Thursday, February 11, 2021

Update regarding Extra-curricular & Co-curricular activities at BCP.

Dear Baccalieu Collegiate Families,

"On the advice of Public Health and in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health, the Newfoundland and Labrador English School District is suspending, until further notice, all extra-curricular and co-curricular activities in schools throughout the province. This is effective immediately."

Please see the memorandum for more information. 

As BCP families, students, teachers, and staff know: this suspension will have impacts on not only our students physical and social health, but ultimately our mental health.  One of the main pillars to Baccalieu Collegiate's safe and caring atmosphere and success has always been our tremendous array of extra-curricular and co-curricular activities. These activities provide self-care and cultivate positive connections for our youth. Let's do our best as a community and be cognizant of this. As adults, let's do our best to spread optimism and kindness for our youth. Structuring offline time at home, including time enjoying our beautiful outdoors is one positive and impactful step that we can all take to help us persevere through these stressful times. 


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BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, September 16th 2024 (DAY 9)

  Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review  updates  and important reminders...