Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Nominating & Application Process Open for Baccalieu Collegiate Awards: Deadline Sunday, January 3rd 2021

Baccalieu Collegiate is proud to announce that the nomination and/or application process for the following 2019-2020 awards is now open!

Please note: Nominations and applications are for Baccalieu Collegiate students during the 2019-2020 School Year. 

Nominations and applications will be open from Wednesday, December 16th 2020 and close on Sunday, January 3rd 2021. Anybody can submit a nomination for our student(s). Applications will not be accepted after the deadline. 

Award winners will be announced during our Virtual Awards Night Thursday, January 7th 2021.

Please CLICK any of the following Awards for nomination and/or application:

BCP Junior High Humanitarian/Social Justice Award 

BCP Senior High Humanitarian/Social Justice Award

BCP Junior High Citizenship/Volunteer Award 

BCP Senior High Citizenship/Volunteer Award

BCP Junior High Gratitude AWARD

BCP Senior High Gratitude AWARD

We look forward to reading the stories that make our Baccalieu Collegiate students extra special and who contribute to our communities in positive and impactful ways. We're looking forward to hearing the stories that remind us that our future is in good hands. Please take the time to nominate! 

Special Thank-you to our sponsors of these awards:

Assumption Parish.   Jean Marie Ent.   Brianna Raylene.   Donald Coish.   Town of Bay de Verde.   Baccalieu Lions Club. 

Collecting Food Bank Items!

Baccalieu Collegiate homerooms will be set-up with contactless drop off boxes collecting nonperishable food items for our local food bank. Students can also drop items in the boxes under our tree in the main lobby. Every bit counts during the upcoming holidays! Please donate prior to the end of the day (12:30pm) Friday, December 18th 2020. 

Monday, December 14, 2020

College of the North Atlantic Programs

Applications are now open for the Respiratory Therapy and Primary Care Paramedicine programs. Deadline to apply is March 1, 2021. For further information, please visit CNA's website.

Friday, December 11, 2020

Black Lives Matter: A Memorial to 20

Baccalieu Collegiate ELA 1202, 2202, and 3202 students collaborated on a Black Lives Matter Memorial to help educate themselves and our community on the prejudices against black lives and the negative impact it has on our communities. To view the work of our students please click the link below. Enough is Enough! Black Lives Matter!

Black Lives Matter: A Memorial to 20

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Memo to Families - Pro-active Covid Preparation

Please see the very important memo issued by district on December 10th 2020: 

Memo to Families - Pro-active Covid Preparation

As per requested in the memo, please complete the following form regarding appropriate device accessibility at home. Please complete this form (or phone to the office your information) no later than Tuesday, December 15th 2020:

BCP Device Loan Form

It is important to emphasize this correspondence is simply for pro-active measures. At current, the plan is that we will be back in-school for learning starting the New Year 2021. 

If for reasons we move to a Scenario 3 format, which means our students will engage in learning virtually at home, it is important that we are prepared. For our Grades 7-12 students learning at home will follow students current Power school schedule. Students will be expected to follow instruction and activities via respective teachers google classrooms.  Course credit will be dependent on students completion of learning outcomes throughout this online and interactive format. 

The administration and its staff at Baccalieu Collegiate would like to thank all its students and families for their perseverance through such uncertain times. We are so proud of our communities resilience and we look forward to learning and growing with our youth in whatever environment we need. 

Take Care. 

BCP 2019-2020 Awards Night: January 7th 2021


Friday, December 4, 2020

Scholarship Opportunities Grades 9-12

Two scholarship opportunities available from WIZE:

Grade 12s: $1000 scholarship, no essay required!

    Apply at:

Grades 9-11: $500 scholarship

    Apply at:

BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, September 16th 2024 (DAY 9)

  Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review  updates  and important reminders...