Monday, October 25, 2021

Weekly Updates: Monday, October 25th 2021 (DAY 5)

Dear Families,

Good morning! Looking forward to a great week!. Please see the following updates for this coming week. If I have missed anything please reply-all to this email.

Important Note: Please supply your child with a reusable mask and/or a few disposable masks before coming to school. Also, remind them the importance of wearing their mask properly (over nose and mouth). 

                                             Updates and Important Information

1) Student Leadership Council: Please note that Baccalieu Collegiate is looking for students interested in being part of the BCP Student Leadership Council. This Council will be in charge of representing students, leading student activities, and leading change. Students will have opportunity to cultivate their leadership skills and abilities. To become part of the council, please see either Ms. Ruttgaizer and/or Ms. Noel. 

2) Tutoring for Tuition: Any students interested in tutoring for tuition please see Mr. Saxby. The rate of pay is $12.75/hour and earnings go towards any tuition to a post-secondary institute. 

3) Vax-Pass: Please note that the NLESD has implemented a Vax-Pass requirement for all Community Use of Schools and events that draw from the general public. More information will be present as it pertains to the events and people moving forward. 

4) Halloween Activity Night & Dance: Sign-up for the Halloween Activity Night and Dance will continue this week Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday during lunch in the main lobby. Admission ($5.00) and Food Orders (BBQ hamburgers $3.50, jumbo hotdogs $2.00, canned Pepsi/Mountain Dew, bottle Water $1.00, extra toppings for hamburgers and/or hotdogs $1.00) must be pre-ordered. Admission and food orders will not be taken at the door or during the event. The event will take place Thursday, October 28th 2021 from 6pm to 9pm

5) School Close Out: Baccalieu Collegiate will have a Close out Day November 1st 2021. Students are not permitted to attend. 

6) School Council: School Council will have its first meeting November 2nd 2021 at 6:15pm.  

7) Tutoring (CDLI) Brochure: Teachers, please see attached CDLI Tutoring opportunity for your students and families. You may want to access this for a student as part of an intervention strategy. 

8) Remembrance Day: Baccalieu Collegiate will be having a Remembrance Day assembly on November 10th 2021. This event will be live broadcasted. The event will not be open to the public. 

9) Awards Night: Baccalieu Collegiate is planning to host its Awards Night on December 20th 2021 starting 6:30pm. More details to come. 

10) Calendar: Remember to check the Baccalieu Collegiate Events Calendar for a listing and times for all our events, Close out Days etc. This can be found on our website 

Have a great week!

Monday, October 18, 2021

Weekly Updates: Monday, October 18th 2021 (DAY 14)

 Dear Families,

I hope you all enjoyed the weekend and are looking forward to another great week. Please see the following updates and information for the week of October 18th 2021:

Updates and Important Information

1) Regional Cross Country Meet: Best of luck to our runners and coaches as they are off to the Regional Cross Country Meet in Carbonear this afternoon - Monday, October 18th 2021.

3) Student Leadership: Both Ms. Noel and Ms. Ruttgaizer are sponsoring the Student Leadership group (Student Council). Any students interested should show up to the first meeting which will be held this afternoon, Monday October 18th 2021 at 11:55am in Room 141. 

5)  School Council: Please forward to Mr. Saxby your name if you would like to be a representative of parents/guardians of the BCP School Council. Please email Mr. Saxby by Wednesday, October 20th 2021

6) Girls Provincial Soccer: Our Senior Girls Soccer team is off to Provincials with games this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday in St. Lawrence. Best of luck to Coach Cashin and the 20 players!

7) Jamarama: This Friday, October 22nd 2021 is Janeway's Jamarama Day.  Students should bring in a monetary donation (accepted throughout the week) to their respective homeroom teacher for the privilege of wearing comfy clothes. 

8) Powerschool Reminders: A couple of reminders to families that you should be seeing proactive emails from teachers keeping you in the loop with your child's learning and assessment. Please make sure that you are regularly checking Powerschool. At the point of collecting any learning from the students, teachers are identifying what has been collected, missing, incomplete via PS. Finally, if a student is falling behind, teachers are supportively following up with students and families via email and providing them with the necessary direction needed to grind through any challenges that they are experiencing getting the learning completed. These tools are being used so that families can better support their child's learning!

