Monday, March 18, 2024

BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, March 18th 2024 (DAY 3)

Dear Families,

I hope you enjoyed your sunny weekend! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review updates and important reminders! Any questions or concerns let me know. If I have missed anything please reply-all to this email. 

                                                                                                                                                                                            Updates and Important Information

1) Study Hall: Do not forget about Study Hall. It is an excellent resource providing your student/child a distraction free and routine space to work on their studies. Study Hall is every Tuesday and Wednesday from 3-4pm.  Support from students and teachers are available. Don't be shy. Come to the Study Hall!

2) Grow-up Program (Career Education Students): The Grow-up program will be back to Baccalieu for a day session of learning on Wednesday, March 20th 2024. It will be the Safe Talk (suicide prevention). Please stay tuned. Students involved in this program are in Grade 11. They will be in the workshop for the day. 

3) Drama Troupe: On Wednesday, March 20th 2024 in the afternoon Juniors will have the pleasure of watching our Drama Troupe perform their productions in preparation for next week! Due to the cancellation of the Drama Festival the troupe has had to recast some important parts. Thank-you in advance for your support. 

4) Family-Teacher Conferences: Meeting with families will take place Thursday, March 21st 2024 from 1:00pm -- 5:30pm

Family-Teacher Conferences will also take place for CDLI teachers on Thursday, March 21st 2024Please see the memo from CDLI. If the family would like to support setting up a virtual meeting with a CDLI teacher(s) please reach out to BCP admin prior Tuesday, March 19th

5) Lions Club Speak Off: We're excited to announce our Junior Lions Club Speak off will take place Sometime in April in the evening at Baccalieu. Thank-you and good luck to all the contestants. 

6) Lion's Club KES: We are so happy to announce that our local Lions Club will be serving hot breakfast to our students Friday, March 22th 2024

7) Grade 9 Boys Basketball: This Friday to Sunday our Grade 9 Boys Basketball team will be competing for the NLBA Grade 9 (D) Championship in Tricentia, Arnold's Cove.

8) Easter Holiday: Do not forget a much deserved Easter holiday begins Friday, March 29th 2024 until Monday, April 8th 2024

9) Important Allergy Reminder:This is a reminder to our school community that we have people in the school who have scent allergies. Please do not wear strong scents to school as it affects a person's health. Additionally, please do not bring in fish, shellfish, eggs, or nuts. Thank-you. 

10) BCP Athletic Shirts and Apparel: Students/Parents/Guardians can now order Baccalieu Predators Athletics shirts through In the Box NL online store. The clothing options include: dri-fit short sleeve, dri-fit long sleeve, crew neck sweatshirt, and hooded sweatshirt all in grey or navy blue. NOTE: For some sports teams you will be asked to order a shirt with a number to be used as a jersey, this will be at the direct instruction of your coach. Do not order a shirt with a number without consulting directly with your coach. BCP Athletic shirts are a quality low cost option for short term sports teams. To order anytime please see the following site:

11) GET AHEAD: Check the Calendar ( for further and future updates including extra and co-curricular events and special events upcoming!

Good News Report (In no particular order)
  • White Hills Experience: Thank-you to everyone involved in making for a great experience. Thank-you Mr. Foley, Ms. Noel, Ms. Howell. Thank-you to the 45 students for taking the leap into something new and doing a great job with it. The White Hills crews said our students were the best school group that they've ever had! 

  • Ball Hockey: Huge thanks to Mr. Fudge and Mr. Foley for making ball hockey happen at Baccalieu! Congrats to the players!

  • Badminton: Huge thank-you again for Mr. Foley and Mr. Fudge for making Badminton happen at Baccalieu! Good luck to all our participants. 

  • School Development: Thank-you to all the families, students, and staff for taking the time to complete our School Development survey. 

  • Grade 9 Graduation Program Meeting: Thank-you to the students and caregivers who came out to the Graduation Program Meeting last week. 

