Monday, March 28, 2022

2021-22 Yearbook Sponsorship (Deadline Friday, May 6 2022)

 2021-2022 Yearbook Sponsorships:  We are currently in the process of acquiring sponsorships for our school yearbook.  We have already sent out letters to some sponsors from previous years.  We wanted to make sure that we didn't leave any businesses/organizations out, so regardless of whether you received a letter from the school, we welcome you to contribute to this initiative.  Sponsorships will be used to offset the purchasing costs of our yearbooks.  

All sponsorships will be recognized on a page in our yearbook.  A 15 dollar contribution will be recognized as a half-page sponsor, while a 30 dollar contribution will be recognized as a full-page sponsor.  We will list the names of businesses/organizations that contribute half-page and full-page sponsors.  This year we are also offering a new option, which was NOT outlined in the original letters that were sent out.  This option will involve recognizing  contributions of $100 by including both the name of the sponsor AND a photo provided by the sponsor (it could be a picture representing the business/organization, a logo, etc.)

If you are interested in providing a sponsorship, please forward the name of your business/organization to the school along with the monetary contribution by Friday, May 6, 2022.

Baccalieu Collegiate Family Weekly Updates: Monday, March 28th 2022 (DAY 8)

 Dear Families,

Happy Monday! We hope everyone enjoyed the beautiful weekend. Looking forward to a great week-post Winter Carnival. Huge thanks to our leadership group, students, and staff!  Last week was a great reminder of relationships before rigour - connection before curriculum. We sincerely hope students enjoyed themselves and had opportunity to positive connect with their classmates.  Please see the following important updates. Any questions or concerns let me know.  If I have missed anything please reply-all to this email.

                                               Updates and Important Information

COVID-19 Restrictions in Schools: Please note (Memo: NLESD), as per the CMO and NLESD, schools will continue to mandate mask wearing up until the end of Easter Break both on the bus and in school. At which time, further decisions will be made. While we understand youth (and adults) are entering yet another confusing and tiresome period of time where the outside world says it's okay not to wear a mask and schools are saying it isn't - let's focus on the research/facts. For example, looking at one of the largest studies: "A huge National Institute of Health (USA) study involving 1.1 million students found that schools with masking mandates during the Delta surge had ~72% fewer cases of in-school transmission." The view of this research is not to say masks are full proof, but a clear indicator that they serve a proficient tool (and the only tool that we have) to help everyone ease into a world without restrictions (for now). While we're all tired, it's important we empathize with the whole public, and not just our specific cohort. It is important to support our children's empathy, understanding, and perseverance. Holdfast. Wearing masks in schools far outweighs the risks this virus has on us.

1) Heart Zap: First Aid Training for OHS students will be going ahead Monday, March 28th 2022 and March 29th 2022

2) Vending Machines: Just a reminder not to input bills into the vending machines. Often times there is not enough change for anything over $10.00 bills. If you need change it is better to ask the cafeteria. 

3) Student Engagement Survey: FYI, students will be completing a short Student Engagement survey in their respective English classes this week. This survey is anonymous and designed to support our Positive Relationships and Wellness school development determinant. Baccalieu Collegiate is part of three-year program working with a Comprehensive School Health team with access to $8,000 grant money to support its initiatives. 

4) International Transgender Day of Visibility: Please note that Thursday, March 31st 2022 is InternationalTransgender Day of Visibility. 

5) Be Cool for Autism: The Autism Society Newfoundland and Labrador is reaching out to let all schools know that Be Cool for Autism will take place on Monday, April 4 (to coincide with World Autism Day which is Saturday, April 2).  Be Cool for Autism is a province-wide event aimed to help raise autism awareness and understanding (see attached poster)Be Cool for Autism encourages schools, workplaces and individuals to wear their sunglasses to spread the message of understanding and embracing neurodiversity.  It’s easy to take part…..

