Monday, February 28, 2022

BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, February 28th 2022 (DAY 2)

 Dear Families,

Happy Monday! I hope everyone found some rest and relaxation over the weekend! Please see the following important updates. Any questions or concerns, or if I have missed something please contact the school.  

                                             Updates and Important Information

1) Important School Procedures: Please see the following procedures and ensure your son/daughter is following them correctly. School procedures are in place and imperative for the safety of our students. Any questions/concerns please notify the school. 

  • SIGN-IN: If I student is late coming to school (after bell time) they must report to the office and sign-in using our sign-in form at the desk or on their phone. Failure to sign-in will lead to an Absent Unexcused note in Powerschool. Parents/Guardians should be checking their son/daughter's activity via Powerschool daily. 
  • SIGN-OUT: If a student must leave school early, a parent/guardian must complete the Sign-out form online. Furthermore, prior to the student leaving the school they must report to the office for Sign-out verification. This must include the office speaking directly to the parent/guardian signing them out either in the office, or on the phone. Failure to sign-out properly will lead to repercussions and can include an In-School Suspension to ensure supervision of student.
  • Leaving Class:  Students leaving class for any reason must first gain permission from the teacher. The student is expected to attend whatever reason they are gaining permission and return to class promptly. Under no circumstances are students permitted to interrupt or attend other classes, meet up with other students, and/or leave class for any other reason than the one they gained permission for. Failure to comply will lead to repercussions and can include a tracking form needing completion anytime the student leaves the classroom. 

2) Doorways: Please note that Doorways will be present to meet with students on Wednesday, March 2nd 2022

3) Sr. Boys Basketball: Sr. Boys Basketball Team will compete at Carbonear Collegiate on Thursday, March 3rd 2022 at 3:30pm. Go BCP Go!

4) School Development Surveys: Please keep an eye on correspondence relating to Baccalieu Collegiate's School Development Surveys. Surveys are a strong component of data that goes towards supporting our School Development. Surveys are completed for instructional staff, non-instructional staff, students, and families. All surveys are confidential. 

5) Term 2 End: Term 2 ends Friday, March 11th 2022. Please ensure all learning is completed prior to Friday, March 11th 2022. 

6) Reports Dates:  Tentatively, we have scheduled the following due dates for reporting. These dates will be confirmed in coming days. Please standby for more information. 
  • Close Out Reporting Day: March 11th 2022
  • Reports Due: March 15th 2022
  • Reports Sent Home: March 16th 2022
  • Family/Teacher Conferences: March 17th 2022 (in-person)
7) CDLI Family/Teacher Conferences: Tentative Date set March 23rd 2022

8) Class of 2022 Graduation Photos: A reminder that Graduation Photos will be conducted at the school on Monday, March 14th 2022. Students were emailed their picture times. All students should sit this picture whether they will be going with outside photo sources or not. There is no fee unless students purchase the pictures. Otherwise, the photo will be used in our Wall Composite picture mounted in our school building.  

9) Check the Calendar: Check the Calendar ( for further updates. 

Good News Report (In no particular order)

Moose-hide Campaign: Thank-you Ms. Ruttgaizer for bringing the Moose Hide Campaign to our school for a chance to bring learning and awareness towards Reconciliation with Indigenous People. The official day is May 12th! To learn more check out Moose Hide Campaign

Choir: Big thanks to Mr. Harte for bringing our Choir back to allow our students to sing! If you're participating in choir please ensure you make it to practice or inform Mr. Harte of your absence.

Gaming Club: Baccalieu gaming club is back on the go during lunchtimes!

Mask Wearing: Keep up the great work staff and students in keeping everyone safe!

Code of Conduct: Thank-you to everyone who has participated in our Code of Conduct Presentation updates. The process of learning and how we create an equitable, safe and caring learning environment will continue with communication and learning through our families and workshops with your students. 

Extracurricular Sports: It is great to see so many youth back in the gymnasium including Jr. and Sr. Girls Volleyball, Baccalieu Boys Basketball, and Baccalieu Boys Floor Hockey! Thank-you to all the coaches volunteering their time! Don't forget to check out our calendar for all practice times and game dates!

Doorways: Appreciation for Doorways! Thank-you for joining our school every other week. 

Good Luck: Best of luck with the closing of Term 2! Remember to support each other and take care of yourself during this, often, stressful process.

Monday, February 21, 2022

BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, February 21st 2022 (DAY 11)

 Dear Families

Happy Monday! I hope everyone found some rest and relaxation over the weekend! Please see the following important updates. Any questions or concerns let me know.  If I have missed anything please reply-all to this email.

Good News Report (In no particular order)

Moosehide Campaign: Thank-you Ms. Ruttgaizer for bringing the Moose Hide Campaign to our school for a chance to bring learning and awareness towards Reconciliation with Indigenious People. The official day is May 12th! To learn more check out Moose Hide Campaign

Choir: Big thanks to Mr. Harte for bringing our Choir back to allow our students to sing!