10) The Happiness Trap: Are you ever perplexed by some people's behaviour? Depending on a student's experiences and/or past trauma, the person's inherited cave-person brain might be kicking.

11) Close Out: Please save the date. We will be running a close out day for PL purposes on November 1st 2021. More information to come. 

12) Tutors for Tuition: Keep a look out if you're a student and interested in making money towards your post-secondary tuition. Our Tutoring for Tuition Program will be starting up soon. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Weekly Updates: Tuesday, October 12th 2021


Dear Families,

I hope you all had a wonderful long weekend and such beautiful fall days.

Updates and Important Information

1) Life Touch Photos: Lifetouch photos will be at our school on Tuesday, October 12th 2021. All students (by homeroom) will be arranged to come down for pictures throughout the day on Tuesday.  Retakes are scheduled for December 1st 2021

2) Bus Evacuation: This Thursday, October 14th 2021 during the last period we will be organizing our bus evacuation drill. This is required to occur each year. Students will be organized in the gymnasium for a short bus safety presentation. Afterwards students will attend their respective buses for various bus evacuation drills. All students should be in attendance whether they travel on the bus or not. 

3) Extra-curricular: Please refer to our calendar for the most up-to-date practice, game, and event times. 

Have a great week!

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

BCP Admin Message -- Social Media


To: Parents/Caregivers
Fr: Jeffrey E Saxby
Re: Social Media Challenges

We are writing to make you aware of some disturbing social media challenges that have gained some recent attention. You may have heard of a trend which encourages young people to engage in a number of inappropriate and potentially criminal activities, such as destroying community/public property, inappropriately touching others, and other activities which could seriously impact the safety of individuals in our school community. One such challenge encourages students to “smack a staff member on the backside”.

Students should be aware that having any such physical contact will not be tolerated. Such behaviour constitutes assault and would be reported to law enforcement for investigation. Further to that, such behaviour, if validated, would result in serious discipline from the school.

Please take the time to discuss appropriate behaviour with your child - whether that behaviour is online or in person - so they are aware of the risks and potential consequences.

Thank you for your assistance and understanding.

Monday, October 4, 2021

Weekly Update: Monday, October 4th 2021

Dear Families,

Good morning! Congrats to everyone involved in a big week and weekend of Baccalieu Collegiate sports! Please see the following updates for this coming week. If I have missed anything please reply-all to this email.

The Baccalieu Collegiate Senior Girls Soccer team won a 3rd straight SSNL 3A Girls Regional Championship Banner on Saturday in Bay Roberts. The girls lost a tough game to start the tournament against Crescent Collegiate (0-2), but then went undefeated for the rest of the day, to win gold! Beating Laval High School (1-0), then Crescent Collegiate (1-0) in overtime of the gold medal game! Shealyn Barnes had both of the Predator's goals, scoring the game winner midway through the second overtime of the finals! Emily Barnes was named the tournament's Most Valuable Player! The girls are scheduled to play in the SSNL 3A Girls Soccer Provincial Championships later this month, October 22nd-24th, in St. Lawrence on the Burin Peninsula. 

Baccalieu Collegiate Boys Represent in Softball. “We don't stop here, the boys want to keep going. We were very proud of them! They were sportsmanlike and played a good game. They played well, very few errors, and the other coaches said their bats are on point. Fielding will get better and we will start to settle players into their positions. They scored runs every game, but not enough to keep up with the experience and bats of the other schools. In due time…”

                                           Updates and Important Information

1) District Wide Shutdown: A reminder that our District Wide Shutdown day is Tuesday, October 5th 2021.  There will be no school for students. 

2) Happy World Teachers Day: Happy World Teachers Day this Tuesday, October 5th 2021

3) Thanksgiving Holiday: A reminder that our Thanksgiving holiday is next week Monday, October 11th 2021.

4) Life Touch Photos: Lifetouch photos will be at our school on Tuesday, October 12th 2021. Please ensure your family is ready for their beautiful snap!

5) Extra Curricular: There is a ton on-the-go at Baccalieu Collegiate. Please see our calendar for groups, practice times, and events! Encourage your children to get involved! We have music during lunch and after-school, girls volleyball has started, and just around the corner is boys basketball. 

Have a wonderful week!!

BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, September 16th 2024 (DAY 9)

  Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review  updates  and important reminders...