Monday, October 18, 2021

Weekly Updates: Monday, October 18th 2021 (DAY 14)

 Dear Families,

I hope you all enjoyed the weekend and are looking forward to another great week. Please see the following updates and information for the week of October 18th 2021:

Updates and Important Information

1) Regional Cross Country Meet: Best of luck to our runners and coaches as they are off to the Regional Cross Country Meet in Carbonear this afternoon - Monday, October 18th 2021.

3) Student Leadership: Both Ms. Noel and Ms. Ruttgaizer are sponsoring the Student Leadership group (Student Council). Any students interested should show up to the first meeting which will be held this afternoon, Monday October 18th 2021 at 11:55am in Room 141. 

5)  School Council: Please forward to Mr. Saxby your name if you would like to be a representative of parents/guardians of the BCP School Council. Please email Mr. Saxby by Wednesday, October 20th 2021

6) Girls Provincial Soccer: Our Senior Girls Soccer team is off to Provincials with games this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday in St. Lawrence. Best of luck to Coach Cashin and the 20 players!

7) Jamarama: This Friday, October 22nd 2021 is Janeway's Jamarama Day.  Students should bring in a monetary donation (accepted throughout the week) to their respective homeroom teacher for the privilege of wearing comfy clothes. 

8) Powerschool Reminders: A couple of reminders to families that you should be seeing proactive emails from teachers keeping you in the loop with your child's learning and assessment. Please make sure that you are regularly checking Powerschool. At the point of collecting any learning from the students, teachers are identifying what has been collected, missing, incomplete via PS. Finally, if a student is falling behind, teachers are supportively following up with students and families via email and providing them with the necessary direction needed to grind through any challenges that they are experiencing getting the learning completed. These tools are being used so that families can better support their child's learning!

10) The Happiness Trap: Are you ever perplexed by some people's behaviour? Depending on a student's experiences and/or past trauma, the person's inherited cave-person brain might be kicking.

11) Close Out: Please save the date. We will be running a close out day for PL purposes on November 1st 2021. More information to come. 

12) Tutors for Tuition: Keep a look out if you're a student and interested in making money towards your post-secondary tuition. Our Tutoring for Tuition Program will be starting up soon. 

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BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, September 16th 2024 (DAY 9)

  Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review  updates  and important reminders...