Monday, June 10, 2024

BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, June 10th 2024 (DAY 14)

Dear Families,

I hope everyone had a great weekend! If you have not done so already, please review this important memo outlining the last four days of regular classes.  Let's finish strong and enjoy closure to a very productive and positive 2023-24 school year! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review updates and important reminders! Any questions or concerns let me know. If I have missed anything please reply-all to this email. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Updates and Important Information

1) CDLI PL: Please note that CDLI teachers have a PL session today Monday, June 10 2024. Students have been assigned work to complete offline. 

2) NL Studies: NL Studies will be taking an exciting educational visit for enrolled students to Grates Cove Company. Visiting this local business offers a unique opportunity for our students to learn about its operations and the significant impact it has on the local economy of Newfoundland and Labrador including: Understanding Local Business Operations: Students will have the opportunity to observe the day-to-day operations of Grates Cove Company. Economic Impact: The visit will include discussions on the role of Grates Cove Company in supporting the local economy. Historical Significance: In addition to business operations, students will explore the history of the land on which Grates Cove Company is situated. The visit is scheduled for June 10, 2024.

3) Unified Sports Day: Ms. Bolt will be accompanying select students to a very special day at Carbonear on Tuesday, June 11th 2024 to compete in a unified sports day! Congrats to those students attending. 

4) Important Powerschool Notice:
 Please note that a letter will be given to each student in Grades 7-12 at the end of the day on Tuesday, June 11th 2024. This letter includes very important password update information. A new password rule starts on June 12th 2024 and all students will be required to update to meet their specifications. Students must have access to their account prior to Tuesday. 

5) BCP Year-End School Outing: Baccalieu school is planning a year end field trip during the last week of school on Tuesday, June 18, 2024. We will be taking our students to St. John's for the day to celebrate another successful year and to promote positive community and well-being. Please complete the following google form: Year End Field Trip 2024 no later than Tuesday, June 11th 2024. You can send in the money to respective homeroom teacher before June 7th 2024 or pay online via RYCOR --  Year-End School Outing Permission Form Rycor for Online Payment Link

6) Transcript Information for Grade 12 StudentsMEMO - Summer High School Transcript Release (Gr.10-12 Schools Only)

7) Google Account Information for Graduating Students: Memo_Google Account Cleanup for Graduating Students

8) Chromebook Return Information for Grade 12 Students: *Our school is now in the process of requesting the return of Chromebooks specifically loaned to students based on the signed Chromebook Loan Agreement. When requested, the assigned Chromebook, AC power charger and the protective sleeve must be returned to the school in satisfactory condition. From the Chromebook Loan AgreementAt the end of the school year, all Chromebook and accessories must be returned to the school with explicit acknowledgement and initials of the Student or Parent/Guardian …” These Chromebooks will be collected from each school by the IT Department and prepared for distribution to the new Grade 7 students coming in the next school year.

9) Newsletter InformationRCMP FAST FACTS 

10) Returning Textbooks: All student textbooks must be collected and recorded by subject teachers. Locks must be collected and recorded by homeroom teachers. Students should be reminded that textbooks are their responsibility and must be returned when requested.  Please keep an accurate record of all returned textbooks and stress the importance of returning all textbooks. Any student not submitting their textbook/lock by Monday, June 17 will need to pay the full price if not returned. 

11) Cafeteria:  Our Harbour Breeze Cafeteria's last day serving students will be Thursday, June 13th 2024. Please note there will be a limited menu approaching the last days. 

12) 2023-2024 Yearbook Orders:  
Orders are currently being taken for the 2023-2024 yearbook.  The cost is $10 per copy, and the payment must be made when you place your order.  The deadline is Thursday, June 20.  Please see Mrs. Slade to place an order. 

13) Close Out/Reporting Day: There will be no school for students on Friday, June 14th 2024 to allow teachers to finalize their Reports. 

14) Extracurricular Day: On Monday, June 17th Baccalieu will be hosting a Sports and Extracurricular Clubs and Activities Day in the morning. 

