Wednesday, March 31, 2021

CNA Virtual Open House on April 8th 2021

 Hi Everybody! All College of the North Atlantic campuses are holding a Virtual Open House on April 8! You can register for the event by visiting this link:


Please share the below information and the attached images with anybody you feel would be interested!


April 8 – Save the Date!


CNA will host its first Virtual Open House. It’s a different world, but we won’t let that stop us from showing future students – our future graduates – why CNA is a great fit for them!


Visit our microsite to explore what’s going to take place throughout the day! Share this email invite with anyone and everyone who could benefit from this session!


Better yet – Join us for an exciting day!


Click image below


Wash your hands with soap for 20 secs using hot water.

Maintain a distance of six feet between you and other people.

Wear a face mask that covers your nose and mouth while in public places.

Follow directional signage.

Practice proper hygiene etiquette.

Be patient and respectful. We are all in this together.


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Robyn Frampton

Student Development Officer

College of the North Atlantic, Carbonear Campus

4 Pike’s Lane, Carbonear, NL, A1Y 1A7

Tel: 709 596 8921 Fax: 709 596 2688 |

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Transgender Day of Visibility

Wednesday, March 31st is the annual Transgender Day of Visibility. It is a day to celebrate the lives of transgender people everywhere.  It is a day to honour and commemorate the triumphs and accomplishments of trans people in our community and surrounding communities, as well as all over Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.

Baccalieu Collegiate would like to honour the importance of this day today, as well as work to support and recognize the trans community everyday.    

Friday, March 26, 2021

2021 Safe and Caring Schools Graduating Student Awards application

It’s that time of year again when we will be recognizing 14 students in schools throughout the NLESD for their role in supporting and sustaining a safe and inclusive school environment.  Each student will be awarded a $500 tuition voucher, which will be used to further their education after graduation from high school. 


The application forms for the 2021 Safe and Caring Schools Graduating Student Awards are posted on the Department of Education website in both English and French.

The graduating student awards aim to promote student awareness of the Safe and Caring Schools Policy and acknowledge the contributions of youth in establishing and maintaining safe and schools and communities. Specifically, the goal is to:

·       Recognize the leadership of youth across the province in completing projects and activities aimed at enhancing the safety and well-being of others in their schools and communities.

·       Help students recognize that they can make a difference in the lives of others.

·       Encourage and mobilize students to become involved in future initiatives.


The deadline for applications for this year’s Graduating Student Awards is May 1st.  Completed applications should be returned to the Program Itinerant for Safe and Inclusive Schools assigned to your school.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

BCP Reports & Family-Teacher Conferences Update

Dear Families,

Term 2 Reports Update:

Please note that Term 2 reports will be sent home with Grades 7-9 students on Friday, March 26th 2021

Grades 10-12 families will have the option to pick reports up (along with any applicable certificate(s)/cheque(s) from Awards night) on Friday, March 26th 2021 during the following times:

* Between 12:00pm and 1:00pm Parents/Guardians are permitted to pick up their report(s). Please stay in respective car and teacher/admin will be present to hand reports off to drivers in front of the main lobby of the school. 

* Between 3:00pm and 4:00pm Parents/Guardians and/or Students are permitted to pick up reports. Please drive around the back of the building. Teacher/Admin will be present to hand reports off to drivers prior to exiting the lot. 


Family Teacher Conferences Update: 

On Wednesday, March 31st 2021 Baccalieu Collegiate will be holding its Family-Teacher Conferences Virtually between the hours of 1:00pm - 4:00pm and 5:00pm - 7:00pm. To book an appointment please go to the following site: You will need to create an account prior to accessing booking slots for teachers. Please refer to the parent guide for instructions:

We are using Online Parent-Teacher Interview Scheduler (OPTIS) for scheduling this year. When you sign up for an account, please remember your username and password information as we plan to utilize this program in the future for meetings. When booking an appointment please book by using the video conferencing option. Video conferencing is build directly into the program for ease of use by both families and teachers. 

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Communities Against Violence’s Community Grant: Kindness Week Award Winners!


