Monday, November 28, 2022

BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, November 28th 2022 (DAY 1)

Dear Families,

Congrats, term one is soon to be in the books! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review updates and important reminders! Any questions or concerns let me know. If I have missed anything please reply-all to this email. 

                                                               Updates and Important Information

1) Term 2: Welcome to the start of Term 2! Congrats on a successful First Term! 

2) 2021-2022 Nomination/Application AwardsDear Students, Families, and Community Members, please see the following awards to nominate a BCP student who has positively impacted you or your community this past 2021-2022 school year. Deadline for nomination/applications is fast approaching Monday, December 12th 2022Spread the word. **Nominations/applications will be assessed on content, not grammar and writing structure. If you would like to nominate a student but are uncomfortable writing, please contact to explore accessible ways to nominate a worthy candidate. For more information including nomination/application form and details see the link:

3) Jr. Boys Basketball: Today at 3pm our Jr. Boys Basketball squad will be competing against Carbonear Academy. Please see permission form:

4) Bus Reminders: Please note the following bus safety reminders in anticipation of the winter weather. 1) stay back from the road edge until the bus comes to a stop and the door opens. 2) if you are being picked up from the left side of the road please don’t cross the road in front of the bus while the bus is still moving. Just wait until the bus stops and the driver signals it’s safe to cross. 

5) Food DRIVE: Student Leadership are starting a food drive and it will be running for two weeks until December 2nd 2022. Milk crates will be placed in each homeroom for collection. The food will be weighed for each room and then the class with the most weight will gain points towards winter carnival. Try and motivate the students to be an active school community member and donate if they are able!! 

6) BCP Cash Lottery: Please encourage students to continue selling Cash Lottery tickets! Everyone is doing an amazing job!

7) CDLI Reminders: Please note that CDLI classes continue during school based closures (PL days, closeouts, snowdays etc). Students are encouraged to sign in from home or to watch class recordings so that they don't fall behind with coursework.  

8) Reports Deadlines: Reports will be going home with students at the end of the day Wednesday, November 30th 2022.

9) Family-Teacher Conferences: Families are invited to in-person meet with teachers on our Family-Teacher Conferences held Thursday, December 1st 2022 from 1-4pm and 5-7pm.

10) After School Academic Support: Mr. Holloway will be staying after school to offer extra help for any student(s) on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:00pm to 4:00pm in Room 148. 

11) Ronald McDonald House: BCP staff, students and families are invited to bring in their pop pull tabs and place them in the bucket near the lobby. Baccalieu Collegiate will again be collecting pull tabs in support of the Ronald McDonald House. Last year we collected over 3 X 18.5 litre bottles full. Let's beat that number this year! 

12) CDLI Virtual Family - Teacher Conferences: CDLI will have virtual Family - Teacher Conferences on Thursday, December 8th from 12:30pm - 5:30pm. As a result, there will not be any live classes after 11:35am on that day. Family-Teacher Conferences will be scheduled using Optis.

13) Senior Girls Volleyball Provincials: Our BCP Senior Girls Volleyball team will be hosting this years Volleyball Provincials from December 8th -10th 2022.

14) Retake Pictures: Picture retakes will take place on Friday, December 9th 2022

15) Festivities Heads Up: Between studetns, teachers, community, and traditions; we have a spiritied and busy upcoming December. Besides the events outlined in this update we have the following. More information is forthcoming, however, if you're intereted please save the date. a) Christmas Concert -- Tuesday, December 13th 2022. b) Christmas Dance -- Thursday, December 15th 2022. c) School Council Christmas Dinner -- Friday, December 16th 2022. d) Gathering History Project Kick-off -- Friday, December 16th 2022

16) Public Exams Cancelled: The Department of Education has officially cancelled public exams for the 2022-23 school year. The announcement can be found at the following link: Public Advisory: Public Exams Cancelled for 2022-23 School Year, Under Review for Future Years - News Releases (

17) Awards 2022 Sponsorship: By now, many of you know that our Awards Sponsorship letters are out amongst our communities. For more information and/or if you would like an opportunity to contribute please follow the link:

18) Awards Night and Cap and Gown: The date of Monday, December 19th 2022 has been set for our 2021-22 Cap and Gown and Awards Night! Donation letters will be sent out soon! A new way of direct payment will be introduced. 

