Monday, January 15, 2024

BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, January 15th 2024 (DAY 14)

 Dear Families,

Good morning! I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review updates and important reminders! Any questions or concerns let me know. If I have missed anything please reply-all to this email. 

                                     Updates and Important Information

1) "Kelly Russell's Who Knit Ya?": Baccalieu is very pleased to announce that Fabian O"Keefe and Kelly Russell ( "Kelly Russell's Who Knit Ya?" will be at Baccalieu Collegiate to run an all day workshop for our English Language Arts 1201 students on Tuesday, January 16th 2024We are very grateful to be able to offer this opportunity for students which should not only prove to be a fun and engaging day, but also profoundly support students ELA 1201 curriculum learning. Any students outside of the Grade 10 class interested in joining the workshop please tell their English Language Arts teacher before 12:00 noon on Monday, January 15th 2024. There is room for more to enjoy and enhance your ELA learning outcomes. Do not hesitate to ask. 

For more information:

2) Graduation Photos: This is a reminder that Graduation photos will be taken on Wednesday, January 17th 2024. Stay tuned for the student schedule. All students should sit for these photos, though purchase is not required. Photo will be used in the Baccalieu Collegiate Graduation composite. Photos taken outside of these will not be used for the composite. 

3) Close out Day: Baccalieu Collegiate will have a Close-out day Friday, January 19th 2024 for teachers professional learning journeys. 

4) Missing Items: Prior to the Christmas holiday we had two students stolen from. In the first weeks of January we have had a high number of reported missing items that were thought to be stolen but were in fact misplaced. On behalf of Baccalieu staff we urge students to store their valuable possessions in their assigned locker under lock and key or keep these items close to their person. Lockers are narrow but adequate fitting items when taken out of the bag and organized. Students' personal and valuable items are their responsibility and should not be left behind doors or on the floor in the hallways for safety reasons (trip hazard etc.). BCP admin is working with the RCMP regarding the previous thefts and will continue to review student procedures if/when needed to prevent any further problems moving forward. In the meantime, please continue to promptly report to admin any illegal activity if you are a witness. Please continue to keep your valuable items on your person or safely stored in your locker. 

5) Study Hall: Please note that our Study Hall with Mr. Holloway will continue into the new year. Study Hall is an excellent resource providing your child a distraction free and routine space to work on their studies. Study Hall is every Tuesday and Wednesday from 3-4pm.  Support from students and teachers are available. Don't be shy. Come to the Study Hall!

6) Anti-Bullying Day:  Pink shirt day is February 28, 2024. If you need a new one you can order it here and it will shop directly to the school! Shirts are $9.00 taxes and shipping included. Please see our facebook page for more details.

7) Assessment Support Calendar: Please do your best to add assessments to our Assessment Support Calendar. This calendar is shared on our site for both students and families to see and support their organization. Additionally, give our IRT team a heads up at your earliest convenience so that they can mobilize effectively to support. 

8) GET AHEAD: Check the Calendar ( for further and future updates including extra and co-curricular events and special events upcoming!

Good News Report (In no particular order)
  •  BCP Cash Lottery Draw: Thank-you to everyone who participated in our annual Cash Lottery draw! Congrats to Brian Butt, Melita Foote, and Bridget King - winner of the three prizes. Currently, the office is processing student sales and determining the homeroom class winner. Please be patient as our team works through this arduous process. 
  • Thank you RCMP for Career Presentation -- Thank-you Constable LeShane for visiting our school and presenting to our Career Ed class last week!
  • Senior Girls Volleyball: Congrats on another banner weekend for our senior girls volleyball. Our senior girls have brought home another gold medal at Ascension this weekend. Go predators!
  • Grade 9 Girls Volleyball: Way to play hard this weekend at Block the Rock. Keep working!
  • Grade 7 Girls VolleyballGreat job making it to the semi finals in your first ever volleyball tournament. Keep up the great work coaches and athletes 
  • Girls Volleyball this weekend: Congrats to our Girls Volleyball squads this past weekend. The Grade 7, 9, and Senior team played this past weekend at different tournaments! 
  • Sr. Boys Basketball: Congrats to our BCP Sr Boys Basketball team for a hard fought weekend of basketball at the Carbonear Collegiate Winter Classic. 
  • School Council Meeting: Thank-you to School Council for representing our stakeholders for the school! 
  • Staff Meeting: Big thanks to staff for our meeting this past week. 
  • Good Luck: Best of luck to the many Baccalieu athletes competing this weekend! 
  • Doorways: Thank-you Doorways for being here and meeting with your students. We conversate all the time. Why not with someone who has your best interests in mind and is trained to help?
  • Chess Club: Great work chess club! Thanks Mr. Holloway for leading this for our students. 

  • Music with Ms. Sequeira: Great job students in music! Thank-you students and Ms. Sequeira! 

  • Girls Basketball: Way to go Coach Regev and the girls basketball!! Trust the process!

  • Check Facebook/Twitter: For more updates on good news and information check out our Baccalieu Collegiate facebook/twitter page. 
  • Did I miss something? If I missed anything please be sure to reply-all. There are so many amazing things going on at Baccalieu already, so chances are I might miss something. Celebrate whenever you can! 

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BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, September 16th 2024 (DAY 9)

  Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review  updates  and important reminders...