Thursday, May 28, 2020


As many of you are aware, within the past few months we have been asking for thoughts and opinions regarding a Virtual GSA (Gender & Sexuality Alliance). The feedback, interest, and support we’ve received has been tremendous, so much so that we at Newfoundland and Labrador English School District (NLESD) were inspired to organize our first ever Virtual GSA Forum: Free to Be Me

The Free to Be Me forum will host a variety of sessions for students in junior and senior high, led by staff from The Canadian Centre for Gender + Sexual Diversity (CCGSD) and NLESD’s Program Itinerants for Safe and Inclusive Schools. Workshops and sharing sessions will be held on the first three Tuesdays in June (the 2nd, 9th, and 16th) and there will be a single keynote session for all participants scheduled for Thursday, June 11th.  

These sessions will be offered through the Centre for Distance Learning and Innovation (CDLI) platform; therefore, if they have not already done so, participants will need to create a CDLI account using their NLESD email address.

While the sessions for Free to Be Me are designed for students, the CCGSD will also be offering a professional learning opportunity for teachers on Sports Inclusion, scheduled for June 17th. Educators are also welcome to attend the keynote session on June 11th.  Both sessions will be posted in Member Services in the next day or so.

Free to Be Me is scheduled to start June 2nd, just in time to help kick-off Pride month! Further dates, times and details regarding the Forum can be found in the attached poster and Google Form for event registration. Please feel free to forward this info to any interested students and educators.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Memo: Continued Learning, Improving Grades

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Over the past several weeks Baccalieu Collegiate teachers have offered students and families various
learning opportunities via our “In-Session” Junior High and Senior High Google Classrooms.
These learning activities have ranged from subject-specific and essential learning to social-emotional
wellness activities. We are very appreciative of the over twenty-five percent participating student body
in both classrooms. This engagement has afforded our teachers and students opportunities during such
unprecedented times to stay connected and continue learning.  

As a continuation of the above virtual learning environment, starting Tuesday, May 19th 2020 Baccalieu
Collegiate teachers will be offering learning opportunities with more focus on subject-specific
learning outcomes and with opportunity for students to improve their grade(s).  It is our attempt not
to significantly change and/or alter the pace of our already established learning activities. Instead, we
hope to evolve our learning offerings to students who would prefer a shift to more subject-specific
learning and improvement. 

We realize that not all students and teachers are in the same place as it relates to capacity for online
teaching and learning. We must continue to work together as it is not our intent to overwhelm and/or
disadvantage any homes. All learning activities are voluntary and students' marks cannot decrease as a
result of participating or not. Teachers will be transparent with students regarding how their engagement
can lead to improved marks but students should not expect traditional forms of assessment practice. 

Please see the following for more explanation and details. Of course, communication is encouraged so
please do not hesitate to contact teachers and/or administration for any further clarification. 

Frequently Asked Questions

I received a report with a final grade, the school year is over right?

No, the school year is continuing on a voluntary basis and through our respective “Term 3: In-Session
@ BCP” google classrooms.  There are two Google Classrooms each for Junior and Senior High students.
All students have been invited to join via their school email addresses.  

How will learning take place from home?

Baccalieu Collegiate has two Google Classrooms each for Junior and Senior High grades. These Google
Classrooms are the virtual platform where teachers provide all the learning for students. Students can
interact with teachers and classmates on this platform throughout the school week.  As well, our school
has a schedule for Jr. and Sr. high school courses where teachers will conduct synchronous online learning
to answer questions and provide feedback. These meeting schedules can be found on our google meet
calendar accessed via the Google Classrooms and/or our school website (
under “Calendars.” 

My work is going to be graded, right?

Some of your work may be assessed in the traditional manner, but grading will not be like it was while
in school.  The focus of assessment at this time will be providing feedback on the most recent evidence
of learning, after which time teachers will use their professional judgment to determine if a student’s
grade will improve in June.

What does professional judgement mean?

Our teachers have been trained to determine a student’s level of achievement using a variety of methods
that go beyond number grades used to calculate an average.  These include:

    • Individual course work (ie. traditional methods - worksheets, case studies, article analysis, etc.)
    • Projects and group work
    • Student participation and engagement
    • Written responses
    • Games and problem solving
    • Google Forms
    • Demonstration of understanding through various means (conversations, replies to feedback,
videos, audio calls, activities, etc.)

Teachers will be able to assess student performance and subsequently determine a level of achievement
that would be reflected on the final report card in June. Teachers will individually communicate their
respective approach and expectations with students directly. 

What if I decide not to complete any of the assigned work?

Although participation is encouraged, it is also voluntary.  We understand that each student will not
have the same opportunity to participate in a virtual environment.  Your final grade will not drop due to
incomplete work during the suspension of classes.

I do not have the necessary technology at home to participate. What should I do?

Please touch base with your homeroom teacher and/or administration. 

What’s the point of completing school work if I am not going to get a mark?

Although students will have the opportunity to improve grades, learning means so much more than a mark.
Teachers will be taking this time to fill gaps in learning and prepare students to successfully meet learning
objectives in future grade levels.  Students will have the opportunity to receive extensive individual
feedback from staff members.  Staying connected to education, teachers and classmates is also important
during this extended absence from the physical classroom.  Most importantly, learning is part of who we
are as humans and contributes to a fulfilling and stable life.  A good education has the power to make
positive change.

Learning from home is very stressful and I don’t understand all of the work.  What should I do?

The physical and mental well-being of our students and their families is the priority at this time, and
completing school work should not compromise health. This is not a home school situation and
completion of work is voluntary.  Students are encouraged to reach out to teachers with questions
regarding classwork as they are available to provide help with the curriculum that is posted.  If you are
feeling overwhelmed or anxious, you can also reach out to the school administration and guidance
counsellor for support.

BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, September 16th 2024 (DAY 9)

  Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review  updates  and important reminders...