  • simply wear your sunglasses
  • share a selfie or group photo with us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter by using the hashtag #BeCoolForAutism
  • tag us @AutismSocietyNL.
6) Baccalieu Idol: Who will be our next Baccalieu Idol? Encourage students to give it their best shot! Baccalieu Idol will take place April 28th 2022! Save the date!

7) PISA: Please note that our school has been selected to participate in PISA. For more information please see the brochure attached. This assessment will take place May 2nd 2022. Current Grade 10 students will participate. No preparation is required. Only that students try their best and have fun with the assessment challenges. 

8) NLESD Memo (VaxPass): Please note that VaxPasses/Verify will no longer be required for afterschool events and activities. Please see memo for more information. 

9) Close Contact: Please see the UPDATED Covid-19 Close Contact Flow Chart. My apologies, the last update was not the most current. This updated flow chart can also be found on our website under "Resources".

10) Understanding Behaviour: When you have time you're all encouraged to view the attached infographic outline "Behaviour." Whether you're a student, parent or educator who has been following the tremendous research and breakthroughs regarding brain development, or if you're a new and opening mind to this stuff; the infographic is simply a gentle reminder and/or important starter kit for knowledge and understanding. Youtube links are embedded on the poster. 

11) Check the Calendar: Check the Calendar ( for further updates. 

Good News Report (In no particular order)

  • Winter Carnival: Huge thank-you to our leadership team, students, and staff for organizing an amazing Winter Carnival week! Congrats to Grade 12 and 7A for claiming top overall honours this year. Congrats to everyone for participating. 
  • We are very #BaccaProud to announce our students raised $506.95 for the Canadian Red Cross: Stand with Ukraine. #NLESDteachersforpeace
  • Grade 9 Family Presentation: Thank-you to families and students for attending our Gr. 9 presentation in preparation for the graduation program this past Tuesday, March 22nd 2022 at 6:00pm 
  • Cannabis Presentation: Huge thanks to the RCMP delivering such an objective, and informative presentation on the risks and benefits of cannabis. 
  • Jr. Girls Volleyball: Congrats to our Jr. Girls Volleyball team for a great showing at this past weekends volleyball tournament held in Roncalli. 
  • Moosehide Campaign: Thank-you Ms. Ruttgaizer for bringing the Moose Hide Campaign to our school for a chance to bring learning and awareness towards Reconciliation with Indigenious People. The official day is May 12th! To learn more check out Moose Hide Campaign
  • Gaming ClubBaccalieu gaming club is back on the go during lunchtimes!
  • Extracurricular Sports: It is great to see so many youth back in the gymnasium including Jr. and Sr. Girls Volleyball, Baccalieu Boys Basketball, and Baccalieu Boys Floor Hockey! Thank-you to all the coaches volunteering their time! Don't forget to check out our calendar for all practice times and game dates!
  • Doorways: Appreciation for Doorways! Thank-you for joining our school every other week. 
  • Wednesday Open Mic: Big thanks to Dominick LaMouche for organizing and entertaining Open Mic every Wednesday during lunch in the Learning Commons! 
  • Check Facebook/Twitter: For more updates on good news and information check out our Baccalieu Collegiate facebook/twitter page. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Important: Family School Development Survey

Dear Parent/Guardian,

School Development Surveys are conducted annually to gather feedback from students, staff, and parents/guardians to inform the school development process. The survey results will be provided to your child’s school and used with other data to identify the school’s strengths and challenges. Your child’s school will then create and implement a plan to build on successes and address areas of challenge.

The survey is anonymous, which means that we cannot connect your survey responses to you. We encourage everyone to participate so that we have the most accurate representation of family perceptions at your school.

Presently, we have 30% of families who have completed the survey. It would be great to achieve at least 50% to increase the validity of the data by ensure all voices are included. 

Please complete the survey by April 08, 2022 by clicking on the following link:

 Thank you for your participation.

