Monday, September 25, 2023

BCP Family Weekly Updates: September 25th 2023 (DAY 14)

 Dear Families,

I hope everyone had some great R&R over the weekend. Thank-you for another great week! Let's keep working together and positvely connecting with your youth! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review updates and important reminders! Any questions or concerns let me know. If I have missed anything please reply-all to this email. 

                                            Updates and Important Information

1) BCP Student Connections Centre: Please complete the survey to contribute your ideas to this CSH PROJECT. Students, staff, and families are permitted to contribute their ideas. 

2) Study Hall: Please note that Mr. Holloway facilitates study hall every Tuesday and Wednesay afterschool. Students can stay afterschool for a quiet space to work, collaborate with peers, and/or gain extra help on their studies from Mr. Holloway. There is not topic Mr. Holloway cannot support. 

3) Wear Orange: This Friday, September 29th 2023 students are encouraged to wear orange to bring awareness and to support National Truth and Reconciliation. Our Leadership team will organize a number of learning activities and activities to support the awareness on this day. 

4) Softball Regionals: This Saturday, September 30th 2023 our Boys Softball squad will compete at Regionals. Good luck!

5) National Truth and Reconciliation Day: Next week Monday, October 2nd 2023 the province will observe National Truth and Reconciliation Day. There will not be school on this day. 

6) Supporting Eating Well At School: Please note this information is sent to families to support Information for Parents and Caregivers

7) Dept of Education News Release: Please see the following information as released today by the Department of Education. A link to the release can also be found here:
8) Social Media Tips for Families: The following memo will be sent out to Families -- Social Media Tips for Families -- It is an excellent resource for learning and awareness. 

9) Safely Navigating the Digital World: Please see the following Safely Navigating the Digital World Infographic in support of family learning.  

10) De-escalation Exercise for Upset Students: I thought I would share this brief article on de-escalation that was also shared with teachers. Families could encourage their children to employ these or other methods too. Have a read at

11) Doorways (Information): Please note Baccalieu will be hosting Doorways at the school starting Wednesday, October 11th 2023 (bi-weekly). For more information please check out BCP Doorways & Frequently Asked Questions Rural Avalon

12) Assessment Support Calendar: Please do your best to add assessments to our Assessment Support Calendar. This calendar is shared on our site for both students and families to see and support their organization. Additionally, give our IRT team a heads up at your earliest convenience so that they can mobilize effectively to support. 

13) Check the Calendar: Check the Calendar ( for further and future updates including extra-curricular activity practice times. 

Good News Report (In no particular order)
  • Meet and Greet Curriculum Night: Thank-you to all parents/caregivers and teachers for an excellent night connecting. 

  • Volunteer Night: Huge thank-you to all our volunteers! We're lucky to have you!

  • Comprehensive School Health Meeting: Thank-you to all members of our CSH team! Special thanks to Ms. Reid for purchasing items for the rooms on her day off!

  • Nutrition Class: Huge thank-you to our Nutrition class and Ms. Noel for preparing treats for our meet and greet curriculum night! Delicious! 

  • Miss Teen Trinity Conception: Congratulations to Miss Teen Trinity Conception 2023-2024 Carley Bursey and 1st Runner up Anna March Mulrooney. We are proud of you both.

  • Sports at Baccalieu: Many thanks to our coaches. It is a big week to kick off sports at Baccalieu with Cross Country, Boys Softball and Girls Soccer along with Girls Volleyball already going into its second week. Thank-you to all the teachers and volunteers for our commitment to our youth and sport. Be sure to check our calendar and/or facebook page for timely updates. 

  • Extracurriculars: Huge thank-you to all of our teachers for doing their best and extending their already full schedule to provide extracurricular activities for our students! 

  • Check Facebook/Twitter: For more updates on good news and information check out our Baccalieu Collegiate facebook/twitter page. 
  • Did I miss something? If I missed anything please be sure to reply-all. There are so many amazing things going on at Baccalieu already, so chances are I might miss something. Celebrate whenever you can! 

Monday, September 18, 2023

BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, September 18th 2023 (DAY 9)

Dear Families,

Good morning. I hope you enjoyed your weekend. We had a fantastic last week and we're looking to continue this! We are very proud of our Junior High students responsible use of cellphones. Junior High students are following the new rules! Great work! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review updates and important reminders! Any questions or concerns let me know. If I have missed anything please reply-all to this email. 

                                         Updates and Important Information

Rycor Forms: If families have not read and signed the important forms online included in the parent/guardian Powerschool site/app please do so prior to the end of this week. Forms include Media Consent, AcceptableTechnology Use, Demographic updates (if not completed on paper), and Athlete contract. 

