Monday, December 6, 2021

Baccalieu Collegiate Weekly Updates: Monday, December 6th 2021 (DAY 6)

Dear Families,

Good morning! I hope you all enjoyed the beginning of a white Christmas last night. We have a packed month of learning, fun and excitement ahead of us. Please see the following updates for this coming week. Please refer to the Calendar for all events and deadlines.  If I have missed anything please reply-all to this email.

                                                             Updates and Important Information

1) Cash Lottery: Tickets sales are fantastic! We're around 3000 out of 5000 tickets sold. Be sure to bring in your sales to homeroom teacher regularly. If you have unsold tickets please be sure to bring them in as soon as you can so that other students will have chance to sell them. Remember, every 50 tickets sold is $50.00 in your pocket! Thank-you to all of our students and families for their support!

2) Family-Teacher Conference: Family-Teacher Conferences are today Monday, December 6th 2021 from 1-4pm and 5-7pm. We are using new appointment booking software. Please see attached Parent Guides to help you register and book appointments with teachers: Parent Instructions and/or Condensed Parent Instructions. Families will need to register and create their child, before booking appointments (as per the instructions) Families will see teacher links within the online software that they will us at the time of their appointment for the online conferencing. 

3) Senior Boys Basketball: The Senior Boys basketball team take on Ascension Collegiate this Wednesday, December 8th 2021. Game time is 4:30pm. Admission will welcome the public, however, it is required that anyone of the age 12 or older (this includes any students) must have a valid VaxxPass. Seating is limited to the gymnasium stage. Go BCO Go!

4)  PL Day: Our PL Closeout Day is confirmed for Friday, December 10th 2021. There will be no school for students on this day. 

5) Christmas Dance: Student Leadership is planning a Christmas Dance on Tuesday, December 14th 2021! A minimum donation of $1.00 is required at the door. There will be additional fun draws to be announced. All proceeds collected will be donated to the Iris Kirby House

6) School Council Meeting: Our School Council will meet Tuesday December 14th 2021 at 6:00pm. 

7) Christmas Concert: Presently, our BCP Christmas concert is booked for Thursday, December 16th 2021. The concert will welcome audience members from our community. Audience members 12 years and older must present a valid Vaxxpass for attendance. Further details to come. 

8) Awards Ceremony: BCP Awards Night will be held for Grade 7-12 students during the day on Monday, December 20th 2021. In the evening, past Graduates will come to the school for their Cap and Gown ceremony. Thank-you to all of our donors for making this possible. If you are sponsoring an award and have not make the donation yet please contact the office. We will be presenting our long list of amazing sponsors in the coming days! 

9) Awards Night Update: Nominations are open for any students from the 2020-21 School Year. Thank-you in advance for any nominations. Please complete before December 13th 2021

10) Check the Calendar: Check the Calendar ( for further updates. 

Good News Report (In no particular order)

Volleyball: Congrats to our Grade 9 Volleyball team for winning a Sliver Medal in last week's tournament! 

Term End: Congrats to students and families for all of your accomplishments this past Term 1! 

Ronald McDonald House: Big thanks to Ms. Sweetland for spearheading the Pull Tab program in support of the Ronald McDonald House. Thank-you in advance to all of our students and families for their support! We'll keep you posted! 

Christmas Carolling: Thank-you Mr. Harte and our BCP Choir for spreading Christmas spirit in our communities! Last night a number of choir members did a beautiful job singing at the Old Perlican Fire Department after an amazing Christmas parade! Amazing show of community! Great job everyone!

Christmas in the Air: Huge thanks to Ms. Harris for bringing such beautiful holiday spirit to our school! Ms. Harris put up our tree and with the help of students did a #Baccalieuproud job of decorating it. As well, Ms. Harris went above and beyond decorations our halls with bows of holly. 

GSA: Thank-you Ms. S Reid and all of our GSA members at Baccalieu for amplifying voice and cultivating an inclusive environment in our school and future communities. 

Jamarama: Congrats to everyone for supporting Jamarama Day. We raised $210.60 dollars for our Janeway. Every bit counts!

Student Leadership: Way-to-go Student Leadership! Thank-you to teacher sponsors Ms. Noel, Ms. S Reid, and Ms. Ruttgaizer. It's amazing to see our students representing and leading our student body again at Baccalieu Collegiate. 

Ball Hockey: Great work boys ball hockey for thank-you to Coach Sweetland for providing our BCP boys a place to play floor hockey and readying them for future competition! 

Basketball: Amazing job Jordan Cashin for orchestrating the opportunity for our students to compete in various sports early in this year. And now he's coaching Basketball! Great work Senior Boys basketball players and best of luck in your first competition in almost 2 years!

Volleyball: Huge thanks to our Volleyball volunteer coaches: Christine Barnes (Senior Girls) and Alan Ash & Ewen Penney (Grades 7-9 & Sr. Junior Varsity) for dedicating their time to create such amazing opportunity for our youth to get together, compete, and have fun! Girls Volleyball is strong at Baccalieu Collegiate! 

Gaming Club: Huge thanks to Mr. Evan Harte for being the teacher sponsor for our Gaming Club! Great job building positive community to all of our gaming club players. 

Giving the Gift of Music: Immense appreciation for Mr. Harte as he leads so many music groups and activities for our students at Baccalieu. This, while doing much the same at his other school in Tricon! Congrats to all of our students involved! Whether you're a beginner or advances, when playing the gift of music you win!

BCP Troupe: Amazing to see our BCP Drama Troupe back in action. Great work and we look forward to your performances in the Christmas concert. Huge thanks to Ms. Reid and Mr. Harte for leading such an amazing and talented group of performers. 

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  Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review  updates  and important reminders...