Thursday, November 26, 2020

BCP Family-Teacher Conferences: Thursday, December 3rd 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians,

On Thursday, December 3rd 2020 we are planning to hold our Family-Teacher Conferences

between 1:00pm and 4:00pm (Block A) and 5:00pm and 7:00pm (Block B).

Due to Covid-19 restrictions we must facilitate these meetings either virtually or by phone. 

Due to the limited number of phones in our school building please consider first our virtual meet option. Virtual meets can be audio only or video/audio if preferred by families. 

A Family-Teacher Conference Memo was sent home with all students Friday, November 26th 2020 and is expected to be returned by Monday, November 30th 2020.

Please complete the above memo if you would like to meet teacher(s) and send it back with your child/ return to homeroom teachers on Monday, November 30th 2020. Teachers will then send to your email a virtual meeting link and appointment time. 

If your child lost the above memo please email his/her respective homeroom teacher with the following information by Monday, November 30th 2020. You may also phone the office and provide necessary information to our secretary. Teachers will then send to your email or phone with a virtual meeting link and appointment time.

Parent/Guardian Name: _______________________

Email address for conferencing: _______________________ or Contact #: ________________

Requested method for conferencing (please check): 𛲠 via google meet 𛲠 telephone call (only if necessary)

Requested Block for appointment time (please check): 𛲠 Block A 𛲠 Block B 𛲠 Either

Requested teachers for conferencing (please indicate by priority)

Skilled Futures: Women in Technology

Skilled Futures has an exciting event that is happening on December 3rd, 2020 from 3:30-5:00PM. 

This event has been created for those who identify as female, as the panel of experts in the technology sector are all women. As well it will be a virtual event so students can tune in from wherever they are. Please see link to the live poster and with information how to register.

Click for Link to Poster and Live links for Registration

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

The Canadian Coast Guard College

Information is now available in the Guidance Office regarding the Canadian Coast Guard's Officer Training Programs. There are virtual presentations being offered on December 10th, January 12th, January 28th, and February 9th, all beginning at 9:00 pm (NL time). If you have any questions, please see Ms. Somerton.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

National Child Day: WEAR BLUE on Friday, November 20th 2020

National Child Day is celebrated every November 20th in Canada. It is a day to celebrate children and youth, and to recognize that all young people in Canada have rights under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.


Friday, November 13, 2020

Updated Pre-Screening and Covid-19 Guidelines (November 12th 2020)

 School Self-Screening Questionnaire (Revised)

The Newfoundland and Labrador English School District has been advised that Public Health 

has revised its School Self-Screening Questionnaire for students and staff. It is available here: 

School Self-Screening Questionnaire (Revised). It can also be found on our website under "Resources." 

The questionnaire outlines how people should respond if they note particular symptoms (the list 

of which has been rearranged slightly), or a combination of symptoms. Ultimately, the message 

is - if you are sick, stay home.

There are also some answers to frequently asked questions, but people will need to read the 

screening tool carefully.  If you or your families have questions, please call the 811 

public health line.

A Safe Return to School Plan (Revised)

In addition, as you know, there have been some changes to procedures and protocols since the 

District’s September Reopening Plan “A Safe Return to School” was released in mid-August. A 

revised version is available here A Safe Return to School (Revised) on the NLESD website, with 

updates added in red text

Meanwhile, ongoing updates and changes will be reflected in the plan itself; in the Appendix 

(Protocols), and in the Frequently Asked Questions section of the A Safe Return to School


Thursday, November 12, 2020

New Scholarship Opportunity - Wize

 Wize is a Canadian learning platform hoping to help our local high school students through COVID-19. 

They just released free academic resources and a $1000 cash scholarship for Grade 12 High School students in Canada to help support the financial burdens of transitioning to postsecondary life:

The application for this scholarship is very easy to complete: 

  • No essay(s) required

  • 3 minute application process

  • No financial info collected / purchases necessary

If you have any questions, visit Ms. Somerton in the guidance office, or email

Post-Secondary Information - Ryerson University

Ryerson University will be hosting an Atlantic Canada information session on Wednesday, December 9th. 

Click this link to register for the event:
Visit the Ryerson At Home website to see upcoming virtual events, including their Virtual Open House:

Friday, November 6, 2020

DoorWays Walk in Counselling Services, Mental Health and Addictions Services & Baccalieu Collegiate


Dear Parent/Guardian,

In response to the All-Party Committee on the delivery of Mental Health and Addictions Services in the province, the Mental Health & Addictions Services program under Eastern Health has seen significant restructuring. These changes include the creation of the DoorWays Counselling Service, which aims to improve access to service, improve coordination of service, and promote wellness. DoorWays

is offered throughout Rural Avalon, which has translated into the elimination of a very lengthy waitlist. Persons interested in receiving mental health and addictions services can now access support without an appointment or referral, and perhaps best of all without a wait time!

The intention of DoorWays is to reduce barriers to accessing Mental Health and Addictions Services, and the needs of youth have been highlighted. Consultations with our community partners indicate a need for mental health services for youth, and also indicated young people face barriers (such as transportation and school attendance) to attending our service. Based on this feedback, we are pleased to offer outreach counselling service within Baccalieu Collegiate. This service intends to provide students with exactly what they would receive during an in office counselling session, which is a one-on-one counselling session with a Mental Health & Addictions professional.

Our first DoorWays session at Baccalieu Collegiate will be on November 25th & bi weekly thereafter. Students are encouraged to walk in to the Guidance area and request a time to be seen, anyone who may wish to reserve a space for this clinic, can also consult with the guidance counsellor, one day prior to the clinic.

We look forward to working with the students and staff of Baccalieu Collegiate to provide effective and accessible Mental Health and Addictions Services within the school environment.

provides rapid

access to mental health and addictions counselling services ‘one session at a time’ and

The DoorWays Counselling Service continues to be available for members of the community, or those students who do not wish to be seen at school on a daily basis, Monday Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. by calling (709)945-6513.


Carolyn Chard, M.S.W., R.S.W.
Team Lead, DoorWays Counselling Service
Mental Health and Addictions Services
Eastern Health

BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, September 16th 2024 (DAY 9)

  Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review  updates  and important reminders...