Volunteer Night: This Thursday, September 21st 2023 Baccalieu will host a short meeting for any parent/guardians/community members who would like to volunteer to support initiatives at the school including KES, Sports, Music, the Arts etc.  The meeting will outline conduct and discuss further any ideas volunteers have. Letters will also be issued for criminal record check purposes.

Meet and Greet Curriculum Night: This Thursday, September 21st 2023 Baccalieu will host a Meet & Greet Curriculum Night from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. The evening will include coffee/tea and snacks and space to connect with the teachers at Baccalieu Collegiate. From 6:30pm to 7:00pm there will be a general presentation before allowing families to roam throughout the gym to connect with respective teachers. A special presentation will also be held for Grade 7 families following the general presentation. All families are encouraged to drop-in and connect! 
Social Media Tips for Families: Please take some time to view -- Social Media Tips for Families -- It is an excellent resource for learning and awareness. 

Chromebook Note: The BCP inventory for Chromebooks is getting low due to district licencing protocol which has resulted in a number of Chromebooks no longer permitted use.  We ask students to please ensure Chromebooks are charged and brought to school. 

Doorways (Information): Please note Baccalieu will be hosting Doorways at the school starting Wednesday, October 11th 2023 (bi-weekly). For more information please check out BCP Doorways & Frequently Asked Questions Rural Avalon

Association for New Canadians Launches Homestay Host Program: We at the Association for New Canadians are excited to collaborate with the Department of Immigration, Population Growth and Skills on an innovative, province-wide hosting initiative. Interested in becoming a Homestay Host? The Homestay Hosting Program invites Newfoundlanders and Labradorians to host Ukrainian newcomers as they navigate through their settlement journey to “set roots” and make this province their home. 

Good Personal Hygiene Reminder: Good personal hygiene plays a critical role in promoting a positive self-image and reinforces healthy habits.  Good personal hygiene will also help keep bacteria, viruses, and illnesses at bay. We encourage good hygiene strategies at school through reminders and through our curriculum. We encourage you to ensure your child does the same at home. The following are examples of good daily hygiene practices: • Shower or bathe every day • Brush teeth twice daily • Using deodorant • Washing hands and cleaning/ cutting fingernails.

Physical Education Updates: All students are encouraged to bring a change of clothes for Physical Education class, this includes: athletic shoes, shirt, and pants/shorts. Proper clothing will encourage participation and positive hygiene behaviours in and out of the gym.

Sports at Baccalieu: The sports seasons at Baccalieu are well on their own way! Please ensure you check our BCP events calendar for practice/tryout times. 

Cross Country: will begin Monday, September 18th 2023 afterschool from 2:50pm to 3:30pm. 

Boys Softball: Tryouts for BCP Boys softball will take place Monday and Wednesday during lunchtime this week! (Grades 9-12)

Girls Soccer: Tryouts for BCP Girls Soccer will take place Tuesday and Thursday during lunchtime this week! (Grades 9-12)

Grades 7-12 Girls Basketball: There will be a Sign-up sheet in the office for any Girls Grades 7-12 interested in playing basketball this year!

Senior Boys Basketball: There will be a Sign up sheet  in the office for any Boys Grades 10-12 interested in playing Senior basketball this year!

Junior Boys Basketball: There will be a Sign up sheet  in the office for any Boys Grades 7-9 interested in playing Senior basketball this year!

Reminder -- Important Memo for Junior High (Family): Please see important rules and expectations updated for our Junior High students and students under the age of 16. Please review these updates with your family. These updates will be presented to students tomorrow (first day of school) and be implemented immediately. MEMO: Junior High Families

Reminder -- Absence/Sign-in/Sign-out (Family): It’s very important that you make attendance a priority for our youth. Powerschool will be making a daily call-out to families of students who had any unexcused absences or unexcused lateness. Please go to the website to complete an absent form (and/or call the office) to formally notify staff of an absence. Any parent/guardian signing-out their child early for appointments etc. must have a parent/guardian complete the sign-out form and this information must be verified by the office prior to the student leaving. Parents have the option to come into the school or call the school to verify the sign-out. Students will not be permitted to leave until the latter is completed. Finally, students signing in late must report to the office and check-in by speaking with admin and completing the sign-in form. The above procedures are vitally important for safe and secure school purposes. 

Powerschool -- Rycor Payment/Forms (Family): Baccalieu Collegiate is now using the Rycor online form/payment system in September 2023. Please review the links below and access (set-up if needed) powerschool parent portal. You will need to use your parent email that is on file at Baccalieu Collegiate. Please note the Rycor system will work on all devices however it is recommended to use a computer where possible. The following link will provide you with information on the Rycor system and troubleshooting tips: Please access your child's account as soon as possible to read, review, and sign the following important documents: Acceptable Use of Technology, Media Consent, Student Demographics and Athlete Contract. 