  • BCP Drama Troupe Performance: Drama Troupe is working hard to prepare for next week! Keep up the great work!
  • CDLI Science Fair: Congrats and thank-you to Ms. Dawe (CDLI Chemistry) for providing our Chemistry students the opportunity to represent Baccalieu Collegiate in St. John's at the Science Fair! Congrats Jessica Slade, Emma Bursey, and Brayden Barrett for representing! 
  • MUN Academic Advising Reminder: Thank-you to Memorial University representatives for visiting our school and directly supporting our students off to Memorial next year! 
  • Term 2 Reports: Congrats to our students for completing Term 2. One more term this year!
  • Lions Club KES Donation: Thank-you Lion's Club for your KES donation and for coming to our school and serving breakfast this week! Amazing! 
  • KES: Thank-you Ms. LeShane for organizing our Kids Eat Smart breakfast program and thank-you to all of our community volunteers! Huge thank-you to all of our volunteers for making this program happen. If you wish to support, please reach out to the school. 
  • Study Hall: Huge thanks to Mr. Holloway for giving up his time to support student learning every Tuesday and Wednesday afterschool! 
  • Doorways: Thank-you Doorways for their bi-weely meetings Wednesday. Please reach out to Ms. Doyle if you would like an appointment made for you. 
  • Check Facebook/Twitter: For more updates on good news and information check out our Baccalieu Collegiate facebook/twitter page. 
  • Did I miss something? If I missed anything please be sure to reply-all. There are so many amazing things going on at Baccalieu already, so chances are I might miss something. Celebrate whenever you can! 

Monday, March 11, 2024

BCP Family Weekly Updates: Tuesday, March 12th 2024 (DAY 13)

 Dear Families, 

I hope you enjoyed your snowy long weekend! Lots of updates! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review updates and important reminders! Any questions or concerns let me know. If I have missed anything please reply-all to this email. 

                                                                                                                                                                                               Updates and Important Information

1) White Hills Experience: For all students travelling to White Hills for the ski trip on Thursday, March 14 there will be a meeting at the beginning of Lunch on Tuesday, March 12 in the learning commons. In this meeting we will go over expectations and how to prepare for the trip. Prior to the meeting, please review the following package: White Hills Student & Parent Package 2024. Plan for meals on the trip by packing some snacks and a lunch. Although we will be stopping along the way and the hill has concessions, I suggest that you bring some of your own. 
The itinerary for the day will be as follows:

615am - students arrive Baccalieu Collegiate and board bus
630am - depart Baccalieu Collegiate, one stop enroute
930am - arrive White Hills
4pm - depart White Hills, one stop enroute
7pm - arrive Baccalieu

In the event that the trip has to be cancelled, it will be communicated ASAP. There is a possibility that the trip may be cancelled or delayed Thursday morning due to travel or ski conditions. If this is the case, students will have the option to return home and come back to school or stay at the school until classes begin for the day.

2) Grade 9 Graduation Program Meeting: On Tuesday, March 12th 2024 at 6:30pm Mr. Saxby will be holding a Graduation program information session for any families interested, and in particular families with Grade 9 students. The intent of the presentation is to educate families and students on how the Graduation Program works including: Program streams, Credit System, and Pathways requirements. Students will not be choosing their courses however discussion, Q & A will take place informally as part of the presentation. 

3) Lion's Club KES: We are so happy to announce that our local Lions Club will be serving hot breakfast to our students Wednesday, March 13th 2024

4) Grow-up Program (Career Education Students): This Wednesday, Career Education students will participate in Opioid Poisoning Response Training scheduled to start at 12:48 sharp on Wednesday March 13th 2024. Please make sure students are on time so that  the material can be covered before bus dismissal. Students will gain certification including learning mental health aspects in this course, 1) how to identify drug stigmatization and harm reduction. 2) how to recognize opioids and their impact on the body. 3) how to identify and respond to an opioid poisoning emergency. 4) how to develop a self-care plan. This can be tough material, and emotionally and mentally challenging, but the self care plan section can help with these aspects.  

