Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Privacy in the Blended Scenario 2 Model


C.E.O./Director of Education: Anthony Stack

To: Parents and Caregivers
From : Ed Walsh, Associate Director of Education-Programs and Human Resources 

Re: Privacy in the Blended Scenario 2 Model

You may recall that in late November/early December families were sent a memo by school administrators outlining privacy considerations in the event that your child’s school moved from Scenario 1-in school instruction to Scenario 3-virtual learning.

As you now know, your child’s class has now moved from the Scenario 3 model to a blended Scenario 2 model. In this model teachers will be providing in-person instruction to one half of their class on alternating days. Students who are at home have the ability to access their classes through the Google Suite of programs.

The Newfoundland and Labrador English School District continues to be committed to the protection of privacy of students, families and teachers. The District asks that you take the time to review the following information to ensure the protection of privacy of your child, your family, and teachers in virtual learning environments.

  1. Families must ensure that meeting requests or URLs that are shared with your child to participate in a virtual class are not shared with others.

  2. The only participant permitted to access the class virtually is the student registered for that class. No other family member is permitted access to the virtual classroom unless specifically approved by the school administration.

  3. Families and students must not share or comment on information of other students or families that may be accessed due to your child’s presence in virtual classes.

  4. When a child is connected virtually with their class peers and teacher, families should try, where possible, to create a learning space in which only that student is present in the room/area.

  5. Students are expected to follow established norms for virtual meetings and classes. These include: no screenshots, photos, or recording of virtual meetings or classrooms.

  6. Families should discuss these protocols with their child and ensure, to the best of their ability, that they understand the expectations.

Should you have any questions regarding this memo please feel free to contact your school administration.

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