Monday, March 21, 2022

Baccalieu Collegiate Family Weekly Updates: Monday, March 21st 2022 (DAY 3)

Dear Families,

Happy Monday! I hope everyone found some rest and relaxation over the weekend and that you are prepared for some more fun this week. This week is the Winter Carnival!  Please see the following important updates. Any questions or concerns let me know.  If I have missed anything please reply-all to this email.

                                        Updates and Important Information

COVID-19 Restrictions in Schools: Please note (Memo: NLESD), as per the CMO and NLESD, schools will continue to mandate mask wearing up until the end of Easter Break both on the bus and in school. At which time, further decisions will be made. While we understand youth (and adults) are entering yet another confusing and tiresome period of time where the outside world says it's okay not to wear a mask and schools are saying it isn't - let's focus on the research/facts. For example, looking at one of the largest studies: "A huge National Institute of Health (USA) study involving 1.1 million students found that schools with masking mandates during the Delta surge had ~72% fewer cases of in-school transmission." The view of this research is not to say masks are full proof, but a clear indicator that they serve a proficient tool (and the only tool that we have) to help everyone ease into a world without restrictions (for now). While we're all tired, it's important we empathize with the whole public, and not just our specific cohort. It is important to support our children's empathy, understanding, and perseverance. Holdfast. Wearing masks in schools far outweighs the risks this virus has on us.

1) Winter Carnival: We're excited to announce BCP Student Leadership are organizing Winter Carnival Week. Yes, it's back!  For the week of Monday, March 21st to March 25th 2022. Please see the SCHEDULE.

2) Grade 9 Family Presentation: On Tuesday, March 22nd 2022 at 6:00pm Baccalieu administration will be hosting a presentation for current Grade 9 students and families to overview the NL High School Graduation Program and upcoming course selection process. All Grade 9 Parents/Guardians are encouraged to attend. 

3) CDLI Family/Teacher ConferencesCDLI Virtual Family -Teacher Conferences will occur on Wednesday March 23rd with appointments being scheduled using Optis. More information to follow.

4) Jr. Girls Volleyball: Wishing our Junior Girls Volleyball Team Luck in their tournament this weekend!

5) Graduation Photos: Any students who missed last week's Graduation Photo please inform administration at your earliest convenience. 

6) NLESD Memo (VaxPass): Please note that VaxPasses/Verify will no longer be required for afterschool events and activities. Please see memo for more information. 

7) Close Contact: Please see the UPDATED Covid-19 Close Contact Flow Chart. My apologies, the last update was not the most current. This updated flow chart can also be found on our website under "Resources".

8) Canada Post Community Foundation: Please note that there is an community grant application offered through Canada Post Community Foundation which will be open from March 7-31, 2022.  For more information about the granting process and criteria, please visit This is a great opportunity to obtain funds to enrich children’s well-being mentally, physically, etc. Any families with an idea(s) are encouraged to work on an application in partnership with the school. As many of you understand, teachers are very stressed and overworked, so any support from the community is greatly appreciated. 

9) Baccalieu Idol: Who will be our next Baccalieu Idol? Please see the promotional poster attached. Encourage students to give it their best shot! Stay tuned for more information. 

10) PISA: Please note that our school has been selected to participate in PISA. For more information please see the brochure attached. This assessment will take place on May 2nd 2022. 

11) Understanding Behaviour: When you have time you're all encouraged to view the attached infographic outline "Behaviour." Whether you're a student, parent or educator who has been following the tremendous research and breakthroughs regarding brain development, or if you're a new and opening mind to this stuff; the infographic is simply a gentle reminder and/or important starter kit for knowledge and understanding. Youtube links are embedded on the poster. 

12) Check the Calendar: Check the Calendar ( for further updates. 