19) Assessment Support Calendar: Please do your best to add assessments to our Assessment Support Calendar. This calendar is shared on our site for both students and families to see and support their organization. Additionally, give our IRT team a heads up at your earliest convenience so that they can mobilize effectively to support. 

20) Check the Calendar: Check the Calendar ( for further updates

Good News Report (In no particular order)
  •  Teachers Change Lives: Check out the very nice tribute to Ms. Slade!
  • Term 1 End: Great work everyone! You should all be very proud of the learning and progress you all made this term!
  • PL/Reporting Close Out Days: Thank-you to staff for their hard work and learning during this past week's PL Sessions!
  • Staff Christmas Dinner: Thank-you staff for a great evening.
  • Bake Sale: Great job Brock and Lyndon! Thank-you Ms. Kelloway for organizing such an excellent event for our students. 
  • Deep Learning Initiative Meeting: Thank-you to our staff, Mary Lou Riggs and Darrin Hyde for meeting to discuss a Gathering History project for our school and community.
  • Wrestling at Baccalieu!!!: Big thanks to Coach Sweetland and Adams for sharing their knowledge and wrestling skills with our students. Get out there and wrestle BCP students!!
  • Senior Boys Basketball: Great work Senior Boys as you put time into practices.
  • Senior Girls Volleyball: Congrats on a very strong showing during regional qualifier this past weekend - placing 3rd. Onward and upward in two weeks when Baccalieu Sr. Girl's host provincials!
  • Grade 12 Girls Volleyball: Keep up the great work!
  • Sports Practices: So many sports and other events going on afterschool. Please check out Baccalieu Calendar for a listing of events and times! Thank-you to all of our students for getting involved and teachers and volunteers for giving up your time for our youth! 
  • Dungeons and Dragons: Great job to our students for setting some time after school to socialize over a great game of Dungeons and Dragons. Thank-you Dragon Holloway and Dungeons Adams! 
  • Gaming Club: Great job Gaming Club! 
  • Check Facebook/Twitter: For more updates on good news and information check out our Baccalieu Collegiate facebook/twitter page. 
  • Did I miss something? If I missed anything please be sure to reply-all. There are so many amazing things going on at Baccalieu already, so chances are I might miss something. Celebrate whenever you can! 

2022 BCP Nomination - Application Awards (Deadline Dec. 12/22)

Dear Students, Families, and Community Members,

Please see the following awards to nominate a BCP student who has positively impact you or your community this past 2021-2022 school year. 

Deadline for nomination/applications is fast approaching Monday, December 12th 2022.

Spread the word. 

**Nominations/applications will be assessed on content, not grammar and writing structure. If you would like to nominate a student but are uncomfortable writing, please contact to explore accessible ways to nominate a worthy candidtate. 

2022 BCP Citizenship/Volunteer Nomination/Application Form

Citizenship is shown in school by

1) Following and showing respect for the rules in your community.

2) Doing his/her part in taking care of the environment.

3) Volunteering in community organizations.

4) Being respectful to friends, neighbours, family, etc.

5) Helping people in need.

6) Having a good understanding of the government.

7) Being a good person.

2022 BCP Humanitarian Award Nomination/Application Form

A humanitarian is someone who actively engages in promoting human welfare and social reforms, and who has no prejudice with human suffering on grounds of gender, sexual orientation, religious or national divisions.

2022 BCP Gratitude AWARD Nomination/Application Form

Please use this form to nominate a student from Baccalieu Collegiate in Junior High or Senior High who you are grateful for. We want to make gratitude a habit. Tell us who you are grateful for in 2021-2022 and explain why.

Monday, November 21, 2022

BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, November 21st 2022 (DAY 10)

Dear Families,

This week will be a short one! Let's make it a great one! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review updates and important reminders! Any questions or concerns let me know. If I have missed anything please reply-all to this email. 

