Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Scholarship Opportunity - Schulich Leader Nomination

Would you like to be Baccalieu Collegiate's nomination for the Schulich Leaders Scholarship, and the chance to receive $80,000-$100,000 to fund your post-secondary education? Simply read through the eligibility criteria, and if you'd like to be considered, fill out our Google form by January 20th! The school will then forward the name of our nominee to the Schulich Leaders Scholarship. Once picked as a school nominee, there is an application process. If you have any questions, or would like more info, come see Ms. Somerton in the guidance office!

Schulich Leader Scholarships are prestigious entrance scholarships awarded to high school graduates enrolling in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM) programs at 20 Canadian partner universities. Recognizing the increasing importance and impact that STEM disciplines will have on the prosperity of future generations, businessman and philanthropist Seymour Schulich established this $100+ million scholarship fund in 2012. This fund encourages our best and brightest students to be the next generation of entrepreneurial-minded, technology innovators. Successful candidates receive $100,000 for engineering or $80,000 for science, technology, or math.

Student eligibility criteria 
> Graduate high school or Cégep in the 2020/2021 academic year 
> Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident 
> Plan to enroll in an eligible STEM program at one of our partner universities (see list below)
> Meet the following criteria: 
     1 Academic excellence, AND 
     2 Leadership, charisma and creativity. 
 Strong consideration will be given to students with financial need. 
> Be entrepreneurial-minded and intend to pursue a career in one or more of the following focus areas: 
    (A) Technology; 
    (B) Engineering; 
    (C) Entrepreneurship and business enterprise;
    (D) Applied scientific research.   

Partner Universities Include:

University of Waterloo 
University of Toronto 
McMaster University 
University of British Columbia 
Queen’s University 
Western University 
McGill University 
University of Alberta 
University of Calgary 
Dalhousie University 
University of Ottawa 
University of Victoria 
Simon Fraser University 
University of Manitoba 
University of New Brunswick
University of Saskatchewan 
York University 
Memorial University of Newfoundland 
Université de Montréal 
Université Laval   

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BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, September 16th 2024 (DAY 9)

  Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review  updates  and important reminders...