Good News Report (In no particular order)

  • Class of 2022 Graduation Photos: Congrats Class of 2022. Grad pictures, check. 
  • Jr. Girls Volleyball: Best of luck to our Jr. Girls Volleyball squad(s) as they prepare for a tournament this weekend!
  • Term 2 in the books:  Big thanks to everyone for their hard work completing Term 2 reports and participating in Family-Teacher Conferences. 
  • Moosehide Campaign: Thank-you Ms. Ruttgaizer for bringing the Moose Hide Campaign to our school for a chance to bring learning and awareness towards Reconciliation with Indigenious People. The official day is May 12th! To learn more check out Moose Hide Campaign
  • Gaming ClubBaccalieu gaming club is back on the go during lunchtimes!
  • Extracurricular Sports: It is great to see so many youth back in the gymnasium including Jr. and Sr. Girls Volleyball, Baccalieu Boys Basketball, and Baccalieu Boys Floor Hockey! Thank-you to all the coaches volunteering their time! Don't forget to check out our calendar for all practice times and game dates!
  • Doorways: Appreciation for Doorways! Thank-you for joining our school every other week. 
  • School Development Surveys: Thank-you for supporting our school development process with your feedback and effective facilitation of the students surveys. Thank-you!
  • Wednesday Open Mic: Big thanks to Dominick for organizing and entertaining Open Mic every Wednesday during lunch in the Learning Commons! 
  • Boys Basketball Regional Qualifier: Congrats to the BCP Boys basketball team for their strong showing at SSNL Regional Qualifier Tournament. 
  • Check Facebook/Twitter: For more updates on good news and information check out our Baccalieu Collegiate facebook/twitter page. 

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Baccalieu Collegiate Family Weekly Updates: Monday, March 14th 2022 (DAY 12)

Dear Families, 

Happy Monday! Thank-you everyone for holding down another week. I hope everyone found some rest and relaxation over the weekend! Please see the following important updates. Any questions or concerns let me know.  If I have missed anything please reply-all to this email.

                                              Updates and Important Information

1) COVID-19 Restrictions in Schools: Please note (Memo: NLESD), as per the CMO and NLESD, schools will continue to mandate mask wearing up until the end of Easter Break both on the bus and in school. At which time, further decisions will be made. While we understand youth (and adults) are entering yet another confusing and tiresome period of time where the outside world says it's okay not to wear a mask and schools are saying it isn't - let's focus on the research/facts. For example, looking at one of the largest studies: "A huge National Institute of Health (USA) study involving 1.1 million students found that schools with masking mandates during the Delta surge had ~72% fewer cases of in-school transmission." The view of this research is not to say masks are full proof, but a clear indicator that they serve a proficient tool (and the only tool that we have) to help everyone ease into a world without restrictions (for now). While we're all tired, it's important we empathize with the whole public, and not just our specific cohort. It is important that support our children's empathy, understanding, and perseverance. Holdfast. Wearing masks in schools far outweighs the risks this virus has on us.

2) Close Contact: Please see the UPDATED Covid-19 Close Contact Flow Chart. This updated flow chart can also be found on our website under "Resources".

3) Class of 2022 Graduation Photos: A reminder that Graduation Photos will be conducted at the school on Monday, March 14th 2022. Students were emailed their picture times. All students should sit this picture whether they will be going with outside photo sources or not. There is no fee unless students purchase the pictures. The photo is the only photo that can be used in our Wall Composite picture mounted in our school building. 

4) Term 2 Reports:  Please see the following schedule for reporting. Any questions/concerns please let me know. 
  • Reports DueTuesday, March 15th 2022
  • Reports Sent HomeWednesday, March 16th 2022
5) Family/Teacher Conferences: On Thursday, March 17th 2022 family/teacher conferences will be in-person and take place from 1pm to 5pm. Families who cannot attend in-person are encouraged to reach out to teachers via email. Conferences will take place in teachers' respective classrooms. Meetings should be limited in time. Social distancing and mask wearing are required. Additionally, it is very important to note that we are SCENT FREE. Please do not wear scents into our building. 

6) Boys Basketball Regional Qualifier: There's a big weekend (Saturday, March 19th 2022) coming up for the Senior Boys Basketball as they participate in the 2A Boys Regional Qualifier. Location: Baltimore. Schedule: TBA. Go BCP Go!