Anti-Discrimination Conduct Procedure: Please refer to our Code of Conduct Flowchart: Code of Conduct FlowchartIn any incident whereby you hear or see a student use discriminatory language please refer them to the office at the time of the incident. Then, at the teacher's convenience the teacher must inform the office what happened and the office will investigate and apply next steps as needed. An Office-referral in 360 is required. In addition to the above, we will look at school wide initiatives to better educate and support our youth's learning around discrimination. Any ideas from staff are certainly welcome.

Cannabis and Smoke Free Policy: Please note Baccalieu Collegiate and the District support a Tobacco, Cannabis, Smoke and Smoke-less Free Policy. School is no place for these addictive substances that harm our young adolescents' health.  This policy also includes banning any person wearing clothing that promotes respective unhealthy habits. Persons should not be wearing any clothing that has tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, and/or any drug represented on it.

E-Mental Health Quick Guide: Check out this all-inclusive reference guide E-Mental Health Quick Guide to support yourself and/or family in any situation. 

Assessment Support Calendar: Please do your best to add assessments to our Assessment Support Calendar. This calendar is shared on our site for both students and families to see and support their organization. Additionally, give our IRT team a heads up at your earliest convenience so that they can mobilize effectively to support. 

Check the Calendar: Check the Calendar ( for further and future updates

Good News Report (In no particular order)
  • Sports at Baccalieu: Many thanks to our coaches. It is a big week to kick off sports at Baccalieu with Cross Country, Boys Softball and Girls Soccer along with Girls Volleyball already going into its second week. Thank-you to all the teachers and volunteers for our commitment to our youth and sport. Be sure to check our calendar and/or facebook page for timely updates. 

  • Trinity Hall Saturday Night: Huge thanks to Phoenix, Mya, Cameron, Anna March, Emma B, Hilary N, and Alyssa D for their hardwork from 3:00pm to 11:30pm Saturday night - capturing a monumental evening in music at Trinity Hall. 

  • Staff Meeting: Big thanks to all the teachers for a very constructive staff meeting last week!

  • Extracurriculars: Huge thank-you to all of our teachers for doing their best and extending their already full schedule to provide extracurricular activities for our students! 

  • Lighthouse Project Meeting: Huge thank-you to Scott Legge (Atlantic Spotlight), Wiley Butler (Brilliant Labs), Quote the Raven, MusicNL, Baccalieu Staff and Students, along with our community support! We're very excited to grow this project into something huge and something we can all be proud of as a school community and beyond! 

  • Harbour Breeze Cafeteria: Thank-you to Brenda and the Harbour Breeze company for an amazing first week of grub! 

  • Check Facebook/Twitter: For more updates on good news and information check out our Baccalieu Collegiate facebook/twitter page. 
  • Did I miss something? If I missed anything please be sure to reply-all. There are so many amazing things going on at Baccalieu already, so chances are I might miss something. Celebrate whenever you can! 

Monday, September 11, 2023

BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, September 11th 2023 (DAY 4)

 Dear Families,

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Huge congrats and thank-you to everyone on their first days of the 2023-24 school year. Work together, pace yourself, have fun. The year will have its long days and weeks, and feel like the year flew by. Make sure you recharge your batteries on your days off. Focus and be kind during your days in. Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review updates and important reminders! Any questions or concerns let me know. If I have missed anything please reply-all to this email. 

                                                        Updates and Important Information

1) Harbour Breeze Cafeteria: Please see the following new BCP Harbour Breeze Menu and Harbour Breeze Information. Cafeteria services will begin Monday, September 11th 2023.

2) District MemoRNC Arrest

3) Baccalieu Collegiate Lighthouse Project: This week we will be unveiling our new Baccalieu Collegiate Lighthouse Project. We are very excited as this project will provide opportunity for students to follow their passions and work together and with the community to produce meaningful production and of course learning. The project is in partnership with Scott Legge from the Atlantic Spotlight, NLMusic, Brilliant Labs, and the Trinity Hall (Greg Wells). We will be having our first welcome back and kick-off event this Thursday at the school. Stay tuned! 

4) Volunteer Meeting: Baccalieu Collegiate is inviting any community/family members who would like to volunteer their time in cooperation with the school for a meeting at 6:00pm on Thursday, September 21st 2023 (before the Meet and Greet/ Curriculum Night). 

5) Meet and Greet -- Curriculum Night: Baccalieu Collegiate will having it's Meet and Greet the teacher / Curriculum Night on Thursday, September 21st 2023 starting at 6:30pm. Families are encouraged to attend for a general assembly covering teacher introductions and important information, followed by opportunity to share a coffee/tea with our teachers. 

