Friday, February 12, 2021

BCP Online Learning Update: Friday, February 14th 2021 (5:20 pm)

 To:   Families & Students

From : Jeffrey E Saxby

Re:  Scenario 3


 (Families and Students)

As you know, your child’s class has moved from in-school instruction to learning from home under Scenario 3 of the District’s “A Safe Return to School” re-entry plan. In this scenario, teachers will be interacting with their students virtually, from your home, through the Google Meet/Classroom. 

The Newfoundland and Labrador English School District is committed to the protection of privacy of students and families and asks that you take the time to review the following information to ensure the protection of privacy of your child and family in virtual learning environments:

  1. Families must ensure that meeting requests or URLs, that are shared with your child to participate in a virtual class, are not shared with others.

  2. Families and students must not share or comment on information of other students or families that may be accessed due to your child’s presence in virtual classes.  

  3. When a child is connected virtually with their class peers and teacher, families should try, where possible, to create a learning space in which only that student is present in the room/area. 

  4. Students are expected to follow established norms for virtual meetings and classes. These include: no screenshots, photos, or recording of virtual meetings or classrooms.

  5. Families should discuss these protocols with their child and ensure, to the best of their ability, that they understand the expectations.

Should you have any questions regarding this memo please feel free to contact me at school (709) 587-3211 or via email at

Learning Schedule & Expectations

Grades 7-12

  • 7-12 students will follow their regular Bell Schedule and PowerSchool schedule as if they were in school.

  • Teachers will use Google Meet through respective Google Classrooms to interact with teachers and classmates every period they are scheduled. This includes both synchronous and asynchronous learning opportunities. Teachers will use their professional discretion to decide how this interaction may occur for their specific grade or course. This could be a short lecture, a group discussion, small group break outs, working individually on materials provided (e.g., watch a video link and answer questions), individual conferencing, assessing for understanding, providing feedback and guidance, etc. 

  • It is not expected, nor encouraged, for students to sit at their computer for the entire school day and listen to teacher lectures. Lessons are designed to provide daily, meaningful interaction between students and their teachers while also allowing time for individual work.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is my child required to participate in online learning?

All students are required to attend online classes. Attendance will be taken for each class including homeroom in the morning. 

What behavioural expectations do students have during at-home online learning?

Simply, expectations are the same for all students as if they are attending in-school learning. Baccalieu Collegiate’s Code of Conduct is to:

  • Promote a safe and caring learning environment

  • Be Prepared to learn

  • Respect yourself and others

  • Respect property and the learning environment

  • Act responsibly and accept responsibility. 

What will Monday and other days of the week look like for my child?

Students will follow our normal Daily Calendar and bell schedule by first logging in with their homeroom teacher and classmates.  This is done through their respective Homeroom Google Classrooms and by clicking onto the google meet link at the top of the page. Students will then proceed through their daily schedule via Google Classrooms and respective google meeting links. 

What if I do not have a Chromebook or Laptop, can I still access learning?

Yes. Right now we are distributing Chromebooks and eventually IPads to students in need. We are distributing devices by priority starting with Grade 12 students down. Please be patient as we work through the list and look to secure enough resources. Please contact the office if especially in need. 

It is important to note that students can access the learning on their smartphones. It is important to download Google Classroom, Gmail, and Google Meet. Other GSuite Apps are recommended to be downloaded. There will be an option for students to complete work with paper and pencil before scanning or taking a picture and uploading it to the Classroom. Please work and communicate directly with teachers regarding these procedures. You do not need a Chromebook for online learning.

What if my laptop or desktop at home is old and slow? Or if it does not have a webcam or microphone?

No problem. Students can use their smartphone for google meets while completing basic Google Classroom assignments and/or activities on their computer. You do not need a Chromebook for online learning.

Do I need my textbooks and materials from my locker?

Learning resources will come in handy, however will not be required. At current, we are only allowed to distribute essential materials (required for health reasons) and electronic devices for learning.

How do I help my child access online learning?

Have a look at the District’s Google Resources for School Communities for lots of great tips and information to help you learn more about G-Suite applications. If you still have questions, you may contact your child's teacher.

If my child is having trouble, who should be my first point of contact? 

Homeroom teachers are going to be an integral part of students' success. Make sure you’re checking in and regularly communicating with respective homeroom teachers. They are here to support you!

How can I submit handwritten work to Google Classroom?

Take a look at this 2 minute video to find out: How to Submit Handwritten Work on G-Classroom.

How can I best set-up a space for learning at home?

1) Have a designated space to sit each day, (as best) distraction free. Preferably a table or a desk so you can write.

2) Have all of your class materials in that space so you do not need to leave your seat throughout the class.

3) Only have your class link tab opened on your computer.

What will be the Google Meet Norms for classrooms?

-- You should mute your microphone unless you are speaking.

-- Keep comments in the Chat relevant to what we are learning.

-- Try to be on time for all Google Meets.

-- If you would like to speak, raise your hand and wait to be called on.

-- Be mindful of what others can see on your screen.

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