Gaming Club: Baccalieu gaming club is back on the go during lunchtimes!

Mask Wearing: Keep up the great work staff and students in keeping everyone safe!

Code of Conduct: Thank-you to everyone who has participated in our Code of Conduct Presentation updates. The process of learning and how we create an equitable, safe and caring learning environment will continue with communication and learning through our families and workshops with your students. 

Extracurricular Sports: It is great to see so many youth back in the gymnasium including Jr. and Sr. Girls Volleyball, Baccalieu Boys Basketball, and Baccalieu Boys Floor Hockey! Thank-you to all the coaches volunteering their time! Don't forget to check out our calendar for all practice times and game dates!

Doorways: Appreciation for Doorways! Thank-you for joining our school every other week. 

Remembrance Day Contest Winners: Congrats!!! List of winners from our school in the Remembrance Day Poster and Literary Contests:

Brooklyn Eddy: 1st - Black and White Poster 
Hannah Hoyles: 3rd - Black and White Poster 

Aaliyah Doyle: 3rd - Senior Essay 

Sarah Oliver: 1st - Black and White Poster 
Liana Mahon: 2nd - Black and White Poster

Genevieve Oliver: 2nd - Colour Poster 
Chloe March: 3rd - Colour Poster 

Logan Hopkins (Gr 8): 2nd - Essay

Autumn Delaney: 1st - Poem 
Blake Delaney: 2nd - Poem                                                          

                                                        Updates and Important Information

1) Guidance Schedule (This week): Please note that our Guidance schedule at Baccalieu has changed for this week. Guidance will be at Baccalieu Monday (pm), Tuesday (all day), Wednesday (pm) and Friday (pm). 

2) Continuing Supervision Duty:  Continuing from last week, please note the following updates to our supervision.

- Students must remain seated in their homerooms to consume recess and lunch. Only students from the homeroom are permitted in the room.

- Students are permitted into the corridors, learning commons and cafeteria. No food is to be consumed in those areas and masks must be properly worn at all times.

- Gymnasim will be open during lunchtime from 11:57 - 12:40.

- Jr. High and Sr. high will use the gym on a daily basis, but will rotate. (See table below)














































JH - Junior High

SH- Senior High

8) Return to Work Wellness Resources:  Click the link and you will find a working doc of a compilation of some great info and strategies for staff and their classes. Return to Work Wellness Resources

10) Important Reminder: Negative vs. Positive

11) Check the Calendar: Check the Calendar ( for further updates. 

Monday, February 14, 2022

Baccalieu Collegiate Family Weekly Updates: Monday, February 14th 2022 (DAY 6)

 Dear Families,

Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you all enjoy today's romantic snow day! Please see the following important updates. Any questions or concerns let me know.  If I have missed anything please reply-all to this email.

                                           Updates and Important Information

1) Update Recess/Lunch Protocol: Starting February 14. 2022 the following recess and lunch protocols will be enforced. Thank-you in advance for your cooperation.

- Students must remain seated in their homerooms to consume recess and lunch. Only students from the homeroom are permitted in the room.

- Students are permitted into the corridors, learning commons and cafeteria. No food is to be consumed in those areas and masks must be properly worn at all times.

- Gymnasium will be open during lunchtime from 11:57 - 12:40.

- Jr. High and Sr. high will use the gym on a daily basis, but will rotate. (See table below)














































JH - Junior High

SH- Senior High

2) Doorways: A reminder that Doorways will be back to meet with students on Wednesday, February 16th 2022

3) Extra Curricular Memo: Extracurriculars are back! Please see MEMO for more details. Please note that extracurricular starts up are dependent on the volunteering teacher/community members discretion. 

4) Return to Work Wellness Resources:  Click the link and you will find a working document with a compilation of great info and strategies for staff and students. So good, that we're sharing with our families. Return to Work Wellness Resources

6) Important Reminder: Negative vs. Positive

7) Check the Calendar: Check the Calendar ( for further updates. 

Good News Report (In no particular order)

Grade 12 Mid Year Reports: Congrats to all of our Grade 12's for presenting such amazing Mid-Year Reports despite the challenging times. Thank-you to our BCP teachers for leading and supporting our students' very tough but also very successful journey. Keep up the amazing effort and always remember that it is not about being perfect today, instead it's about being better tomorrow

Mask Wearing: Huge thank-you to our students for stepping up and ensuring your mask fits and is covering both your nose and mouth! Our students are rocking the safety for all! Keep up the amazing effort. It matters! and we all care! 

Ronald McDonald House: Thank-you Ms. Sweetland for keeping the tabs coming! One full bottle and onto the next! 

Code of Conduct: Big thanks to Mr. Sweetland and Mr. Barrett for their continued commitment and support for students. Both have been educating our student body on our updated Code of Conduct. To view the presentation please click here: Code of Conduct Presentation

Gratitude Tree: Amazing work on the gratitude tree! Thank-you to everyone involved. Amazing idea. Amazing teamwork!

