Monday, May 30, 2022

Baccalieu Collegiate Family Weekly Updates: Monday, May 30th 2022 (DAY 4)

 Dear Families,

Good morning! I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.  Please see the following important updates. Any questions or concerns let me know. If I have missed anything please reply-all to this email.

                                     Updates and Important Information

1) 2021-2022 Canadian Student Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey (CSTADS): Baccalieu Collegiate is one of a number of schools selected across Canada to participate in the CSTADS federal survey. The following links are 1) CSTADS 2021-2022 NF Parent Information Letter - providing information to families & 2) EN_Passive_Consent_Form_Baccalieu Collegiate -- this form should only be completed if a family DOES NOT consent to have their child participate. This form can be accessed online and/or a request can be made to the school to send a paper copy home for completion. The survey will be conducted on Monday, May 30th 2022 at 11:00am for all students. Students will be asked to return to their homerooms and envelopes with survey's will be distributed for completion. 

2) Provincial Reading and Mathematics Assessment (PRMA): Ms. Reid will be facilitating Grade 9 student completion of the PRMA which focuses on English Language Arts this year. Preparation is not needed for this assessment and results will be anonymous and used for identifying students proficiency across the province. This assessment will take place May 31st 2022 during English class. 

3) Important Interventions and Student Services Support: We're getting down to the final weeks of school.  Please see the following updates and reminders to support your effective management if your child is at-risk:
  • Attend School 
  • Check Powerschool and/or with your teacher to determine if any assessments are missing.
  • Reach out for help from the teacher through email and/or speak to them in/after class to discuss any challenges.  
  • Come out of class for support if required.
  • Get required sleep and eat healthy - energize each day!
  • Take care of your priorities - compound interest - make time each day to control your learning before doing leisure activities. 
4) 2021-2022 Yearbook Orders:  Orders are currently being taken for the 2021-2022 yearbook .  The cost is $10 per copy and the fee must be paid when you place your order.  The deadline for ordering is Friday, June 17.  Please see Mrs. Slade to place an order.

5) COVID-19 Restrictions in SchoolsPlease see the following memo for Masking policy changes starting today, Tuesday, May 24th 2022: Memo - Updating Masking Policy 

6) Attendance: Baccalieu Collegiate now has Power School set-up to call home each day at 6pm for any unexcused absences recorded throughout the day.   This callout is simply an automated call that will send a report home to families stating that the student missed one or more classes and was unexcused. We've implemented this for reasons that as Covid restrictions are scaled back, we must reassert the importance and value of school for our youth and for our families. We know it will be another challenging road for our students to attend school more consistently after the pandemic, but it is crucial for their success and development as young adolescents. We ask that families please address truancy and reinvigorate your family's value of school (if needed). Since the pandemic, our teachers have worked tirelessly carrying the academic load for the past two years, and working on implementing  higher impact instructional and assessment strategies, to replace high stakes testing, and which prove far more effective than high stakes testing. However, the caveat for this effectiveness is the need for our students' attendance.  We're here to support. 

7) CDLI TWEP Tutoring: CDLI TWEP tutors are starting this week, with availability during the day, evenings and weekends. Please pass this information along to your students. The link to the schedule is below. 

8) Bridge the Gapp: Please see the following information how staff and students can access Bridge The gApp App Launc

9) COVID Testing Protocols Reminder: Please review the following memo regarding new testing protocols. CMOH Memo - Changes to School Rapid Testing Program.pdfRapid Testing Program for Students and Staff at Schools.pdf. The following is a youtube link on using rapid test:

10) Close Contact Reminder: Please see the UPDATED Covid-19 Close Contact Flow Chart. My apologies, the last update was not the most current. This updated flow chart can also be found on our website under "Resources".

11) Check the Calendar: Check the Calendar ( for further updates. 