                                            Updates and Important Information

1) Bake Sale: Hi everyone, this coming Monday, November 21st 2022 Brock and Lyndon will be having a bake sale during recess and lunch. The boys will be making some things to sell in school that morning. If anyone would like to contribute and bring something in for their sale it would be very much appreciated. All money raised will be going toward buying things for the functional program. 

2) Food DRIVE: Student Leadership are starting a food drive and it will be running for two weeks until December 2nd 2022. Milk crates will be placed in each homeroom for collection. The food will be weighed for each room and then the class with the most weight will gain points towards winter carnival. Try and motivate the students to be an active school community member and donate if they are able!! 

3) BCP Cash Lottery: Congrats everyone on a great first 2 weeks! With just a few more weeks to go, keep selling those great stocking stuffers! 

4) After School Academic Support: Mr. Holloway will be staying after school to offer extra help for any student(s) on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:00pm to 4:00pm in Room 148. 

5) Doorways: Doorways will be back at Baccalieu on Wednesday, November 23rd 2022. Students should touch base with Ms. Doyle to secure an appointment. 

6) District Wide Shutdown: There will be a District wide school Close out for PL purposes on November 24th 2022. No school for students.

8) PL/Reporting Close Out Day: On Friday, November 25th 2022 teachers will be working on their practice and reporting. No school for students.

9) Term 1 End: Remember that Term 1 End is Friday, November 25th 2022.

10) Reports Going Home: Please note that reports will be going home with students at the end of the day Wednesday, November 30th 2022.

11) Family-Teacher Conferences: Families are invited to in-person meet with teachers on our Family-Teacher Conferences held Thursday, December 1st 2022 from 1-4pm and 5-7pm.

12) Awards 2022 Sponsorship: By now, many of you know that our Awards Sponsorship letters are out amongst our communities. Thank-you again to Ms. Tara North for volunteering to help! For more information and/or if you would like an opportunity to contribute please follow the link:

13) Retake Pictures: Picture retakes will take place on Friday, December 9th 2022

14) Ronald McDonald House: BCP staff, students and families are invited to bring in their pop pull tabs and place them in the bucket near the lobby. Baccalieu Collegiate will again be collecting pull tabs in support of the Ronald McDonald House. Last year we collected over 3 X 18.5 litre bottles full. Let's beat that number this year! 

15) Assessment Support Calendar: Please do your best to add assessments to our Assessment Support Calendar. This calendar is shared on our site for both students and families to see and support their organization. Additionally, give our IRT team a heads up at your earliest convenience so that they can mobilize effectively to support. 

16) Awards Night and Cap and Gown: The date of Monday, December 19th 2022 has been set for our 2021-22 Cap and Gown and Awards Night! Donation letters will be sent out soon! A new way of direct payment will be introduced. 

17) Check the Calendar: Check the Calendar ( for further updates

Good News Report (In no particular order)
  • Girls Indoor Soccer: Congrats to our In-door Girls soccer for such an amazing showing this past week. The girls made the championship game, bringing home the silver. Amazing showing!
  • Deep Learning Initiative Meeting: Thanks to Mary Lou Riggs and Darrin for meeting to discuss a Gathering History project for our school and community.
  • Blue Shirt Day: Thank-you to everyone who wore please in support of  Diabetes Awareness. 
  • Couple of Reminders for Students (Students): Great job students! recycling bins are filling up faster and the school is looking more tidy. Please continue to eat in the cafeteria or homeroom. Make sure you clean up after yourself!
  • Cash Lottery Kickoff: Congrats to our Week One Winner Erin Reid! For every 25 tickets sold in the first week students' names went into a draw. Erin Reid was the lucky winner of a $30.00 Jungle Jim's gift certificate.
  • Wrestling at Baccalieu!!!: Big thanks to Coach Sweetland and Adams for sharing their knowledge and wrestling skills with our students. Get out there and wrestle BCP students!!
  • Senior Boys Basketball: Great work Senior Boys as you put time into practices.
  • Senior Girls Volleyball: Keep up the great work!
  • Grade 12 Girls Volleyball: Keep up the great work!
  • Sports Practices: So many sports and other events going on afterschool. Please check out Baccalieu Calendar for a listing of events and times! Thank-you to all of our students for getting involved and teachers and volunteers for giving up your time for our youth! 
  • Dungeons and Dragons: Great job to our students for setting some time after school to socialize over a great game of Dungeons and Dragons. Thank-you Dragon Holloway and Dungeons Adams! 
  • Gaming Club: Great job Gaming Club! 
  • Check Facebook/Twitter: For more updates on good news and information check out our Baccalieu Collegiate facebook/twitter page. 
  • Did I miss something? If I missed anything please be sure to reply-all. There are so many amazing things going on at Baccalieu already, so chances are I might miss something. Celebrate whenever you can! 