5) Doorways: Doorways will be at Baccalieu for their bi-weely meetings Wednesday, March 13th 2024. Please reach out to Ms. Doyle if you would like an appointment made for you. 

6) Term 2 Reports: Please note that on Thursday, March 14th 2024 Term 2 Reports will be sent home with students. Family-Teacher Conferences will take place the following week Thursday, March 21st 2024 from 1:00pm -- 5:30pm. Family-Teacher Conferences will also take place for CDLI teachers on Thursday, March 21st 2024. Please see the memo from CDLI. If the family would like to support setting up a virtual meeting with a CDLI teacher(s) please reach out to BCP admin prior Tuesday, March 19th for help. 

7) School Development Surveys: Please note that NL Schools School Development Surveys have been sent out Families -- Family Survey. Please take some time to complete your respective survey prior to Friday, March 15th 2024. Currently, we have 20.6% response rate from families. 

8) Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) (Msg from Clare Graves):  I am pleased to announce our 2024 Student Summer Employment Program (SSEP). SSEP is a program that offers valuable summer employment in STEM fields to young females completing Grade 11 (Grade 10 in Labrador). Student applications are now available on our SSEP website This year, the application process has been made more student, parent and teacher friendly as we are offering an online submission option (

9) MUN Academic Advising Reminder: Applicable students should be reminded of their appointment with Memorial University's Academic Advising team on Friday, March 15 2024. Students with appointments have already been contacted. This is simply a reminder. 

10) Study Hall: Do not forget about Study Hall. It is an excellent resource providing your student/child a distraction free and routine space to work on their studies. Study Hall is every Tuesday and Wednesday from 3-4pm.  Support from students and teachers are available. Don't be shy. Come to the Study Hall!

11) Important Allergy Reminder:This is a reminder to our school community that we have people in the school who have scent allergies. Please do not wear strong scents to school as it affects a person's health. Additionally, please do not bring in fish, shellfish, eggs, or nuts. Thank-you. 

12) BCP Athletic Shirts and Apparel: Students/Parents/Guardians can now order Baccalieu Predators Athletics shirts through In the Box NL online store. The clothing options include: dri-fit short sleeve, dri-fit long sleeve, crew neck sweatshirt, and hooded sweatshirt all in grey or navy blue. NOTE: For some sports teams you will be asked to order a shirt with a number to be used as a jersey, this will be at the direct instruction of your coach. Do not order a shirt with a number without consulting directly with your coach. BCP Athletic shirts are a quality low cost option for short term sports teams. To order anytime please see the following site:

25) GET AHEAD: Check the Calendar ( for further and future updates including extra and co-curricular events and special events upcoming!

Good News Report (In no particular order)
  •  PL & Reporting: Big thanks to teachers for their work on our Close out!

  • Racism: A special thank you to all that were involved in our work against racism last week. Thank-you students for taking this information to heart and for your future work combating racism!

  •  School Council Meeting: Thank-you School Council members for a great meeting last week. Thank-you for taking time out of your busy schedules to represent families and community

  • Term 2 End: Great work and perseverance in Term 2! 

  • BCP Drama Troupe Performance: It saddens us that Drama Festival was postponed but we thank everyone on the Drama Troupe for understanding these things happen and the show must still go on!
  • CDLI Science Fair: Congrats and thank-you to Ms. Dawe (CDLI Chemistry) for providing our Chemistry students the opportunity to represent Baccalieu Collegiate in St. John's at the Science Fair! Congrats Jessica Slade and Emma Bursey for representing! 
  •  CDLI Report Card Writing Day: Thank-you CDLI instructors for all of your hard work and dedication to our students. 
  • Lions Club KES Donation: Thank-you Lion's Club for your KES donation and for coming to our school and serving breakfast this week! Amazing! 
  • KES: Thank-you Ms. LeShane for organizing our Kids Eat Smart breakfast program and thank-you to all of our community volunteers! Huge thank-you to all of our volunteers for making this program happen. If you wish to support, please reach out to the school. 
  • Study Hall: Huge thanks to Mr. Holloway for giving up his time to support student learning every Tuesday and Wednesday afterschool! 
  • Doorways: Thank-you Doorways for their visit this past February 28th 2024.
  • Check Facebook/Twitter: For more updates on good news and information check out our Baccalieu Collegiate facebook/twitter page. 
  • Did I miss something? If I missed anything please be sure to reply-all. There are so many amazing things going on at Baccalieu already, so chances are I might miss something. Celebrate whenever you can! 