A huge thank-you to the Communities Against Violence Community Grant for the support on this!

Kindness Week Awards Winners are drawn. Two students from each Grade level who participated in our Kindness Week activities (online) had the chance to win a $25.00 Jungle Jim's Gift certificate. See video for the name draw. Student winners are listed below. 

See our Kindness Week Awards Draw Video Here


Grade 12: Karlie Squires, Coby Loveless

Grade 11: Blake Courtney, Shae-Lynn Power

Grade 10: Logan Hartson, Morgan Sutton

Grade 9: Mya Piercey, Jessica Slade

Grade 8: Liam Dawson, Racheal Brookings

Grade 7: Erin Blundon, Dawson Meadus. 

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Graduation Photography update


If a parent contacts you regarding no slots available rest assured we are adding times as needed.

Thank You,

Lisa Paul

Yearbook Sales and Support Specialist | School Photography

6 Howlett Ave | St John's, NL A1B 1K9

Toll Free: 800.563.6681

Office: 709.364.7518 | Fax: 709.364.3121

Thursday, March 11, 2021

(Important Update) School Operations at Baccalieu Collegiate Effective Thursday, March 18th 2021.

Dear Families, 

Please see the following memo from NLESD regarding our learning in Level 4. 

Effective Thursday, March 18th 2021 Grades 7-9 students will be back in-school for learning. Grades 10-12 students will continue their learning online until our Easter holiday, at which time there will be another update. 

Online learning for all Grades 7-12 will continue on Wednesday, March 17th 2021. Students will not have school on Monday, March 15th 2021 due to our St. Patrick's holiday. Additionally, students of our school will not have classes on Tuesday, March 16th 2021 as teachers will be engaged in a day for Professional Learning and Reporting. 

We are looking forward to having our Grades 7-9 students back for full-time face-to-face teaching and learning. Please keep in mind, mask wearing that covers both nose and mouth will be required of students all day. Mask wearing will also be required during physical education classes. Furthermore, Grades 7-9 will come back to fixed classrooms and their mobility throughout the school will be limited. 

Please stay tuned for more information. For a clear understanding of the scheduled learning for students next week, please check our calendar.


Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Parent/Guardian School Development Survey


Dear Parent/Guardian,

School Development Surveys are conducted annually to gather feedback from students, staff, and parents/guardians to inform the school development process. The survey results will be provided to your child’s school and used with other data to identify the school’s strengths and challenges. Your child’s school will then create and implement a plan to build on successes and address areas of challenge.

The survey is anonymous, which means that we cannot connect your survey responses to you. We encourage everyone to participate so that we have the most accurate representation of family perceptions at your school.

This survey is for PARENTS/GUARDIANS only.

Please complete the survey by April 22, 2021 by clicking on the following link:

Thank you for your participation and for being a valued member of your school community.

Monday, March 8, 2021

Week 4 Note.

Dear Students,

On behalf of the teachers and administration at Baccalieu Collegiate, I just wanted to send you a quick note to let you all know how proud we are of you and to thank-you for all of your hard work and perseverance. 

As we approach WEEK 4 of at-home online learning it is important that we all take time to reflect on these past weeks learning journey. The sudden "crisis" of outbreak and move back into the "comforts of our homes" to teach and learn was an incredible feat. The journey and adjustments made over these weeks has worked and developed parts of our mind, body, and soul that we otherwise would not have counted for. You may feel tired, but know that you are gaining strength. As you reflect, do not forget to mention to yourself that you are doing an amazing job. 

With that, for many of us, we have our toughest week ahead. This Friday, March 12th 2021 will mark our Term 2 end. Undoubtably, you will have feelings of stress and overwhelmingness as we do with any closing Term end.  Remember that the teachers at Baccalieu Collegiate are here for you. Keep working. Keep your head-up. Holidays are just ahead. And, do not forget to mention to yourself that you are doing an amazing job. 


Jeffrey Saxby

BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, September 16th 2024 (DAY 9)

  Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review  updates  and important reminders...