Friday, February 12, 2021

Suspension of In-Class Instruction (K-12)

 To: Parents and Guardians

From: Jeff Saxby

Subject: Suspension of In-Class Instruction (K-12)

Date: February 12, 2021


With the support of Public Health, the Newfoundland and Labrador English School District is extending the suspension of in-class instruction to all K-12 students in all Avalon region schools. This suspension is effective immediately and will extend until Friday, February 26

On February 12, teachers and other staff will be onsite, at their schools, preparing for online learning. Timelines for the commencement of online classes are as follows:

  • Intermediate and High School grades will begin online classes on Monday, February 15.

  • Primary and Elementary grades will begin online classes on Tuesday, February 16. 

Please note: We will be in contact in the coming days regarding in-school learning for students identified in school-based Scenario 3 plans. If you have any questions, please contact the school. 

We understand this is difficult news for students and families. Understandably, there will be questions and concerns. Please note the following from the Public Health Guidance for K-12 Schools:

“If a staff person or student in a school is confirmed by public health as positive for COVID-19, public health will work with school administration to determine what actions should be taken, including if any staff or students who have been in contact with that person need to self-isolate, and if other staff and students’ families should be notified. Specific public health measures are implemented in facilities where an outbreak occurs to prevent further transmission of COVID-19 and keep others safe. Public Health will provide direction if there are concerns regarding a case in school. Schools should not provide notification to staff or students’ families if a staff member or student becomes ill at home or at school, including if they display symptoms of COVID-19, unless directed to by public health.” 

Stay well. We will get through this together if we remain positive and focused on supporting each other and our entire school community.

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