7) Canada Post Community Foundation: Please note that there is an community grant application offered through Canada Post Community Foundation which will be open from March 7-31, 2022.  For more information about the granting process and criteria, please visit This is a great opportunity to obtain funds to enrich children’s well-being mentally, physically, etc. Any families with an idea(s) are encouraged to work on an application in partnership with the school. As many of you understand, teachers are very stressed and overworked, so any support from the community is greatly appreciated. 

8) Understanding Behaviour: When you have time you're all encouraged to view the attached infographic outline "Behaviour." Whether you're a student, parent or educator who has been following the tremendous research and breakthroughs regarding brain development, or if you're a new and opening mind to this stuff; the infographic is simply a gentle reminder and/or important starter kit for knowledge and understanding. Youtube links are embedded on the poster.

9) Grade 9 Family Presentation: On Tuesday, March 22nd 2022 at 6:00pm Baccalieu administration will be hosting a presentation for current Grade 9 students and families to overview the NL High School Graduation Program and upcoming course selection process. All Grade 9 Parents/Guardians are encouraged to attend. 

10) CDLI Family/Teacher Conferences: CDLI Virtual Family -Teacher Conferences will occur on Wednesday March 23rd with appointments being scheduled using Optis. More information to follow.

11) Winter Carnival: We're excited to announce BCP Student Leadership are organizing Winter Carnival Week. Yes, it's back!  For the week of Monday, March 21st to March 25th 2022. More details to come! 

12) Baccalieu Idol: Who will be our next Baccalieu Idol? Please see the promotional poster attached. Encourage students to give it their best shot! Stay tuned for a confirmed performance date either shortly before or after the Easter holiday. For more information see Mr. Harte!

13) Code of Ethics Training: Please see memo (search in email) from Tony Stack, CEO/Director of Education regarding required staff training for the District's Code of Ethics and Conduct. Employees must complete the training video and Declaration noted in the memo by April 14, 2022

14) PISA: Please note that our school has been selected to participate in PISA. For more information please see the brochure attached. This assessment will take place sometime between April 18th and May 27th 2022

18) Check the Calendar: Check the Calendar ( for further updates. 

Good News Report (In no particular order)

  • Jr. Girls Volleyball: Best of luck to our Jr. Girls Volleyball squad(s) as they prepare for a tournament March 25th 2022.
  • Term 2 End: Congrats on working through a tough Term 2 with tremendous overall success!
  • Moosehide Campaign: Thank-you Ms. Ruttgaizer for bringing the Moose Hide Campaign to our school for a chance to bring learning and awareness towards Reconciliation with Indigenious People. The official day is May 12th! To learn more check out Moose Hide Campaign
  • Ukraine Support: Thank-you to everyone who participated in the Blue and Yellow Day in support of Ukraine! Thank-you for any and all monetary support. 
  • Support Services: Huge thanks to our Instructional Resource Teachers for supporting and accelerating our students with their learning needs! 
  • Gaming ClubBaccalieu gaming club is back on the go during lunchtimes!
  • Extracurricular Sports: It is great to see so many youth back in the gymnasium including Jr. and Sr. Girls Volleyball, Baccalieu Boys Basketball, and Baccalieu Boys Floor Hockey! Thank-you to all the coaches volunteering their time! Don't forget to check out our calendar for all practice times and game dates!
  • Doorways: Appreciation for Doorways! Thank-you for joining our school every other week. 
  • School Development Surveys: Thank-you for supporting our school development process with your feedback. Thank-you!
  • Wednesday Open Mic: Big thanks to Dominick LaMouche for organizing and entertaining Open Mic every Wednesday during lunch in the Learning Commons! 
  • Congrats: Congrats to Brooklyn Eddy for mesmerizing us with her amazing art work, winning her second place in the Provincial Remembrance Day Poster Contest (Black and White category). 
  • Sr. Boys Basketball: Congrats to the Senior Boys Basketball Team for defeating the Carbonear Collegiate team 71-55! The BCP boys are 2-0 with wins against local giants Ascension and Carbonear. 
  • Check Facebook & Twitter: For more updates on good news and information check out our Baccalieu Collegiate facebook page. Both are embedded in our website homepage. 