Good News Report (In no particular order)
  • Planned Parenthood: Big thanks to planned parenthood for their amazing presentation for our junior high squad last week!
  • Thank-you: A huge thank-you to all of our students for showing such tremendous kindness and perseverance! Just saying!
  • Dungeons and Dragons: It was so great to see so many students (and from different grade levels) connect after school this past week, playing Dungeons and Dragons. Thanks Mr. Harte!
  • Girls Volleyball: Huge thanks to Coach Ash and Penney for continuing to work with our girls volleyball squad! Amazing commitment girls! and volunteer coaches!
  • Homeroom Pictures: Thanks Ms. Slade for organizing our homeroom pictures! 
  • Doorways: Thank-you to Doorways for their support for our staff and students!
  • Wednesday Open Mic: Big thanks to Dominick LaMouche for organizing and entertaining Open Mic every Wednesday during lunch in the Learning Commons! 
  • Check Facebook/Twitter: For more updates on good news and information check out our Baccalieu Collegiate facebook/twitter page. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Baccalieu Collegiate Weekly Family Updates: Tuesday, May 24th 2022 (DAY 14)

 Dear Families,

Good morning! I hope  you all enjoyed the beautiful long weekend weather. Please see the following important updates. Any questions or concerns let me know. If I have missed anything please reply-all to this email.

                                                  Updates and Important Information

1) COVID-19 Restrictions in SchoolsPlease see the following memo for Masking policy changes starting today, Tuesday, May 24th 2022: Memo - Updating Masking Policy 

2) Attendance: Baccalieu Collegiate now has Power School set-up to call home each day at 6pm for any unexcused absences recorded throughout the day.   This callout is simply an automated call that will send a report home to families stating that the student missed one or more classes and was unexcused. We've implemented this for reasons that as Covid restrictions are scaled back, we must reassert the importance and value of school for our youth and for our families. We know it will be another challenging road for our students to attend school more consistently after the pandemic, but it is crucial for their success and development as young adolescents. We ask that families please address truancy and reinvigorate your family's value of school (if needed). We're here to support. 

3) CDLI TWEP Tutoring: CDLI TWEP tutors are starting this week, with availability during the day, evenings and weekends. Please pass this information along to your students. The link to the schedule is below. 

4) Homeroom Pictures: Homeroom class pictures for the yearbook will be taken on Wednesday, May 25 during period 3.  Level 3 students are asked to wear their grad hoodies for these pictures.

5) Doorways: A reminder that Doorways will be present at our school on Wednesday, May 25th 2022.

6) Bridge the Gapp: Please see the following information how staff and students can access Bridge The gApp App Launc

7) 2021-2022 Canadian Student Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey (CSTADS): Baccalieu Collegiate is one of a number of schools selected across Canada to participate in the CSTADS federal survey. The following links are 1) CSTADS 2021-2022 NF Parent Information Letter - providing information to families & 2) EN_Passive_Consent_Form_Baccalieu Collegiate -- this form should only be completed if a family DOES NOT consent to have their child participate. This form can be accessed online and/or a request can be made to the school to send a paper copy home for completion. The survey will be conducted on Monday, May 30th 2022 at 11:00am for all students. 

8) Provincial Reading and Mathematics Assessment (PRMA): Ms. Reid will be facilitating Grade 9 student completion of the PRMA which focuses on English Language Arts this year. Preparation is not needed for this assessment and results will be anonymous and used for identifying students proficiency across the province. This assessment will take place May 31st 2022 during English class. 

9) COVID Testing Protocols Reminder: Please review the following memo regarding new testing protocols. CMOH Memo - Changes to School Rapid Testing Program.pdfRapid Testing Program for Students and Staff at Schools.pdf. The following is a youtube link on using rapid test:

10) Close Contact Reminder: Please see the UPDATED Covid-19 Close Contact Flow Chart. My apologies, the last update was not the most current. This updated flow chart can also be found on our website under "Resources".

11) Check the Calendar: Check the Calendar ( for further updates. 

Good News Report (In no particular order)
  • International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia, Biophobia: Thank-you to all for recognizing phobia for what it is, not necessary. 
  • Planned Parenthood: Huge thanks to Planned Parenthood for presenting to our junior high students on the afternoon of Tuesday, May 17th 2022.
  • PISA: Big thanks to Grade 10 students and staff for completing the PISA assessment!
  • Sexting: Knowledge is power. Thank-you to the RCMP, students, and staff for supporting the learning around child pornography/sexting this past Tuesday, May 3rd 2022 during periods 3 & 4.
  • Doorways: Thank-you to Doorways for their support for our staff and students!
  • Wednesday Open Mic: Big thanks to Dominick LaMouche for organizing and entertaining Open Mic every Wednesday during lunch in the Learning Commons! 
  • Check Facebook/Twitter: For more updates on good news and information check out our Baccalieu Collegiate facebook/twitter page. 