15) Extracurricular Banquet: On Monday, June 17th Baccalieu will be hosting a Sports and Extracurricular Clubs and Activities Banquet in the afternoon. The public is welcome to join! The ceremony begins at 1pm and will include awards and acknowledgements for all BCP Extracurricular students' involvement including sports, drama, music, gaming, leadership, etc. 

16) Family Announcement: For your information (FYI) Confronting an Epidemic of Drug Use in Schools. The following report is based out of America but might be of use for informing families on what is going on in schools across North America. Baccalieu Collegiate will remain committed to combating such an epidemic. Knowledge is power. 

17) Important Memo:  Naloxone Kits Added to First-Aid Response Package for Schools with Junior High and Senior High Grades. We must acknowledge that "young Canadians aged 15-24 are the fastest growing population requiring hospital care from opioid overdoses. People in our province have experienced opioid related harms, and these issues affect both urban and rural populations." 

18) Social Media, Terms and Conditions for Student Use: Please take time and review the School District policySocial Media: Terms and Conditions for Student Use. It is especially important to review and understand the Privacy component of the policy. 

19) Study Hall: A reminder that Study Hall is every Tuesday and Wednesday from 3-4pm.  Support from students and teachers are available. Don't be shy. Come to the Study Hall!

20) Important Allergy Reminder:This is a reminder to our school community that we have people in the school who have scent allergies. Please do not wear strong scents to school as it affects a person's health. Additionally, please do not bring in fish, shellfish, eggs, or nuts. Thank-you. 

21) BCP Athletic Shirts and Apparel: Students/Parents/Guardians can now order Baccalieu Predators Athletics shirts through In the Box NL online store. The clothing options include: dri-fit short sleeve, dri-fit long sleeve, crew neck sweatshirt, and hooded sweatshirt all in grey or navy blue. NOTE: For some sports teams you will be asked to order a shirt with a number to be used as a jersey, this will be at the direct instruction of your coach. Do not order a shirt with a number without consulting directly with your coach. BCP Athletic shirts are a quality low cost option for short term sports teams. To order anytime please see the following site:

22) GET AHEAD: Check the Calendar ( for further and future updates including extra and co-curricular events and special events upcoming!

Good News Report (In no particular order)
  • School Council: Huge thank-you to the School Council for our meeting last week. Thank-you for working with the school, parents, and community to make us a connected community for our youth!

  • Staff Meeting: Thank-you teachers for a very productive staff meeting last week!

  • Manuel's River Field Trip: Big thanks to Ms. Sheppard, Mr. Fudge and Mr Foley for taking the Grade 7 and Healthy Living 1200 students on a wonderful trip to Manuel's River. 

  • CDLI: Huge thank-you to the hidden treasure crew, our CDLI teachers! Thank-you for doing all that you do for our students, even though we do not see you. 

  • BCP Boys Basketball: Many thank-yous to the Senior Boys Basketball Team for volunteering their time for the next three weeks (2 X week) at the Old Perlican Recreation Committee Basketball Camp for K-3 and 4-6 children. Any and all children are welcome to join in on the fun and learning. 
  • Extracurricular Banquet: Huge thank-you to Sarah and Jordan, amongst others for organizing our upcoming banquet. Great work!
  • KES: Thank-you Ms. LeShane for organizing our Kids Eat Smart breakfast program and thank-you to all of our community volunteers! Huge thank-you to all of our volunteers for making this program happen. If you wish to support, please reach out to the school. 
  • Study Hall: Huge thanks to Mr. Holloway for giving up his time to support student learning every Tuesday and Wednesday afterschool! 
  • Doorways: Thank-you Doorways for their bi-weely meetings Wednesday. Please reach out to Ms. Doyle if you would like an appointment made for you. 
  • Check Facebook/Twitter: For more updates on good news and information check out our Baccalieu Collegiate facebook/twitter page. 
  • Did I miss something? If I missed anything please be sure to reply-all. There are so many amazing things going on at Baccalieu already, so chances are I might miss something. Celebrate whenever you can! 

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BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, September 16th 2024 (DAY 9)

  Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review  updates  and important reminders...