Sunday, April 11, 2021

Update on High School Instruction

 To:               Students and Families

From:          Mr. Jeffrey E Saxby

Date:           April 11th, 2021


Update on High School Instruction


On Wednesday, April 7th 2021, following consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health and Public Health officials, the Newfoundland and Labrador English School District was advised it could move forward with a modified Scenario 2 blended learning model to maximize in-class instruction for high school students who have been receiving full-time online instruction.


As such, our school will be implementing that model, whereby classes will be split into two groups and students will alternate between in-class instruction and online attendance, with access to their classroom and teacher five days a week. On days when students are not physically in class, they will be able to access the classroom remotely via the Google Suite of programs - in a manner and for a period of time as determined by the teacher - and may be assigned individual or group work to be completed at home in preparation for their “in-class” day.


It is important to note that online instruction will not continue in its present form. Students cannot opt to join their classes online only. Scenario 2 is designed to maximize in-class instruction and in-person connections with students while allowing an online component to enable some daily interaction. In order for this learning model to be most effective, students must attend class when they are scheduled to do so. The modified Scenario 2 model will be implemented effective Wednesday, April 14 2021.


A class schedule will be provided to you in the coming days.


Please note, there will be no high school classes on Monday, April 12th and Tuesday, April 13th as the school prepares to implement the Scenario 2 model.

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