Extracurriculars: Extracurriculars are back and we're excited to provide students the opportunity to get involved. Thank-you to all of the teachers, community members for giving their time to do so! 

Graduation/Prom: Thank-you to students and parents/guardians who will be leading the planning for the 2022 Prom! No easy task during these times but the celebration is more deservingly so. Keep working hard, stay focused, and work together!

Podcast AlertLooking for a new podcast? Want to learn more about our Neurodiverse youth and how to support them? Check out  ADHD Essentials podcast! It's an excellent resource in one's learning journey, as we break the stigma surrounding neurodiversity and forge onwards to build stronger efficacy and empathy in our community: 

Monday, February 7, 2022

Baccalieu Collegiate Family Weekly Updates: Monday, February 7th 2022 (DAY 1)

Dear Families,

I hope everyone enjoyed the well deserved 3-day weekend! Please see the following important updates. Any questions or concerns let me know.  If I have missed anything please reply-all to this email.

                                           Updates and Important Information

1) Grade 12 Reports: Grade 12 Mid-Year reports will be generated for students on Tuesday, February 8th 2022. These reports are mainly for post secondary applications. 

2) Missed Work: Please continue to track your students progress on Powerschool and support students in completing any missed work. Teachers are working with students to complete their learning. If any trouble they will also be in contact with homes.  

3) Return to Work Wellness Resources:  Click the link and you will find a working doc with a compilation of some great info and strategies for staff and their classes, however many can be applied with families and home. Return to Work Wellness Resources

9) Important Reminder: Negative vs. Positive

10) Check the Calendar: Check the Calendar ( for further updates. 

Good News Report (In no particular order)

Cash Lottery: Huge thank-you to all of our students for the amazing work selling tickets for our Cash Lottery fundraiser! We were able to put over $1400 back into our students pockets, award our community members with some sweet prize money, and raise over $12 000 for our athletics and BCP Spirit activities. Way-to-go! 

Old Perlican Volunteer Fire Department: Thank-you again to our OP Fire Department for being by our side and supporting us through the pandemic!

Mask Wearing: Huge thank-you to our students for stepping up and ensuring your mask fits and is covering both your nose and mouth! Our students are rocking the safety for all! Keep up the amazing effort. It matters! and we all care! 

Healthy Living: Big thank-you to Ms. Harris for making Physical Activity courses both safe and fun for ALL! Healthy living through the pandemic! Stations are ready, set and on-the-go! Great job. 

Back to School: Huge thanks to all of our students, staff, and community for persevering! Thank-you to everyone who is putting on a smile that shines bright through the mask that you're properly wearing. We understand that not everyone's spirits are high and some are struggling more than others, but sometimes it only takes the smiling spirits by some to shine the path for the others. Keep holding fast for each other and keep all the positives as close by your side. 

Ronald McDonald House: Thank-you Ms. Sweetland for keeping the tabs coming! One full bottle and onto the next! 


Friday, February 4, 2022

Subject: Online Learning Resources and Course Materials

To: Students and Families

From: Georgina Lake

Assistant Director of Education – Student Services

Subject: Online Learning Resources and Course Materials

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Students and Families,

We are delighted to welcome our staff and students back to in-class instruction this week. The value of

being in class and availing of all the learning resources available cannot be overstated, both from a

learning perspective and for mental health and well-being.

At this time, we remind all high school students they can access online learning resources and course

materials at:

Asynchronous learning resources and course review supports are available for a variety of high school

courses. Students may find this resource beneficial as a supplement to their in-class learning, and it can

also assist students who may feel ill, or have to temporarily isolate, due to COVID-19. We also offer

students the opportunity to avail of live online tutoring sessions hosted by post-secondary students.

The attached document provides a more detailed description as well as instructions on how to set up an

account to gain access to these resources. Students are encouraged to set up their account.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

The Newfoundland Aquaculture Industry Association (NAIA) Scholarship Opportunity

The Newfoundland Aquaculture Industry Association (NAIA) is pleased to announce its 10th Annual Scholarship for graduating students from high schools in Newfoundland and Labrador.  Two scholarships, valued at $500 each, will be awarded to students pursuing a post-secondary education in marine or aquatic related studies. (Sustainable aquaculture, marine biology, marine environment technology, ecology, nautical science, engineering, etc.)

CLICK HERE: Please see the attached file with more information.


Thank you!


Roberta Collier


Community Outreach Coordinator
Newfoundland Aquaculture Industry Association
P. 1-709-538-3454  F. 1-709-538-3464
Please note that I have a new Cell #. 1-709-572-3080
29-31 Pippy Place, Suite 3007, St. John's, NL  A1B 3X2
P. 1-709-754-2854  F. 1-709-754-2981 

BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, September 16th 2024 (DAY 9)

  Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review  updates  and important reminders...