Monday, March 6, 2023

BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, March 6th 2023 (DAY 7)

 Dear Families,

I hope everyone enjoyed the weekend!  Please take some time to view the updates. We have lots going on. Organize your calendars! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review updates and important reminders! Any questions or concerns let me know. If I have missed anything please reply-all to this email. 

                                            Updates and Important Information

1) Drama Festival Production: The BCP Drama Troupe will be performing their play, Clowns with Guns at Baccalieu gymnasium this evening Monday, March 6th 2023 at 7pm. There will also be musical performances by select students! 

2) Community - Parent/Guardian Presentation: Next week Monday, March 13th 2023 we will be hosting a presentation for parents/guardians/community. Click the link to survey the presentations and select any two that you would like to see. The top two selected presentations will be revealed by the end of this week. The presentation will start at 6:30pm. Coffee/Tea and snacks will be provided.  Parent/Guardian Presentation at Baccalieu Collegiate PLEASE SHARE AND SPREAD THE WORD. WE WOULD LIKE AS MANY IN ATTENDANCE AS POSSIBLE. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER FOR OUR CHILDREN.

3) Family School Development Survey: Currently, we only have 14% of families who have completed this important survey. Please click the link and complete our Family School Development Survey before the end of the month. This survey is a very important guide for our school development. Click the link for more information. 

4) School Council Meeting: We will have our monthly School Council meeting this Tuesday, March 7th 2023 starting at 6:30pm

5) Drama Festival: This year's Drama Festival will be taking place March 9-10th 2023. All shows will be held at the Sheila NaGeira Theatre in Carbonear. Our Baccalieu Drama Troupe officially performs on March 9th 2023 at 4pm. Viewing of the public is encouraged!

6) TERM 2 END: Please note that our Term 2/3 ends Friday, March 10th 2023. All term work must be completed by this time. Any questions/concerns please discuss with the admin. 

7) Close Out Day: Baccalieu will have a Close out day on Monday, March 13th 2023. Teachers will have time in the morning for completing their reports. A team from Eastern Health will be leading PL in the afternoon surrounding students and teachers well-being and mental health. 

8) Community - Parent/Guardian Presentation: On Monday, March 13th 2023 we will be hosting a presentation for parents/guardians/community. Click the link to survey the presentations and select any two that you would like to see. The top two selected presentations will be revealed by the end of this week. The presentation will start at 6:30pm. Coffee/Tea and snacks will be provided.  Parent/Guardian Presentation at Baccalieu Collegiate PLEASE SHARE AND SPREAD THE WORD. WE WOULD LIKE AS MANY IN ATTENDANCE AS POSSIBLE. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER FOR OUR CHILDREN.

9) Memorial University Advising Outreach: Memorial University’s Academic Advising Centre outreach to Baccalieu Grade 12 students who have applied to attend Memorial in fall 2023 will take place in-person on Tuesday, March 14th 2023. The program allows staff from the Academic Advising Centre, along with faculty and staff members from throughout the university, to meet individually with approximately 2,000 students who plan to attend Memorial in the fall. During these meetings, we welcome the incoming students; help them plan for their first semester of university studies and offer advice on course selection.

10) Term 2 Reports Issued: Please note that our Term 2 Reports will be handed out to students on Wednesday, March 15th 2023. 

11) Doorways: A reminder that Doorways will be at our school Wednesday, March 15th 2023.

12) Family-Teacher Conferences: Baccalieu Family Teacher Conferences will take place Thursday, March 16th 2023 from 1-4pm and 5-7pm.

13) Ronald McDonald House: BCP staff, students and families are invited to bring in their pop pull tabs and place them in the bucket near the lobby. Baccalieu Collegiate will again be collecting pull tabs in support of the Ronald McDonald House. Last year we collected over 3 X 18.5 litre bottles full. Let's beat that number this year! 

14) Assessment Support Calendar: Please do your best to add assessments to our Assessment Support Calendar. This calendar is shared on our site for both students and families to see and support their organization. Additionally, give our IRT team a heads up at your earliest convenience so that they can mobilize effectively to support. 

15) Check the Calendar: Check the Calendar ( for further and future updates

Good News Report (In no particular order)
  • School Council: Enormous thanks to our very own BCP School Council for the brilliant gesture of appreciation this past Thursday, March 2nd 2023! Cold Plate lunch of epic proportions. It really brightened the staff's day and made them feel special. 

  • Lions Club Speak off: Huge thanks to our local Lion's Club for leading their annual Speak-off and including our students. Congrats to Emma Bursey and Anna March-Mulrooney for winning the Speak off! 

  • Winter Carnival Week: Big thanks again to all of our students, staff, and leadership group for leading such a wonderful week of fun competition! This, despite the troublesome weather. 

  • Grade 9's Career and Course Exploration: Big thank you to the students for their excellent course selection correspondance. Big thank-you to teachers for taking the time to support students' career and education exploration. 

  • Sr. Girls Volleyball: Congrats to our girls for placing second at the Ascension tournament this past weekend!

  • Sr. Boys Basketball: Congrats to our Sr. Boys. They placed 2nd in the Regional Qualifier. 

  • Waterloo Math Contest: Huge thanks to Ms. Slade and all the students who participated in this year's Waterloo Math Competition. Good for you!

  • Service Delivery Team Meeting: Much thanks to our Service Delivery Team for meeting this past week, all in the name of support for our youth.

  • PINK SHIRT DAY: Thank-you to everyone who showed their support against bullying - today and everyday!
  • Sports & Other Practices & Events: So many sports and other events going on afterschool. Please check out Baccalieu Calendar for a listing of events and times! Thank-you to all of our students for getting involved and teachers and volunteers for giving up your time for our youth! 
  • Check Facebook/Twitter: For more updates on good news and information check out our Baccalieu Collegiate facebook/twitter page. 
  • Did I miss something? If I missed anything please be sure to reply-all. There are so many amazing things going on at Baccalieu already, so chances are I might miss something. Celebrate whenever you can! 

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BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, September 16th 2024 (DAY 9)

  Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review  updates  and important reminders...