Sunday, November 13, 2022

BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, November 14th 2022 (DAY 5)

 Dear Families

I hope everyone had some R&R over the nice long weekend. Looking forward to continuing our work together this week. We are just two weeks before the end of Term 1. Please encourage a supportive learning space for you child(s) and connect with teachers if needed to enhance organization of learning and study. Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review updates and important reminders! Any questions or concerns let me know. If I have missed anything please reply-all to this email. 

                                           Updates and Important Information

1) Blue Shirt Day: In support of Diabetes Awareness students and staff are invited to wear a blue shirt on Monday, November 14th 2022

2) BCP Cash Lottery: Students please ensure you submit your current ticket sales to your respective Homeroom teachers during HR period on Monday, November 14th 2022. For every booklet of 25 tickets sold your name will be put into a draw for a Jungle Jim's gift certificate. 

3) After School Academic Support: Mr. Holloway will be staying after school to offer extra help for any student(s) on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:00pm to 4:00pm in Room 148. 

4) Ronald McDonald House: BCP staff, students and families are invited to bring in their pop pull tabs and place them in the bucket near the lobby. Baccalieu Collegiate will again be collecting pull tabs in support of the Ronald McDonald House. Last year we collected over 3 X 18.5 litre bottles full. Let's beat that number this year! 

5) Doorways: Doorways will be back at Baccalieu on Wednesday, November 23rd 2022. Students should touch base with Ms. Doyle to secure an appointment. 

6) District Wide Shutdown: There will be a District wide school Close out for PL purposes on November 24th 2022.

7) Term 1 End: Reminder that Term 1 End is Friday, November 25th 2022. While it is not confirmed, it is likely we will have our PL/Reporting period on Friday, November 25th 2022. This means students must complete and submit outstanding assignments prior to Thursday, November 24th and/or send electronically before Friday. The school will confirm it's PL/Reporting Date as soon as possible.

8) Reports Going Home: Please note that reports will be going home with students at the end of the day Wednesday, November 30th 2022.

9) Family-Teacher Conferences: Families are invited to in-person meet with teachers on our Family-Teacher Conferences held Thursday, December 1st 2022 from 1-4pm and 5-7pm.

10) A Message from Learning Disabilities Association of Newfoundland and Labrador (LDANL) (Parents/Guardians): As it is known, our rural communities are faced with problems in regards to accessing many services. This is why LDANL has chosen to dedicate an entire program to help serve individuals living outside of St. John’s who could benefit from extra support with their reading and/or math. LDANL is currently offering up to full funding to help those living in rural areas access our learning disability specific one-on-one tutoring. No formal diagnosis needed! Please see attached for a poster which can be distributed to other teachers, parents, students or posted around your school and communityAlong with our tutoring programs, LDANL offers other programs and services to serve those living in remote areas of our province. I have also attached a poster detailing more of our services which could potentially benefit others living in your communityAs the school year continues and challenges arise, please do not hesitate to reach out and let us know how we can best assist you and your students in the rural and remote areas of our province. Please also see website:

11) Assessment Support Calendar: Please do your best to add assessments to our Assessment Support Calendar. This calendar is shared on our site for both students and families to see and support their organization. Additionally, give our IRT team a heads up at your earliest convenience so that they can mobilize effectively to support. 

12) Awards Night and Cap and Gown: The date of Monday, December 19th 2022 has been set for our 2021-22 Cap and Gown and Awards Night! Donation letters will be sent out soon! A new way of direct payment will be introduced. 