Monday, May 16, 2022

Baccalieu Collegiate Weekly Updates: Monday, May 16th 2022 (DAY 9)

Dear Families,

Happy Monday. Sorry for the late posting of the weekly updates. Please see the following important updates. Any questions or concerns let me know. If I have missed anything please reply-all to this email.

                                                  Updates and Important Information

COVID-19 Restrictions in Schools: Please see the following memo for upcoming changes: Memo - Updating Masking Policy 

1) CDLI TWEP Tutoring: CDLI TWEP tutors are starting this week, with availability during the day, evenings and weekends. Please utilize accordingly. The link to the schedule is below. Any questions you can contact the office. 

2) Important Interventions and Student Services Support: We're getting down to the final weeks of school.  Please check your son/daughters Powerschool and support their learning. Attendance, time on task at-home, communication with teachers are all very important and should be addressed. 

3) Planned Parenthood: This is a reminder that Planned Parenthood will be presenting to our junior high students in the afternoon Tuesday, May 17th 2022.

4) International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia, Biophobia.

5) PISA: Students who missed the first Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) session and will need to complete on Wednesday, May 18th 2022. No preparation is needed. 

6) Victoria Day: Monday, May 23rd 2022 is a holiday.

7) Homeroom Yearbook Pictures: Please note that Ms. Slade will be taking respective homeroom pictures for the yearbook on Wednesday, May 25 (period 3).

8) Doorways: A reminder that Doorways will be present at our school on Wednesday, May 25th 2022.

9) COVID Testing Protocols Reminder: Please review the following memo regarding new testing protocols. CMOH Memo - Changes to School Rapid Testing Program.pdfRapid Testing Program for Students and Staff at Schools.pdf. The following is a youtube link on using rapid test:

10) Close Contact Reminder: Please see the UPDATED Covid-19 Close Contact Flow Chart. My apologies, the last update was not the most current. This updated flow chart can also be found on our website under "Resources".

11) Check the Calendar: Check the Calendar ( for further updates

Good News Report (In no particular order)
  • Grade 9 girls volleyball team played some great volleyball and had a great showing at the grade 9 tournament missing out by making it to the crossovers by one point. 
    They were great ambassadors for our school. Super proud of them all!!
  • Service Delivery Team Meeting: Thanks to the Service Delivery team for all of their hard-work and preparation supporting our students! Great meeting last week.
  • Moosehide Campaign: Big thanks to Ms. Ruttgaizer for organizing an excellent Moosehide Campaign showing our learning and support: standing up against women and children this past Thursday, May 12th 2022. Big thanks to our teaching staff for implementing the activities on this day!
  • Close Out: Thank-you teachers for an excellent School Development Day!
  • Sr. Boys Basketball: Congrats to our Sr. Boys Basketball team for their excellent showing at the NLBA Gr. 11 B Tournament! 
  • PISA: Big thanks to Grade 10 students and staff for completing the PISA assessment!
  • Sexting: Knowledge is power. Thank-you to the RCMP, students, and staff for supporting the learning around child pornography/sexting this past Tuesday, May 3rd 2022 during periods 3 & 4.
  • Doorways: Thank-you to Doorways for their support for our staff and students!
  • Extracurricular Sports: It is great to see so many youth back in the gymnasium including Jr. and Sr. Girls Volleyball, Baccalieu Boys Basketball, and Baccalieu Boys Floor Hockey! Thank-you to all the coaches volunteering their time! Don't forget to check out our calendar for all practice times and game dates!
  • Wednesday Open Mic: Big thanks to Dominick LaMouche for organizing and entertaining Open Mic every Wednesday during lunch in the Learning Commons! 
  • Check Facebook/Twitter: For more updates on good news and information check out our Baccalieu Collegiate facebook/twitter page. 

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Baccalieu Collegiate Family Weekly Updates: Monday, May 2nd 2022 (DAY 13)

Dear Families,

Happy Monday! I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and gained some well deserved rest. We had a lot of magic (meaningful learning) happen this past week. Thank-you to everyone who participated and supported the learning initiatives. My apologies for missing this past week due to Covid-19. Can't wait to rejoin the journey. Please see the following important updates. Any questions or concerns let me know. If I have missed anything please reply-all to this email.

