12th and Tuesday, April 13th as the school prepares to implement the Scenario 2 model.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Letter/Video for High School Students

Original Memo: Letter/Video for High School Students

April 1, 2021

Dear NLESD Graduating Students,

District staff and administrators have been hearing the concerns of high school students, particularly those graduating this year, about how this unusual year may be impacting on their level of preparedness for their continued education. I both understand and empathize with the upheaval and uncertainty that the public health emergency has meant to not only the lives of students, but of families, school staff members, and essentially every aspect of our communities.

We reached out to our partners in education, Memorial University and the College of the North Atlantic to share the following message with our students.

Partnership Message to High School Graduates

The continued learning and success of our students are among the reasons our organizations strive every day to provide quality educational opportunities. In the face of Covid-19 and its continued impacts, we are all more committed than ever to helping you realize your full potential.



CEO/Director of Education

BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, September 16th 2024 (DAY 9)

  Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review  updates  and important reminders...