Monday, March 8, 2021

Week 4 Note.

Dear Students,

On behalf of the teachers and administration at Baccalieu Collegiate, I just wanted to send you a quick note to let you all know how proud we are of you and to thank-you for all of your hard work and perseverance. 

As we approach WEEK 4 of at-home online learning it is important that we all take time to reflect on these past weeks learning journey. The sudden "crisis" of outbreak and move back into the "comforts of our homes" to teach and learn was an incredible feat. The journey and adjustments made over these weeks has worked and developed parts of our mind, body, and soul that we otherwise would not have counted for. You may feel tired, but know that you are gaining strength. As you reflect, do not forget to mention to yourself that you are doing an amazing job. 

With that, for many of us, we have our toughest week ahead. This Friday, March 12th 2021 will mark our Term 2 end. Undoubtably, you will have feelings of stress and overwhelmingness as we do with any closing Term end.  Remember that the teachers at Baccalieu Collegiate are here for you. Keep working. Keep your head-up. Holidays are just ahead. And, do not forget to mention to yourself that you are doing an amazing job. 


Jeffrey Saxby

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