Monday, March 7, 2022

BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, March 7th 2022 (DAY 7)

Dear Families,

Happy Monday! I hope everyone found some rest and relaxation over the weekend! Please see the following important updates. Any questions or concerns let me know.  If I have missed anything please reply-all to this email.

                                                 Updates and Important Information

1) Ukraine Support: Please remember to wear your blue and yellow in support of Ukraine today. Also, homerooms will collect monetary donations from students and staff to aid the Humanitarian efforts via the Canadian Red Cross. (Postponed again - please standby for updated information). 

2) Close Contact: Please see the updated Covid-19 Close Contact Flow Chart. The flow chart can also be found on our website under "Resources".

3) Term 2 End: Term 2 Ends Friday, March 11th 2022

4) Reports Dates:  Please see the following schedule for reporting. Any questions/concerns please let me know. 
  • Close Out Reporting Day: March 11th 2022
  • Reports Sent Home: March 16th 2022
  • Family/Teacher Conferences: March 17th 2022. Interviews will be in-person and take place from 1pm to 5pm. 
5) CDLI Family/Teacher Conferences: FYI: There will not be any classes for CDLI students this Wednesday, March 9th due to Professional Learning and Report Card writing. Students must still report to the CDLI room for offline work. Additionally, CDLI Virtual Family -Teacher Conferences will occur on Wednesday March 23rd with appointments being scheduled using Optis. More information to follow.

6) Class of 2022 Graduation Photos: A reminder that Graduation Photos will be conducted at the school on Monday, March 14th 2022. Students were emailed their picture times. All students should sit this picture whether they will be going with outside photo sources or not. There is no fee unless students purchase the pictures. Otherwise, the photo will be used in our Wall Composite picture mounted in our school building.  

7) Winter Carnival: We're excited to announce BCP Student Leadership are organizing Winter Carnival Week. Yes, it's back! It's back Old School style for the week of Monday, March 21st to March 25th 2022. More details to come! 

8) Baccalieu Idol: Who will be our next Baccalieu Idol? Please see the promotional poster attached. Encourage students to give it their best shot! Stay tuned for confirmed performance date either shortly before or after the Easter holiday. 

9) PISA: Please note that our school has been selected to participate in PISA. For more information please see the brochure attached. This assessment will take place sometime between April 18th and May 27th 2022

10) Check the Calendar: Check the Calendar ( for further updates. 

Good News Report (In no particular order)

Moosehide Campaign: Thank-you Ms. Ruttgaizer for bringing the Moose Hide Campaign to our school for a chance to bring learning and awareness towards Reconciliation with Indigenious People. The official day is May 12th! To learn more check out Moose Hide Campaign

Choir: Big thanks to Mr. Harte for bringing our Choir back to allow our students to sing!

Gaming Club: Baccalieu gaming club is back on the go during lunchtimes!

Mask Wearing: Keep up the great work staff and students in keeping everyone safe!

Extracurricular Sports: It is great to see so many youth back in the gymnasium including Jr. and Sr. Girls Volleyball, Baccalieu Boys Basketball, and Baccalieu Boys Floor Hockey! Thank-you to all the coaches volunteering their time! Don't forget to check out our calendar for all practice times and game dates!

Doorways: Appreciation for Doorways! Thank-you for joining our school every other week. 

Good Luck: Best of luck with the closing of Term 2! Remember to support each other and take care of yourself during this, often, stressful process.

School Development Surveys: Thank-you for supporting the school development with your feedback. If you have not done so already, please complete our School Development survey.  Thank-you!

BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, September 16th 2024 (DAY 9)

  Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review  updates  and important reminders...