Sunday, March 3, 2024

BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, March 4th 2024 (DAY 7)

Dear Families,

I hope you enjoyed your weekend! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review updates and important reminders! Any questions or concerns let me know. If I have missed anything please reply-all to this email.

Updates and Important Information

Sr. Boys Ball Hockey: Tryouts is Monday, March 4th 2024 3-430pm and Wednesday, March 6th 2024 430-6pm.

* Junior and Senior Badminton: Tryouts are 3-430pm on Wednesday, March 6th 2024.

1) Student Trip to White Hills: Space is limited but registration is now open to any students wishing to experience White Hills. Final deadline for all participants to register including $50.00 payment is Tuesday, March 5th 2024. The trip will take place on Thursday, March 14th 2024 at a cost of $50.00 (includes rental, professional lessons, lift pass, and transportation). In order for students to secure their spot on this trip the White Hills Required Forms and Information must be completed and passed into Mr. Foley by the following date. Please note, Mr. Foley and the Office have printed copies of the forms available to pick-up. For more information on White Hills please see their website: If a student wishes to attend but requires financial support to do so, please contact (confidentially) Mr. Saxby at to apply for assistance.

2) Discrimination: Please be advised that on Monday, March 4th 2024 there will be brief but very serious conversations with students regarding racist and anti-immigrant comments and behaviour happening in our school. The school will be following up with more educational initiatives in the future. Racism along with any hate/discrimination towards any diversity of people including our immigrant families, LGBTQ+, Neurodiverse, etc is a crime against our Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms and will be reported to the RCMP. Monday evening might be a good time for families to reflect on this topic and support the conversation surrounding any ignorance and spearhead stronger understanding on the topic.

3) Reminder: Families please remind your students in Grade 7-9 that cell phones are to be kept in their bookbags during class time unless otherwise permitted by the teacher. Students are not permitted out of class with their cellphones. Failure to comply will result in confiscation of their phone. Additionally, families are reminded that all students must be completing their learning in-class during class time. Students' learning must be visible and cannot be simply brought home and completed in its entirety at home.

4) School Council Meeting: School Council will have a meeting at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, March 5th 2024 at the school.

5) CDLI Report Card Writing Day: Please note, CDLI teachers will be having a report card writing day on Wednesday, March 6th 2024.

6) BCP Drama Troupe Performance: Our Junior and Senior Drama Troupes are off to Drama Festival this week! Our Junior Troupe will be performing March 7th at 6:15pm and our Seniors will perform March 8th 2024 at 1:30pm. (Weather pending). All performances will be held at the Sheila NaGeira Theatre in Carbonear! Thank-you in advance to our Lighthouse project members who will be documenting the journey.

7) Grade 9 Graduation Program Meeting: On Tuesday, March 12th 2024 at 6:30pm Mr. Saxby will be presenting the Graduation program for any families interested. In particular this presentation is prepared for families of Grade 9 students as they prepare for Level 1 next year.

8) Term 2 End: Please note that Term 2 ends March 10th 2024. See calendar for more important dates.

9) Close out for Reporting: Please note that Baccalieu will have a Close out for Report writing on Monday, March 11th 2024

10) Study Hall: Do not forget about Study Hall. It is an excellent resource providing your student/child a distraction free and routine space to work on their studies. Study Hall is every Tuesday and Wednesday from 3-4pm. Support from students and teachers are available. Don't be shy. Come to the Study Hall!