                                                           Updates and Important Information

COVID-19 Restrictions in Schools: Please note (Memo: NLESD), as per the CMO and NLESD, schools will continue to mandate mask wearing up until the end of Easter Break both on the bus and in school. At which time, further decisions will be made. While we understand youth (and adults) are entering yet another confusing and tiresome period of time where the outside world says it's okay not to wear a mask and schools are saying it isn't - let's focus on the research/facts. For example, looking at one of the largest studies: "A huge National Institute of Health (USA) study involving 1.1 million students found that schools with masking mandates during the Delta surge had ~72% fewer cases of in-school transmission." The view of this research is not to say masks are full proof, but a clear indicator that they serve a proficient tool (and the only tool that we have) to help everyone ease into a world without restrictions (for now). While we're all tired, it's important we empathize with the whole public, and not just our specific cohort. It is important to support our children's empathy, understanding, and perseverance. Holdfast. Wearing masks in schools far outweighs the risks this virus has on us.

1) PISA: As included in the past months updates, our school was randomly selected to complete the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). PISA will be administered for Gr. 10 students during the morning on Monday, May 2nd 2022. P1-P3. It is a two-hour assessment, however, it is expected to take longer with other administrative duties to complete before and after the assessment and including a short break in between. There will be a handful of students not writing the 2-hour assessment in the morning. They will be writing an adapted 1-hour assessment in the afternoon. 

2) Sexting: RCMP will be presenting to our students with respect to child pornography/sexting on Tuesday, May 3rd 2022 during periods 3 & 4.

3) Sr. Boys Ball Hockey: FYI - Sr. Boys Ball Hockey Team who are scheduled to compete in Regional Qualifiers this weekend May 6-7th 2022. Further information TBA. 

4) Sr. Boys Basketball: FYI - Grade 11 and under Baccalieu Boys will be competing in the NLBA Grade 11 B Tournament held in Baltimore this weekend May 6th and May 7th 2022

5) Close Out: On Monday, May 9th 2022 Baccalieu School will be shut down for Professional Learning/School Development Day.

6) Doorways: A reminder that Doorways will be present at our school on Wednesday, May 11th 2022.

7) Moosehide Campaign: A reminder that our participating in the Moosehide Campaign standing up against women and children will be on Thursday, May 12th 2022.

8) COVID Testing Protocols Reminder: Please review the following memo regarding new testing protocols. CMOH Memo - Changes to School Rapid Testing Program.pdfRapid Testing Program for Students and Staff at Schools.pdf. The following is a youtube link on using rapid test:

9) Close Contact Reminder: Please see the UPDATED Covid-19 Close Contact Flow Chart. My apologies, the last update was not the most current. This updated flow chart can also be found on our website under "Resources".

10) Check the Calendar: Check the Calendar ( for further updates. 

Good News Report (In no particular order)
  • U-Turn Presentation: We're so thankful for our past presenter on addictions and substance abuse along with our amazing student response during this past week's presentations. 
  • Graduation 2020-21: We've officially put closure to our Covid-19 grads of 2020-21. Huge thanks to staff for holding the rope and putting together a memorable Cap and Gown evening for past grads!
  • BCP Drama Troupe: Thank-you Ms. Reid and our BCP Drama Troupe for repping BCP amazingly again at this year's modified Drama Festival Event. What a tremendous showing and more than that, having fun and inspiring drama back once again!
  • Baccalieu Idol: Wow! What an amazing night! Huge thanks to Mr. Harte and all the courageous and amazingly talented Idols of 2022! Congrats to Dominick Lamouche for winning this year! Congrats to everyone for putting on such an amazing show. You're all winners! 
  • Doorways: Thank-you to Doorways for their support for our staff and students!
  • Gaming ClubBaccalieu gaming club is back on the go during lunchtimes!
  • Extracurricular Sports: It is great to see so many youth back in the gymnasium including Jr. and Sr. Girls Volleyball, Baccalieu Boys Basketball, and Baccalieu Boys Floor Hockey! Thank-you to all the coaches volunteering their time! Don't forget to check out our calendar for all practice times and game dates!
  • Wednesday Open Mic: Big thanks to Dominick LaMouche for organizing and entertaining Open Mic every Wednesday during lunch in the Learning Commons! 
  • Check Facebook/Twitter: For more updates on good news and information check out our Baccalieu Collegiate facebook/twitter page. 

BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, September 16th 2024 (DAY 9)

  Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review  updates  and important reminders...