13) Check the Calendar: Check the Calendar ( for further updates

Good News Report (In no particular order)
  • Peace Poster Contest: Congrats to the Students who took part mostly grade 8’s in the peace poster contest! Congrats also to the winners: Sophia Bishop 1st place, Blake Delaney 2nd place, & Peyton North 3rd place 
  • Couple of Reminders for Students (Students): A big thank-you to the majority of students who have responded and started putting their recyclables in our blue bins. Let's do our part for the environment! We're still having a little trouble with students eating and making a mess, in particular, at the end of our hallway facing the back of the school. We are asking students to please eat either in their homeroom or cafeteria. Please do not eat in the hallways for cleanliness is becoming an issue.
  • Remembrance Day Assembly: Huge thanks to our students including Cadets, Drama, Ensemble, and International students for superb performances during our Baccalieu Collegiate's annual Remembrance Day Assembly will be held on November 10th 2022 starting at 12:45pm. Thank-you to our public for attending. Thank-you to Commander Christopher Parsons for sharing his presentation to our community. Thank-you to teachers for their respective work and pulling together to make this all happen! Congrats. 
  • Doorways: Thank-you again for Doorways presence at our school, helping youth.
  • School Council Meeting: Big thanks to our School Council for meeting this past week! Thank-you for all of your support.
  • Staff Meeting: Thank-you teachers for a great staff meeting last week!
  • Autism Conference: Congrats and thank-you Service Delivery Team for your engaging in important Autism and Behaviour Management Professional Learning.
  • Important Note for Musicians: Big thanks to Ms. Sequeira for supporting our ensemble and aspiring musicians at our school! 
  • Picture Day: Thanks to Lifetouch and our students for making such beautiful smiles!
  • Cash Lottery Kickoff: Way-to-go students for driving spectacular sales in support of your school!
  • Wrestling at Baccalieu!!!: Big thanks to Coach Sweetland and Adams for sharing their knowledge and wrestling skills with our students. Get out there and wrestle BCP students!!
  • Senior Boys Basketball: Great work Senior Boys as you put time into practices.
  • Senior Girls Volleyball: Keep up the great work!
  • Grade 12 Girls Volleyball: Keep up the great work!
  • Sports Practices: So many sports and other events going on afterschool. Please check out Baccalieu Calendar for a listing of events and times! Thank-you to all of our students for getting involved and teachers and volunteers for giving up your time for our youth! 
  • Girls Indoor Soccer: Here we go girls! Great first tryout! Thanks Coach Cashin!
  • Dungeons and Dragons: Great job to our students for setting some time after school to socialize over a great game of Dungeons and Dragons. Thank-you Dragon Holloway and Dungeons Adams! 
  • Gaming Club: Great job Gaming Club! 
  • Check Facebook/Twitter: For more updates on good news and information check out our Baccalieu Collegiate facebook/twitter page. 
  • Did I miss something? If I missed anything please be sure to reply-all. There are so many amazing things going on at Baccalieu already, so chances are I might miss something. Celebrate whenever you can! 

Sunday, November 6, 2022

BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, November, 7th 2022 (DAY 1)

Dear Families,

Another wonderful weekend. We hope you all made time to recharge! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review updates and important reminders! Any questions or concerns let me know. If I have missed anything please reply-all to this email. 

                                          Updates and Important Information

1) After School Academic Support: Mr. Holloway will be staying after school to offer extra help for any student(s) on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:00pm to 4:00pm in Room 148. 

2) Picture Day: This Tuesday, November 8th 2022 Lifetouch will be at the school to complete staff and student pictures. Please note students will be called down for their pictures throughout the morning/day. 

3) School Council Meeting: School Council meeting will take place on Tuesday, November 8th 2022 beginning at 6:30pm.

4) Doorways: Please remember that Doorways will be at Baccalieu Collegiate on Wednesday, November 9th 2022. Break the stigma. If you're having a hard time, talking with a professional will help!

5) BCP Cash Lottery: Thank-you in advance for all of the support. Our BCP Cash Lottery ticket sales have started! Students, please do not forget to bring in your first week's sales before Monday, November 14th 2022 to gain entry into our draw for a Jungle Jim's gift certificate. For every booklet of 25 tickets sold your name will be entered for a chance to win.   