11) Student Chromebooks: Please remind students to bring their district issued chromebooks to school each day. We are very limited on the number of chromebooks that we have as loaners for students if they forget to bring their own.

12) Snowball Dance: The Snowball Dance is postponed until a later date. Stand by for an update. Please see very important BCP Dance Rules as a reminder that the dance is a privilege and not a right.

13) Winter Carnival: The Winter Carnival 2024 is postponed until a later date. Stand by for an update. Please see the Tentative WC Schedule here.

14) Important Allergy Reminder:This is a reminder to our school community that we have people in the school who have scent allergies. Please do not wear strong scents to school as it affects a person's health. Additionally, please do not bring in fish, shellfish, eggs, or nuts. Thank-you.

15) BCP Athletic Shirts and Apparel: Students/Parents/Guardians can now order Baccalieu Predators Athletics shirts through In the Box NL online store. The clothing options include: dri-fit short sleeve, dri-fit long sleeve, crew neck sweatshirt, and hooded sweatshirt all in grey or navy blue. NOTE: For some sports teams you will be asked to order a shirt with a number to be used as a jersey, this will be at the direct instruction of your coach. Do not order a shirt with a number without consulting directly with your coach. BCP Athletic shirts are a quality low cost option for short term sports teams. To order anytime please see the following site:

16) GET AHEAD: Check the Calendar ( for further and future updates including extra and co-curricular events and special events upcoming!

Good News Report (In no particular order)

Anti-Bullying Day: Pink shirt day was February 28, 2024 and it was amazing seeing so many students show off their pink! Special Congratulations to the Grade 10 homeroom for the most impressive showing!

Senior Girls Volleyball: Congratulations to the senior girls volleyball team on taking home another banner this weekend. The girls won gold at the NLVA 18U volleyball provincials. Special congratulations to Emma Bursey on winning MVP of the tournament and Sarah Oliver for receiving an All-Star award.

Drama Troupe: Congratulations to both the Junior and Senior Drama Troupe for an amazing performance this past Thursday, February 29th 2024. Special thank-you to AMITY for their spectacular performance. Thank-you to Ms. Reid, Ms. Bolt, and Ms. Sequiera for their leadership. Thank-you to the community for their tremendous support! Everyone's hard work and commitment is genuinely appreciated!

Waterloo Math Contests: Congratulations Ms. Slade and participants who competed in the Waterloo Math contest this past Wednesday, February 28th 2024. We had 18 students give up their time and challenge themselves! Great work!

Grade 9 Science: Thank-you Ms. Sheppard, Dot Clouter, and Mr. Clouter for spending the day baking bread with our Grade 9 classes! Students should be very proud of their bread baking skills and now know more about the science of it!

Lions Club Speak-off: Congratulations to Anna March-Mulrooney and Emma Bursey who participated in the local Lions Club Speak Out Tuesday, February 27th 2024! Both girls did a great job and will be competing in the zone Speak Out on March 21, 2024. Good luck Ladies!

Thank-you Coaches: Big thanks to our sports coaches for dedicating their time to enhance student well-being and learning through sport!

KES: Thank-you Ms. LeShane for organizing our Kids Eat Smart breakfast program and thank-you to all of our community volunteers! Huge thank-you to all of our volunteers for making this program happen. If you wish to support, please reach out to the school.

Study Hall: Huge thanks to Mr. Holloway for giving up his time to support student learning every Tuesday and Wednesday afterschool!

Doorways: Thank-you Doorways for their visit this past February 28th 2024.

Check Facebook/Twitter: For more updates on good news and information check out our Baccalieu Collegiate facebook/twitter page.

Did I miss something? If I missed anything please be sure to reply-all. There are so many amazing things going on at Baccalieu already, so chances are I might miss something. Celebrate whenever you can!

BCP Family Weekly Updates: Monday, September 16th 2024 (DAY 9)

  Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Thank-you in advance for taking the time to review  updates  and important reminders...