6) Learning Disabilities Association of NL - Back to School ResourcesPlease see the following message from Manisha writing on behalf of the Learning Disabilities Association of Newfoundland and Labrador (LDANL). Back to school is here and we would like to share some resources with you!  Attached please find two PDF files: 
  1. An interactive PDF- this PDF allows the user to click and learn more about each of our tutoring projects. This can also be printed and used as a poster!
  2. A general information poster- this describes who we are and what services we offer. 
As you can see, LDANL supports all ages and no diagnosis is required to access any of our services. This time of year can bring on stress for many so we want to spread the word to support as many individuals as possible. 

7) Reminder -- Important Memo for Junior High (Family): Please see important rules and expectations updated for our Junior High students and students under the age of 16. Please review these updates with your family. These updates will be presented to students tomorrow (first day of school) and be implemented immediately. MEMO: Junior High Families

8) Reminder -- Absence/Sign-in/Sign-out (Family): It’s very important that you make attendance a priority for our youth. Powerschool will be making a daily call-out to families of students who had any unexcused absences or unexcused lateness. Please go to the website to complete an absent form (and/or call the office) to formally notify staff of an absence. Any parent/guardian signing-out their child early for appointments etc. must have a parent/guardian complete the sign-out form and this information must be verified by the office prior to the student leaving. Parents have the option to come into the school or call the school to verify the sign-out. Students will not be permitted to leave until the latter is completed. Finally, students signing in late must report to the office and check-in by speaking with admin and completing the sign-in form. The above procedures are vitally important for safe and secure school purposes. 

9) Powerschool -- Rycor Payment/Forms (Family): Baccalieu Collegiate is now using the Rycor online form/payment system in September 2023. Please review the links below and access (set-up if needed) powerschool parent portal. You will need to use your parent email that is on file at Baccalieu Collegiate. Please note the Rycor system will work on all devices however it is recommended to use a computer where possible. The following link will provide you with information on the Rycor system and troubleshooting tips: Please access your child's account as soon as possible to read, review, and sign the following important documents: Acceptable Use of Technology, Media Consent, Student Demographics and Athlete Contract. 

10) Anti-Discrimination Conduct Procedure: Please refer to our Code of Conduct Flowchart: Code of Conduct FlowchartIn any incident whereby you hear or see a student use discriminatory language please refer them to the office at the time of the incident. Then, at the teacher's convenience the teacher must inform the office what happened and the office will investigate and apply next steps as needed. An Office-referral in 360 is required. In addition to the above, we will look at school wide initiatives to better educate and support our youth's learning around discrimination. Any ideas from staff are certainly welcome.

11) Cannabis and Smoke Free Policy: Please note Baccalieu Collegiate and the District support a Tobacco, Cannabis, Smoke and Smoke-less Free Policy. School is no place for these addictive substances that harm our young adolescents' health.  This policy also includes banning any person wearing clothing that promotes respective unhealthy habits. Persons should not be wearing any clothing that has tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, and/or any drug represented on it.

12) E-Mental Health Quick Guide: Check out this all-inclusive reference guide E-Mental Health Quick Guide to support yourself and/or family in any situation. 

13) Social Media Tips for Families: We know that although we work hard at school to help our students learn what it means to be Good Digital Citizens (a person who is able to navigate our digital environments in a way that’s safe and responsible and to actively and respectfully engage in these spaces), it is also important that our families and caregivers are included in our conversations. As a way for us to continue this conversation with our families and caregivers, our Program Itinerants for Safe & Inclusive Schools have created and shared this infographic with us: Social Media Tips For Families. The goal of

sharing this information is to help us work together to ensure we are modeling what it means to be Good Digital Citizens. We know that our families and our caregivers are our students' first teachers and that it is essential we include you as part of our district-wide program in this area. Together, we can be positive role models for our students. Please connect with your school administrator or guidance counsellor if you are looking for support in helping your child navigate the digital world, or if you have any concerns that you would like to discuss. Working together, we can make being a Good Digital Citizen a priority at school and at home.

14) Assessment Support Calendar: Please do your best to add assessments to our Assessment Support Calendar. This calendar is shared on our site for both students and families to see and support their organization. Additionally, give our IRT team a heads up at your earliest convenience so that they can mobilize effectively to support. 

15) Check the Calendar: Check the Calendar ( for further and future updates

Good News Report (In no particular order)
  • Caretakers: Big thanks to our caretaking team Mr. Preston and Ms. Pike for taking care and preparing the school over the summer!

  • Students: Thank-you to all of our students for an excellent first week back. Students kindness and good hearts shined through in only few days! We look forward to seeing more kindness, cooperation, and smiles this week! 
  • Staff: Huge thanks to our staff new and returning on a excellent first week! 
  • Check Facebook/Twitter: For more updates on good news and information check out our Baccalieu Collegiate facebook/twitter page. 
  • Did I miss something? If I missed anything please be sure to reply-all. There are so many amazing things going on at Baccalieu already, so chances are I might miss something. Celebrate whenever you can! 

BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, September 16th 2024 (DAY 9)

  Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review  updates  and important reminders...