6) Remembrance Day Assembly: Baccalieu Collegiate's annual Remembrance Day Assembly will be held on November 10th 2022 starting at 12:45pm. The assembly is open to the public! 

7) Remembrance Day: A reminder there will be no school on Friday, November 11th 2022 as it is a National Day for Remembrance. 

8) Cadet Craft Fair: This Sunday, November 13th 2022 there will be a Cadet Craft Fair held in the Baccalieu Collegiate gymnasium from 9-4pm

9) A Message from Learning Disabilities Association of Newfoundland and Labrador (LDANL) (Parents/Guardians): As it is known, our rural communities are faced with problems in regards to accessing many services. This is why LDANL has chosen to dedicate an entire program to help serve individuals living outside of St. John’s who could benefit from extra support with their reading and/or math. LDANL is currently offering up to full funding to help those living in rural areas access our learning disability specific one-on-one tutoring. No formal diagnosis needed! Please see attached for a poster which can be distributed to other teachers, parents, students or posted around your school and communityAlong with our tutoring programs, LDANL offers other programs and services to serve those living in remote areas of our province. I have also attached a poster detailing more of our services which could potentially benefit others living in your communityAs the school year continues and challenges arise, please do not hesitate to reach out and let us know how we can best assist you and your students in the rural and remote areas of our province. Please also see website:

10) Couple of Reminders for Students: a) If you're eating, please eat in your respective homeroom or the cafeteria -- not in the hallways. If your homeroom is closed due to cleanliness checks, you must eat in the cafeteria. If you're eating outside, please make sure you're not littering. Keep our school grounds clean! b) Students please recycle your drinking bottles and cans! There are many recyclable cans and bottles going into the garbage bin instead of the blue recycling bins. Let's do our part for the environment please!

11) District Wide Shutdown: There will be a District wide school Close out for PL purposes on November 24th 2022.

12) Term 1 End: Reminder that Term 1 End is Friday, November 25th 2022.

13) Awards Night and Cap and Gown: The date of Monday, December 19th 2022 has been set for our 2021-22 Cap and Gown and Awards Night! Donation letters will be sent out soon! A new way of direct payment will be introduced. 

14) Check the Calendar: Check the Calendar ( for further updates

Good News Report (In no particular order)
  • Halloween: Thank-you Leadership, students, and staff for the fun Halloween day festivities! 
  • Important Note for Musicians: Big thanks to Ms. Sequeira for en-sembling our amazing student music talent for the upcoming Remembrance Day!
  • School Close-Out: Amazing work, team work, and collaboration teachers during our past PL shutdown!
  • Cash Lottery Kickoff: Thank-you to all our teachers and students for creating an amazing Cash Lottery kickoff this past thursday!
  • Wrestling at Baccalieu!!!: Big thanks to Coach Sweetland and Adams for sharing their knowledge and wrestling skills with our students. Get out there and wrestle BCP students!!
  • Senior Boys Basketball: Great work Senior Boys as you put time into practices.
  • Senior Girls Volleyball: Congrats to our Sr. Girls Volleyball for a strong showing this weekend at the Pink Tournament!
  • Grade 12 Girls Volleyball: Congrats Grade 12 Girls Volleyball on a strong showing this weekend at the Pink Tournament!
  • Sports Practices: So many sports and other events going on afterschool. Please check out Baccalieu Calendar for a listing of events and times! Thank-you to all of our students for getting involved and teachers and volunteers for giving up your time for our youth! 
  • Girls Indoor Soccer: Here we go girls! Great first tryout! Thanks Coach Cashin!
  • Dungeons and Dragons: Great job to our students for setting some time after school to socialize over a great game of Dungeons and Dragons. Thank-you Dragon Holloway and Dungeons Adams! 
  • Gaming Club: Great job Gaming Club! 
  • Check Facebook/Twitter: For more updates on good news and information check out our Baccalieu Collegiate facebook/twitter page. 
  • Did I miss something? If I missed anything please be sure to reply-all. There are so many amazing things going on at Baccalieu already, so chances are I might miss something. Celebrate whenever you can! 

BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, September 16th 2024 (DAY 9)

  Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review  updates  and important reminders...